Friday, December 31, 2004

Insanity - 55 Years In Prison For Selling Marijuana

Last month, Angelos was sentenced to 55 years in prison for selling marijuana to undercover police officers. As U.S. District Judge Paul Cassell pointed out at sentencing, that's more time than he would have received if he had hijacked an airplane (25 years), beaten someone to death in a fight (13 years), or raped a 10-year-old child (11 years).

2004 – Year of the Slave

I think the state of the nation can be summed up by a simple contrast. Tommy Chong is in jail for selling a pipe, while Ken Lay walks around a free man with the billions he stole from his employees and investors. Any way you slice it, that’s a pretty screwed up situation.

Can Animals Sense Earthquakes?

Coincidence! Major quake exactly 1 year ago

Is it just a striking coincidence?

The 9.0 killer earthquake in Asia that unleashed tsunamis killing tens of thousands followed exactly one year to the hour after the Bam, Iran, earthquake that killed 26,000.

Some knew it was coming

Teen dies after being shot with Taser gun by Collier County deputies

NAPLES -- A teenager died after he was zapped with a Taser gun and doused with a substance similar to pepper spray during a fight with Collier County sheriff's deputies, officials said.

Christopher Hernandez, 19, of Fort Myers, was the third suspect to die in Florida this month after being subdued with a Taser gun. Hernandez died Tuesday, several hours after officials say he attacked deputies, kicking and ripping their uniforms. He ignored orders to stop.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Wars and Their Aftermath

Yet the wounds will remain. Arms do not grow back. For the paralyzed there will never be girlfriends, dancing, rolling in the grass with children. The blind will adapt as best they can. Those with merely a missing leg will count themselves lucky. They will hobble about, managing to lead semi-normal lives, and people will say, “How well he handles it.” An admirable freak. For others it will be less good. A colostomy bag is a sorry companion on a wedding night.

Marines will stay close to home for urban training

The Marines will take over parts of downtown Toledo as sounds of gunfire will echo off buildings when training exercises are conducted next weekend.

Thai government may have killed tsunami warning

Thailand’s Meteorological Department may have delayed tsunami warning fearing it could damage the country’s tourism industry, officials said on condition of anonymity.

The U.S. knew about the tsunami

International ocean monitors predicted that a tsunami would likely follow the deadly earthquake that hit the Indian Ocean on Sunday. But they didn’t know who to inform.

Torture reconsidered: Shock, awe and the human body

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

In Worship of Pagan Gods

Someone recently said that he wished people would get back to the true meaning of Christmas. I wondered if he really believed this, because the “true meaning” of Christmas is rooted in Pagan beliefs. Christmas, as well as Easter and Halloween, are Pagan holidays. If we were to get back to the real meaning of these holidays, we would be worshiping Pagan gods. I wonder if most religious people are aware of this?

Lifes like that.....


Freeing your mind from illusions and delusional belief systems can be one of the most liberating things you can experience. It can also be one of the most powerful things you can experience. This report can serve as a starting point for systematically ridding your mind of the major illusions which the vast majority of humans suffer from -- particularly in the political domain.

Monday, December 20, 2004

The Flat Earth Society

The Society asserts that the Earth is flat and has five sides, that all places in the Universe named Springfield are merely links in higher-dimensional space to one place, and that all assertions are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true false and meaningless in some sense.

Eliminate -- don't privatize -- the plundering

Social Security is among the most tyrannical government programs under which the average wage earner must suffer.

What's the solution? Scrap the whole system! Let's not "privatize" plunder, the way so many free market socialists want to.

I say the Ponzi scheme should go, as soon as possible. It's racked up enough unfunded liabilities for 100 governments, and it's at the top of the list of America's worst welfare state programs.

End Socialist Security!

woohoo Anthony Gregory!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

National Fluoride Database Launched by USDA

It is within the first three or four sentences of the press release, titled, "Tracking Fluoride in the National Food Supply," that we catch a glimpse of what this report is really all about. In reality, it is about the accumulating consequences of deliberately contaminating America's water supply with the industrial waste product commonly referred to as "fluoride."

Clearly, this is not a substance that the majority of an entire nation should be forced to swallow, bathe in, inhale, cook with, and ingest via their drinking water on a daily basis.

The Plot To Kill Us All

This is a must read!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

George W. Bush's America: A National Nightmare?

Your papers please! Prove who you are! Where are you going? We will search you and your vehicle. What? You are questioning this? What? You have "a problem" with this? You must be a terrorist then because you're either wit us er agains us!

US Troops Ordered To Commit War Crimes

A human disaster. You Bush-Huggers are so cock-proud, ain't cha?

Rummy's Message to the Troops....

9/11 measure expands police powers

George Bush: "If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier -
just so long I'm the dictator." December 18, 2000, CNN Transcript.

America: The Fourth Reich -- Broadcaster and writer Barrie Zwicker: It should not be denied any longer -- America is hurtling along the road to full-fledged fascism. Consider 20 parallels between the USA today and Hitler’s Germany.

The Bush Doctrine of Israel Above All

Isn’t it time for a free press that openly questions the deadly pact between US politicians and the Jewish state of Israel?

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


(Atlanta, Georgia) Dec. 11, 2004 - A man decked out as Santa Claus, complete with jolly red suit and gifts, stunned holiday shoppers. Police say he picked up a two-by-four and started pounding a nearby woman passing out religious fliers.

Don't F**K with Santa or Santa's STUFF!

Caring for the Wounded in Iraq — A Photo Essay

Monday, December 13, 2004

I was dreaming about being some dictator of a country or some savior like Jesus . . ."

Article 2 Clause 5 of the US Constitution States: No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

The Founders forged Clause 5 of Article 2 of the Constitution to protect America from a foreign-born President holding dual or treacherous alliances with other countries.

Ironically, the Founding Fathers did this because, at the time of the ratification of the Constitution in 1789, a scandal was enveloping Europe concerning an Austrian government operation where Austrian agents would move to another European country as young men, become popular, and move into powerful elected positions, all the while serving their Austrian homeland.

Donald vs. Donald

Donald answers his own questions to prevent anyone else from asking one.

We saw the Smothers Brothers last night

And we had a sudden realization as we sat in the car before the show. You see, we were a little bit early so we decided to sit and listen to the last few minutes of "Da Bucks" game. As we watched the people file into the concert hall I looked at my husband and said, "Oh my God! Look at this crowd! We're middle-aged!" My husband thanked me for pointing out that fact and we limped in to our seats. Which were, by the way, 5th row middle, excellent! We could see the glimmer in the Bros eyes, and they were really great. Before the show I wondered if they (the Bros) had given up completely on their politcal humor. If they were "on board" for the war. I remember them being very political when I watched them as a kid. They did not disappoint as they managed to weave a few barbs at the present state of affairs into their act. Such as stating that "lying is national policy." They were great and we really had a great time.

Individualism, Individual Responsibility and Freedom

The problem with America today is that its people have abandoned their heritage of individualism and individual responsibility, which are key elements of freedom. Americans, like most other people, have succumbed to the siren call of the collectivist state with its false collectivist promises of freedom, peace, prosperity, and security. People need to realize the state will never be able to deliver on its promises, that the state’s collective responsibility is actually irresponsibility, and is an enemy of freedom. People are better served by rejecting the collectivist state, and embracing individualism and individual responsibility, which lead to freedom.

4th-grader arrested for having scissors at school

Is there a test for common sense? These school administrators would fail time and time again!

Teachers who fail

This explains a lot!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

And, as I write about and think about MY dog....

"Rock-n-roll played loudly from one of the vehicle's radios as marines just outside the base walls fired off several more shots at flashes of fur among the piles of rubble."

I'm not an idiot, I understand why these dogs have to be killed. But, who the hell made them be in such deplorable conditions in the first place? Who was it that bombed their city to smithereens and left all those rotting corpses laying around for them to have no choice (they're starving) but to eat? Was it perhaps SATAN?????????????????

Oh, and I think the blasting rock music our dudes play whilst they kill is so, well, sweet!

It doesn't get any better than this!

I had a wonderful day yesterday. I didn't do anything "special." I didn't go anywhere "special." Well, at least not what people would think of as special. I stayed home in the morning and got some work done around the house. Around noon it was time to rest, so I went out back and I sat with my dog. She did her usual sniff of the perimeter (lizard check) and then she came over and sat down next to me and pressed her body against my leg. I looked down at her with love and she looked up at me with love and we both sighed. We sat there looking out on the yard and watched as a small yellow butterfly flew from one weed to another.

The love I have for this dog...where the heck did it come from? I have always been a "cat person." After my parents gave away my dog when I was in 9th grade I sort of gave up on dogs. Besides, cats are beautiful, graceful, funny, loving (mine were), and (best of all) self sufficient. Dogs are needy, yappy, dirty, screwy, too much work. I believe this dog of mine was sent to me from above. She truly is a little angel. She has had a calming effect on the whole family. Having a moment to sit with her like that, feeling her body pressed up against my leg, I couldn't have been happier or more at peace. It just doesn't get any better than that!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

News From Inside Iraq

Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches (this is the site of the man interviewed in the article I linked to below)

Unembedded in Iraq

"My greatest concern is the reaction of my own government. I'm reporting information that the Bush regime wants kept under wraps. I fear reprisal from both the government and military far, far more than being kidnapped or blown up by a car bomb.

Iraqis are of course shocked and outraged by the beheadings and kidnappings of people like Margaret Hassan. So many also believe it was a CIA/Mossad plot to keep aid organizations and journalists out of Iraq in order to give the military and corporations here a free hand to continue to dis-assemble and sell of the country."

Freedom On A Leash

"A lot of people who talk of their 'freedoms' (eg Freedom Of Speech) are really just talking about the length of their leash. There's a difference between being free and being granted a certain amount of clothesline by an authoritarian keeper."

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Please, visit their site to read about where gun control have taken people in the past, and where it will take us in the future if we go along to get along.


"The only people empowered by gun control laws are governments and criminals. And unfortunately sometimes one is the other."

Rumsfeld vs. the American Soldier

Who is in control?

"How is your life? How is your family, your children, how are they doing in school? How are you doing financially? Are you struggling, under pressure or stress? Do you understand what is going on in the world around you? Are you happy?

Most people are concerned primarily with maintaining their place within the societal structure, within the scheme of things, as they can perceive it. Because they are focused only on what they perceive is important in their own daily lives, there are many who do not understand what is happening in the world and so they don't pay much attention to it. Many of the things that take place in the world might not seem to affect them. These things may not seem to have a lot of relevance to that which they need to do, in order to get on in life. Many do not acknowledge that events taking place in the world, the things they read in newspapers and in news reports on radio and TV, actually have a direct affect on their daily lives.

Well, these things do and will affect YOU! Pretty soon now, if things progress according to the agenda of the global elite, your daily lives will be affected in ways you haven't even begun to imagine! Soon, you will begin to feel the personal effects of international corporate mergers, international peacekeeping forces, international economic and religious manipulation and worldwide social oppression."

Acknowledging the Law of One

"We are all Spirits who possess a body and a mind. The physical body is merely a vehicle that the Spirit inhabits, in order to experience Life on the Earth plane. When we believe that the body we inhabit is truly who we are, as we are programmed to believe, then we are always searching outside of ourselves, for that elusive 'something' which we can't describe. We look to that promotion at the office, or that new luxury car, or a relationship with another person. We look for answers from other people who we consider, authorities."

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Are you on Drugs?

"The odds are very good that you are on drugs.

Right now. This minute. As I type this and as you read this and as false Texas dictators rise and sad empires crumble and as this mad bewildered world spins in its frantically careening orbit, there's a nearly 50/50 chance that some sort of devious synthetic chemical manufactured by some massive and largely heartless corporation is coursing through your bloodstream and humping your brain stem and molesting your karma and kicking the crap out of your libido and chattering the teeth of your very bones.

Maybe it's regulating your blood pressure. Maybe it's keeping your cholesterol in check. Maybe it's helping you sleep. Maybe it's helping you wake the hell up. Maybe it's opening your bronchial tubes. Maybe it's brightening your terminally bleak outlook."

Pat Tillman and the Nihilistic Myths of the State

"So in the memory and spirit of the man who made “the ultimate sacrifice in the war on terror,” let’s do that, shall we? Let’s start demanding some straight talk about some rather uncomfortable truths.

It is all well and good to know that the Bushes prayed for Tillman’s family after he was slaughtered, though I’m not sure what good that does for someone who has forever lost a son, a brother, perhaps an uncle. What exactly will the president’s prayers do for them? Will his prayers bring back the bright, vibrant, successful young man who died senselessly at the hands of scared, panicky fellow soldiers confused by miscommunication and misguided orders issued by arrogant commanders far removed from the field of battle? I don’t think so.

Here’s another rather uncomfortable truth: It appears that the Pentagon actually exaggerated much of Tillman’s exploits in that war-battered, God-forsaken hellhole of a country so as to make greater his legend while simultaneously glossing over the foolish errors that were committed. This should come as no surprise, as this type of irresponsible propaganda has long served the U.S. Federal State’s never-ending recruitment drive to entice young men—and nowadays young women as well—into risking the loss of their own lives for the State’s ongoing Machiavellian schemes to slaughter and plunder the many for the benefit of a select few."

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Bring 'em on!

Heard on "Paul Harvey" this morning:

(I'm paraphrasing) "Is the media showing Americans too many car bombings and bad negative stories like that? Should we be looking at the war from "the other side of the telescope?"

Now, just what the hell was he referring to? One can't be sure because he just said it, and left it as a question, without really being clear as to which side of the telescope we are being shown the war currently. One could surmise from his rant that we Americans are being shown too much of the war, which would imply that we are looking through the correct end of the telescope to bring that which is far away closer to view.

Mr. Harvey implies we are seeing TOO MUCH OF THE WAR. Therefore, we should turn that "telescope" of the media around and have the war look very far away so as not to see as much.

If Mr. Harvey truly believes that Americans are seeing too much of the graphic reality of the war, he is either misinformed or ignorant (or perpetuating the Pentagon media-machine line). The reality of our media is that they show you very little of the reality of the war, of ANY war. I say let's have our media show us the truth of war. The truth of the tragedy and human suffering that is war. I say BRING IT ON! THE MORE GRAPHIC THE BETTER! (Maybe, just maybe, then more people will wake up to see that there but for the grace of God go they. In other words, we could be the ones being attacked, bombed, captured, tortured, maimed, humiliated, spate upon, shot at, etc. etc.)

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Innocence and Ignorance Beget Horror and Destruction

Rumsfeld's Muddy Quagmire

Ironically, President Bush’s seeming reluctance to fire Rumsfeld indicates how badly the war is going. If the president fired Rumsfeld, an American public that slumbered through the election might finally realize the true dismal state of the war. Instead, like a deer caught in the headlights, Bush naively and unwisely believes that by retaining the charismatic face of his Iraq policy, he can hide his and Rumsfeld’s failure long enough to figure out what to do. Instead, he should fire Rumsfeld and hire someone who can begin to extricate the United States from this muddy quagmire.

December 7, 1941: A Setup from the Beginning

As Americans honor those 2403 men, women, and children killed—and 1178 wounded—in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941, recently released government documents concerning that “surprise” raid compel us to revisit some troubling questions.

Fallujah Residents Face Choice: Retina Scan and Take ID Card....Or Die

Thank you so much to this caller who taped this! We heard it too. Now, proof we were not dreaming it! Sick!

Save us from the politicians who have God on their side

Monday, December 06, 2004

Drop the euphemisms - it's not 'tantamount to torture'; it's torture

AUSTIN - It is both peculiar and chilling to find oneself discussing the problem of American torture. I have considered support of basic human rights and dignity so much a part of our national identity that this feels as strange as though I'd suddenly become Chinese or found Fidel Castro in the refrigerator.

One's first response to the report by the International Red Cross about torture at our prison at Guantanamo is denial. ''I don't want to think about it; I don't want to hear about it; we're the good guys, they're the bad guys; shut up. And besides, they attacked us first.''

Returning Fallujans will face clampdown

Testing the Police State for you and me! Feel the love!

Proud to be an American ?

Pop goes the Bush mythology bubble

"Heads up and pay attention: the Department of Homeland Security was created to defend this government from the citizens of the United States because they fear we will find out and we will rise up and cast them from power. It does not defend this nation, you, your family, friends, or loved ones. It defends only the government not from Al Qaeda but from us. They know when Americans figure this out, Americans are going to be way past livid and heads in Washington, DC, are going to roll and butts are going to prison."

Barbara Olson's call from Flight 77 never happened

What is a friend?

What is the meaning of the word, "friend"? "A person one knows, likes and trusts. A favored companion, comrade. One who supports a group or cause." Well, at least that's what the dictionary says. I like to think of a true friend as someone who knows you and accepts you as you are and will be there for you when you need them. Lately, though, I'm really getting an education about the true nature of people in my life that I call "friends." There really are very few.

The few that are true are those who just like to be with us and there's nothing really "in it for them" other than camaraderie. Most of the people we know that are "friends" are fair-weather friends. They are "what's in it for me" friends. The "what can you do for me" friends. Friends that charge us (oh, a discount rate) for something they gladly give to others for free. Friends who don't listen to a word we say, that talk right over the top of us when we speak. I sometimes do it for fun now when I'm around these people, I'll say something about myself or my family and they will immediately reply with something about themselves, rather than even feign any kind of concern about what it was I just said. The friend with the business proposition that will make us oh-so-much-money, oh but they forgot to mention that they are really just using us to make the money, we're not really partners nor is there really any legitimate business!

Of course I'm way too long in the tooth for any of this to surprise me. Why should it, really? When we live in a country where our government thinks nothing about recalling a woman back into military service who has 3 young children to care for, as young as 7 months and 23 months! Or calling back a woman to service who is 55 years old! And they are training her to go into battle! Or, they call back disabled veterans! Hey, all you used up folks who have already served your time, we are your friends here in the military. And friends use friends.

Well, I am tired. I am tired of being used. I am tired of people calling me a friend but then not being there for me when I need them (and I RARELY call on people, I am very self sufficient). I know who my true "friends" are and to those people I say, "thank you for being a friend!" It's good to know we do have a few people we can call in in this sick-and-getting-sicker world. The rest of you.......well, you know where you can go!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Lords of the flies

Read it and weep....well, you'd weep if you have a soul. The soul-less flesh our government has programmed to carry out this terror and their ilk do not care.

Yes it makes me pROUD TO BE AN amERICAN"
Where at least "I know I'm free"
and I won't forget those
men who carryed out this carnage for me

and I'll gladly STAND UP next to you
and tell you to your face
that if you're proud of this, fellow American
You are a damned disgrace!

This war makes me sick!

Yesterday on NBC's nightly news program they reported about the return to Fallujah of refugees. They spoke of how all citizens (subjects) will be retinal scanned and fingerprinted. Sounds like freedom to me!

Fallujah has been reduced to rubble

"It's difficult to believe that in this day and age, when people are blogging, emailing and communicating at the speed of light, a whole city is being destroyed and genocide is being committed - and the whole world is aware and silent. Darfur, Americans? Take a look at what you've done in Fallujah."- Female Iraqi blogger Riverbend

Saturday, November 27, 2004

The Chill Pill Kids

More and more children, some just five years old, are being prescribed antidepressants. Yet nobody is sure of these drugs’ effects. So why are we using our young people as guinea pigs?

...the newly unearthed evidence about the potential side effects of Prozac should be of great concern. “There does seem to be hazards with these drugs. The research showing testicular shrinkage could be a real issue for teenage boys.

OK young men, listen up! If you don't care about your brain at least care about your testicles and get the hell off this crap!

An Intrusive new search

In late September, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) began allowing security checkpoint screeners to manually pat down women's breasts and the genital and derriere regions of both sexes during searches.

Finally! Value for that ticket price!

Military Amputees to Get New Rehab Center

WASHINGTON (AP) - A state-of-the-art rehabilitation center opening next year at Walter Reed Army Medical Center seeks to return more amputee soldiers to a place once thought impossible: the battlefield.

AWESOME! Guess there will be no more "wimping out" by trying to get sent home just because your limb got blown off!

Why the Democrats lost the election

Heard on talk tadio last night: The real reason the Democrats won the election. I wish I knew the name of the dude who uttered this sentiment so I could properly credit him. It was the man who guest hosted on the Friday show, "The Savage Nation."

He said that the reason the Democrats lost the election is because of their pro-abortion stance. He said that they keep aborting their base and that explains why there were not enough of them to vote in "their guy."

So, all you democrats out there who wonder what happened, just stop the abortions and you'll have more democrat voters!

(This comment, although one of the sicker comments I have heard from the fright recently, cracked me up!)

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Great-Grandmother being deployed to Iraq

I hope this is the start of a trend!

Condi Is A 'Monster' -- Helen Thomas

...longtime White House Bureau Chief Helen Thomas, now a syndicated columnist with Hearst, had nothing but contempt for Rice's nomination. The feisty 84-year-old reporter who started at the White House during the Kennedy administration had some unkind words to describe Bush and Condi.

Asked about the election result, the sharp-tongued reporter simply put her hand on her face and said, "My God, the man is a fascist -- a fascist, I tell you."

She warned that Bush's victory will mean one thing: more war. She expects Iran to be next.


Hmmmm.........Look familiar?

Why did the World Trade Centers create so much powdered concrete?

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


It is important to remember that some members of Congress who will vote on this insidious legislation, also own stock in the very pharmaceutical companies that will reap millions of dollars destroying the minds of America's children through forced medicating.

School orders boy to cover his T-shirt

'The Real Terrorist Is In The White House' is called a distraction by school officials

Greetings from Falluja

So much to be thankful for!

Who Killed Margaret Hassan?

" must always look to see who benefits from a crime when you are trying to get to the motive and the perpetrator of the crime. "

Explore Hidden Mysteries.....

Northern Lights Pictures -- Very cool!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

ohhh la la

2,000 Cameras To Watch City

CHICAGO (CBS 2) Mayor Daley officially opened a new city operations center Tuesday that will include a dramatic increase in camera surveillance on Chicago’s streets. The new addition to the 9-1-1 center will help manage and coordinate in response to emergencies such as a terrorist attack.

New Report Mass Graves Of US Soldiers

Dogs Eating Bodies in the Streets of Fallujah

Pentagon suppresses. Any who dare report are held up to ridicule by the MNM (Mind-Numbed-Masses). I awoke this morning to a local yokel radio "personality" putting down NBC for showing the footage of our troops gunning down an unarmed man. But, according to the interviews of the like-minded they are just doing their job. And damn good job they are doing too!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Children pay price for US offensive

Ala Barham slumps in his hospital bed and stares blankly into the air in front of him.

Twelve years old and still deeply in shock, he can barely speak.

Ala's family had fled the Iraqi city of Falluja before last Monday's all-out offensive began. He was happily playing with his brother in the garden of their uncle's house in a village outside the city. Then the rocket hit.

Terror Informant Ignites Himself Near White House

"It is my big mistake that I have cooperated with FBI," he said in a recent interview. "The FBI have already destroyed my life and my family's life and made us in a very danger position.."

A nine year old Fallujah boy we "liberated."

Rats Abandoning the Sinking Ship

So the rats are abandoning the sinking ship. The USS Democracy is about to set sail for new countries to plunder and they will have some new faces on board. Bon voyage!

Monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force

Monday, November 15, 2004

A city lies in ruins.

Some bodies were so mutilated it was impossible to tell if they were civilians or militants, male or female. Another body lay stretched out on the next block, its head blown off, perhaps in one of the countless explosions which rent the city day and night for nearly a week. Some bodies were so mutilated it was impossible to tell if they were civilians or militants, male or female.

Restaurant signs were covered in soot. Pavements were crushed by 70-ton Abrams tanks, and rows of crumbling buildings stood on both sides of deserted streets. Upmarket homes with garages looked as if they had been abandoned for years. Cars lay crushed in the middle of streets. Two Iraqis in one street desperately trying to salvage some of their smashed belongings were the only signs of life.

---I'm sure all the LIMBAUGHSAVAGEHANNITYSCHNITT TURNTHEDESERTTOGLASS heads are pretty happy. Love to see how those blow-hards would take an all out assault on their home. How the hell can people support this carnage? What the hell is wrong with people? This is not "for our freedom." WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In order to save the city, we had to destroy it.

And the carnage continues...

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Friday, November 12, 2004

Look dear! Don’t the chemtrails look lovely tonight?

Long live the empire. Let the killing continue.

A Chip in Your Shoulder

Should I get an RFID implant?

Student suspended for handstands, cartwheels

Dammit kid! Will you just sit down and SHUT UP already!

What's that they're injecting into your arm?

And the arm of your child?

Fearsome power of marines in Falluja

"One can only imagine the plight of the civilians.

I have questioned many times senior officers here about the use of heavy weapons because they have been using 155mm artillery in Falluja, they have been dropping 2,000 pound bombs.

The bullets that they fire are high velocity. The buildings are of poor construction here - the bullets travel through the walls.

And when they see what they believe to be militants - and these marines are incredibly calm under fire, they are almost unflinching - they do wait until they see a guy with a gun but when they see that, they open up with everything they have got and the question is, how much collateral damage is there going to be?

At the moment we simply do not know."

Eyewitness: Smoke and corpses

"A row of palm trees used to run along the street outside my house - now only the trunks are left. The upper half of each tree has vanished, blown away by mortar fire.
From my window, I can also make out that the minarets of several mosques have been toppled.
There are more and more dead bodies on the streets and the stench is unbearable.
Smoke is everywhere. "

Declaration of Dependence

Pirate, Chaplain, Whore

What's the difference between a pirate, chaplain and whore? Not much... they all do it for money.

Police raid wrong home; couple sues

Responding to a suicide threat, police broke into the wrong apartment, handcuffed and held the 2 at gunpoint.

---A suicide threat?

Online Learning Has Schools Nervous

A growing number of Colorado school superintendents are devising strategies to soften the blow of losing students to online schools.

"If I lose two kids, that's $20,000 walking out the door," said Dave Grosche, superintendent of the Edison 54JT School District.

---Well, that's the most honest thing I've heard a superintendent say! It's really just all about the money, not your kids and what's in their best interest!

We seize servers, you can't complain - US gov

The vast majority of web site 'owners' (inverted commas introduced courtesy US Gov) should have no trouble at all figuring out where they would stand in such a scenario. You operate a web site which is hosted by an external company, and an unidentified agency of an unidentified government has the power to take data which you own, but which is situated on hardware hosted by the external company, and according to the US Government, it's nothing to do with you, only the external company has the standing to complain. One could speculate why, given the need to maintain some form of ongiong relationship with the FBI, a hosting company might not think it a particularly good idea to complain.

They're Throwing Journalists Into Jail Right Here In The USA

Paging China! Help us! Urge the U.S. government to respect freedom of the press!

Satan hides in a hospital

Operation fuck up the planet continues with wild abandon!

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Yes, we are!


I don’t know about everyone else, but if I have to hear one more politician or talking head say something about Democracy, I may start shooting. During and after the S-election, all I have heard is the mindless chant of Democracy. If it’s not from the right wing neo-cons who “won” the fiasco, it’s from the other side whining about how Democracy was stolen.

The funny part is, Democracy accomplished just what it was intended to accomplish, mob rule! It’s hysterical that someone is complaining that the election was not fair, when all elections are not fair. Is it ever fair that 51% of the people tell the other 49% what they can do with their property?

We were intended to be a representative Republic, and I think it is treason for any government official to say otherwise. If they are going to perpetuate the lie of Democracy, they should at least call it by its rightful name, Mobocracy!

Monday, November 08, 2004

Who would Jesus bomb?

"Thus David prevailed over the Philistines," the marine said, reading from scripture, and the marines shouted back "Hoorah, King David," using their signature grunt of approval.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

So what's a freedom loving American to do?

Well, here we are, November 2nd! That all-holy day of democracy when we trail off like ants to the "polling place", various schools, churchs (separation of church and state?), ball parks, and shopping malls to do our "civic duty" as described to us by our handlers. I have not missed a day of voting since I (proudly!) became a voter way back in the dark ages of 1980. I have NEVER missed a vote. Not one. Not even those little elections no one seems to care about, you know, local referendums and such. I've been there, in full sheep regalia!

Now we have "touch-screen" "voting." Read this article: Bigger Than Watergate! In that article (which is only one of many not touched by your beloved mainstream media) they touch on:

"Imagine then if it were possible to somehow subvert the voting process itself in such a way that you could steal elections without anybody knowing.
Imagine for example if you could:

- secure control of the companies that make the voting machines and vote counting software;
- centralise vote counting systems, and politicized their supervision;
- legislate for the adoption of such systems throughout your domain, and provide large amounts of money for the purchase of these systems;- establish systems of vote counting that effectively prevent anybody on the ground in the election at a booth or precinct level - from seeing what is happening at a micro-level;
- get all the major media to sign up to a single exit-polling system that you also control removing the risk of exit-polling showing up your shenanigans.

And imagine further that you;
- install a backdoor, or numerous backdoors, in the vote counting systems you have built that enable you to manipulate the tabulation of results in real time as they are coming in. "

Research the enormous amount of information available on VOTE FRAUD I dare you! Or, would you rather not lose your sense of hope in your beloved system? Perhaps you are happier, head firmly buried in the sand, eyes deeply ensconced behind rose colored glasses?

Oh mighty electorate, take your Anafranil, Aventyl, Celexa, Cymbalta, Desyrel, Effexor, Elavil, Lexapro, Limbitrol, Ludiomil, Luvox, Marplan, Nardil, Norpramin, Pamelor, Parnate, Paxil, Pexeva, Prozac, Remeron, Sarafem, Serzone, Sinequan, Surmontil, Symbyax,Tofranil, Tofranil-PM, Triavil, Vivactil, Wellbutrin, Zoloft and Zyban! Swallow them down with a big, tall cool one! Remote in hand, ass firmly planted on your couch! Then, you tell me I AM WRONG AND YOU ARE RIGHT!

And still, so socially conditioned am I, that I am STILL considered participating in this charade today! How can I? With all I have learned? Why should I? And more to the point, why should I feel so almost GUILTY if I don't? What a fantastic job of social engineering has been done when a person will learn the truth and still deny it.

Six weeks ago I decided to take today off from work. Yesterday as I was leaving one of my coworkers told me to have a great day off. To that I replied, "Thanks, yeah, I might even vote!" To that, the response came shouted across the office from one of the activist attorneys who was not even a party to my conversation, "YOU BETTER VOTE!"

I BETTER VOTE? Guilt (fear), guilt (fear), guilt (fear), guilt (fear). I better vote!

The New Freedom

In our new Amerika we are now arrested for wearing the "wrong" tee-shirt. Smells like FREEDOM!

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Tralllll Lawyers

"Mr. Bush’s attempt to make tralll lawyer a four letter word – heck, he may actually think it is four letters – would be laughable if it were not designed to discredit an entire group of professionals. What can you say about a man who will utilize the office of the President to smear the very group which got him there in the first place? In the legal profession, we have an expression – res ipsa loquitor – the thing speaks for itself. "

Bush has no choice but to reinstate draft

If you love hypocrisy, you should vote.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Up goes the terror!

As the feeling of impending doom gets stronger and stronger Al-C-I-A-Da releases this video.

This report is interesting:

"On the video, the unknown man's face is masked with a Palestinian scarf and sunglasses. He stabs the air with his finger, which appears to be fair-skinned, as he delivers his warning in American-accented English."

A Palestinian headscarf? American accented english? Hmmmmm....

My mailbox was BOMBARDED yesterday with "vote" crap. Being a registered Independent I get blasted from all sides. I am still considering "voting." I mean, I do have up until Tuesday to decide if I want to participate in this charade? I am sick of the traffic tie-ups downtown with all the early "voters." I am sick of all the visual pollution from all the signs everywhere, "Vote for me and I'll set you free."

The next attacks, he adds, "could come at any moment."

Attacks. That would be more than one? Thank you Ill-uminated ones. What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world you have molded for us.

Our Ill-uminated "President" flips the bird to you, and you, and you, and you!

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Kerry "Wins" 2004 Presidential Selection!

I'm going to go out on a limb here and make my prediction. In my scientific "red tie - blue tie" poll I found that Kerry was allowed to wear his red (power) tie 2 out of the 3 "debates" which clearly shows that he is the favoured candidate of the Illuminated ones.

Be on the lookout for widespread chaos among the more "civilized" "voters" who "voted" for BushMongerInc. to break out across the country.

Getting out the Non-Vote

"My sentiments on the topic have little, incidentally, to do with the fact that both candidates in this presidential election are certifiable liars, lifelong ne'er-do-wells, and borderline sociopaths."

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Big Brother Under Your Skin

The future is now. The microchip implant for humans is here. Free with every vente latte!

I shall walk toward my car completely naked and keyless and laughing maniacally and I shall wave my arm over a tiny scanner and the doors will open and the engine will start and the stereo will begin to pump out "Highway to Hell" at a nice respectable skull-thumping volume.

And, lo, it shall be Good.

I shall stroll up to any ATM sans wallet and sans ATM card and I shall hold my arm over the screen and immediately withdraw four hundred dollars and then turn around to the big shiny vending machine and wave my arm again and get myself a nice bag of toxic neon-orange Doritos and a Diet Mountain Dew so I can poison my body in the American tradition without inserting a single piece of needless pocket change.

And, lo, it shall be Good.

The Drivers License as HOSTAGE tool for the draft (among other things)

"Well, here is my suggestion . . . . All you young fellows should go ahead and make a "good faith" effort to sign up for the Selective Service. However, since they want your signature, don't give it to them. After all, it IS your property and they have no power on earth to FORCE you into giving it up to them in order to enter into a contract with them. If you use the card that you can get at the Post Office, and you have no birth certificate, then don't fill in the date of birth. If you don't have a socialist security number, don't fill that in. And where it wants you to put your name, fill it out but USE UPPER AND LOWER CASE letters, because they want all capitals which designates a FICTION at law. And of course they want you to sign and admit that you are the fiction as stated above in the contract. Where it says "State" there is a block for two letters. I cannot fit Arkansas in that block. And as for the zip code? Why do they need it? The POST OFFICE needs zip codes. That is what they are for.

Now attach a letter and explain the above and be sure to have it notarized and do not sign it. Then send it to them registered return receipt mail. That way you have PROOF that you made a good faith effort to register.

Here is what the letter could say:

I, (I will use myself as the example) Mark of the House of Reynolds, do hereby make the good faith effort to register with the Selective Service. However, the card you wish me to fill out has some glaring errors on it that I cannot in good faith fill out with the foreknowledge and understanding of the consequences.

1. You want my date of birth. Since I don't have a state-issued birth certificate, and in my case the place most folks call Arkansas refuses to allow the use of my proof of birth, I have no way to fill in this blank and in good faith sign that the statement is true. You see, I was not cognizant of my birth. I had no idea of the day or time, because I was an infant. I have to rely on the word of my parents to make the claim. They could have lied to me, though I do doubt it, but the possibility exists.

2. I have no Social Security number. For it to be my number, I would have to initiate its existence. Since these numbers are issued by agents of the Federal government, I would ask that you find out from them what the number is that they issued to me. You will find that they never issued one. They may have issued one to MARK REYNOLDS, but that is a fiction and I am not a fiction. (Your case may be that you never even had one issued, as in the case of my son.)

3. You ask that I fill my name out in black ink and in CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. To do so would be creating a fiction of myself, known in law as a straw man. And if I were to "affirm" that the statements were true, I would be affirming that I am the fiction that I was just cunningly deceived into creating.

4. You ask that I place the name of the state I reside in within two blocks. I do not know how to put the place most folks call Arkansas in a space of two blocks. AR is not the state of Arkansas . And as for the zip code? That is a number the Post Office requests for the mailing of papers and packages. I cannot in good faith place a number that is a federal identifier on this card. I only use it for the Post Office, which is who it is intended to be used for, and I do so with them in protest.

5. And lastly, you request my signature. My signature is my personal property and I do not enter into any contracts using it unless I know all of the ramifications of the contract. I do not require or desire any benefits which you may wish to bestow upon me if I have entered into a contract with you. I have no desire to yoke myself together with people who avidly work against my beliefs.

Now, attach your letter which you make sure is notarized and send it return receipt requested. You will have then made a good faith effort to "register" with the Selective Service."

Ousted by Bush For Wearing This T-Shirt

Three Oregon teachers were kicked out of a Bush campaign rally late last week and threatened with arrest for wearing this T-shirt: "Protect Our Civil Liberties," reports The Associated Press. The teachers, all of whom were appropriately ticketed for the event and admitted to it, did not say or do anything other than wear the shirt.

Democratic National Chairman Terry McAuliffe called the action "beyond outrageous" and said there has never before been a presidential campaign that is so determined to "keep people away who have a different view. The president has stripped his events of anyone who might disagree with him, which is completely un-American," McAuliffe said in a conference call with reporters on Sunday. Meanwhile, Bush campaign spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt told AP that no one on the campaign staff "can remember the incident or understand why they would have been removed unless there was reason to believe that they were disruptive or were planning to be disruptive."

One of the teachers, Tonia Tong, 34, of Medford, Oregon, said the three had agreed to remain quiet during the event. Although they successfully passed three security checkpoints, a volunteer who was assisting with security stopped one of the teachers, Janet Voorhies, 48, when she tried to go to the bathroom. Voorhies was told at that time that she and her friends were no longer welcome. Police officers then escorted them out of the Central Point fairgrounds where the event was taking place. They were told they would be arrested if they did not comply. The Bush/Cheney campaign routinely screens the opinions of those who attend speeches made by the two candidates.

Dumb and Dumber

"It has become a bad thing to think without being told how to think. I was chatting with someone in a chat room recently and she used the word intellectual as an insult, as she accused me of being one. I remember thinking how strange that was. The fact that someone would attempt to insult someone, by saying that they were capable of perceptive and creative thought really left me speechless."

Five Reasons Not to Vote

For the first time since 1980 I am seriously considering NOT to vote. The whole replublicrat-democan morph has really become very stale for me. It's a creation (the left-right paradigm) meant to keep us divided, defensive and not talking about the real issues that effect ALL of us. IF we ALL got together that would be too scary for the ruling class so they keep us all divided and then THEY pretend to be different, THEY pretend to offer an illusion of choice.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Read it and Weep

The "What Really" vote fraud archive. Participate. Line up for your sticker. "I voted"

Alien V. Predator

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Bush or Kerry?

It’s like getting to choose between emphysema and lung cancer!

Friday, October 08, 2004

The School Board Sickness

"Government schools are an atrocity. Not all government schoolteachers are evil, any more than all police officers are. But the system itself, funded through theft in the form of taxation, populated through kidnapping in the form of mandatory attendance, and serving the interests of state propaganda and social engineering, is an abomination constituting one of the very worst programs of American domestic policy."

Countdown to the Selection: Fear

School Warning:
School Plans, Security Information Gathered by Suspected Iraq Insurgent Focus Concern on Schools in Six States

Oct. 7, 2004 — Schools in six states in particular are being watched closely based on information uncovered by the U.S. military in Baghdad this summer, law enforcement and education officials told ABC News.

--Interesting timing on this story. I read where this was found in July, but we are just now hearing about it. Why?

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Cheney emerges from his bunker to snarl at John Edwards

Police State Trend: Arresting Young Children for Fighting

When I was a kid if they arrested every kid for this type of thing there'd be none of us left out on the streets. But wait, that's just the point isn't it? No child left behind...out of the clutches of the judicial system?

Robbing the Cradle...

...of civilation.

Like a "duck in a noose."

Freedom Fried!


DISASTER FOR BUSH: America Clearly Sees At Last That The Emperor Is Naked
Rambling, Incoherent... and It Was Bush Wiping The Sweat Away (and Drinking Heavily)
by Betsy R. Vasquez

--Good account of the first presidential "debate."

Bush, Kerry, and the CFR, It's All In The Family

It's just amazing to demo-friends who still believe, with all their heart, that John Kerry somehow represents THEM. The little guy. The working class. The downtrodden. He is one of the thickest blue-bloods that has been marketed to the masses since...hmmm, Bush! There's really not a dimes worth of difference between the two. It's war or war-lite.


Mary Schneider's (federal whistleblower) site. I found it interesting...but a good friend of mine said, "yawn." Yeah, "yawn" is where we're at with this stuff isn't it?

Monday, October 04, 2004

The Military Draft

Oh, but wait.....this is just another "conspiracy theory."

Mind Control

The topic of mind control is elaborate, multifaceted, and multilayered. For the casual reader, it can quickly become numbing, overwhelming the senses and creating a desire to exit the topic, but avoiding this subject is the most foolish thing you could possibly do since your only chance of surviving this hideous and insidious enslavement agenda, which today threatens virtualy all of humanity, is to understand how it functions and take steps to reduce your vulnerability.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Democracy = Death

"...the problem with democracy. It creates an aura of moral legitimacy for acts that would otherwise be considered tyranny."

Monday, September 27, 2004

Why Plants Don't Have ADD

"Anything that improves posture, gait, balance, endurance, timing and synchronization of muscles will improve cognitive function. That means play, not work. And since when are government schools play?"

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

A Holiday For Fools

Someone once defined a "fool" as a person who keeps responding to the same situation in the same way, expecting a different result. Perhaps the best illustration of this infirmity is found, every two years, in the system known as voting, wherein millions of people are induced to go the polls and vote for candidates who keep promising to carry out the unfulfilled promises they made in the previous election!

Drugs and Schooling: The Meaning of State Education

The government set up its own schools to accomplish something that the flourishing private-school market wouldn’t do: indoctrinate children into pliant subjects of the state — future taxpayers, soldiers, bureaucrats, and industrial workers. As education historian Ellwood Cubberly wrote approvingly in 1919,
Only a system of state-controlled schools can be free to teach whatever the welfare of the State may demand.

Or as the 19th-century sociologist Edward Ross said, the job of schools is to gather
little plastic lumps of human dough from private households and [shape] them on the social kneadingboard.

Or as the U.S. Bureau of Education put it in 1914,
The public schools exist primarily for the benefit of the State rather than for the benefit of the individual.

That’s why “socialization” has always been the first objective of government school systems. Academic subjects were a distant second. “Socialization” has two meanings. The benign sense denotes teaching children social skills so they can get along with others at work and play. The malign sense means instilling collectivism in children so they will see themselves not as autonomous individuals, but rather as more or less identical worker bees serving the Nation.

The Thought Police and the American Community Survey

Unlike the traditional census, which collects data every ten years, the American Community Survey is taken every year at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. And at 24 pages, it contains some of the most detailed and intrusive questions ever put forth in a census questionnaire. These concern matters that the government simply has no business knowing, including a person’s job, income, physical and emotional health, family status, place of residence and intimate personal and private habits.

The questions, as Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) has said, are “both ludicrous and insulting.” For example, the survey asks how many persons live in your home, along with their names and detailed information about them such as their relationship to you, marital status, race and their physical, mental and emotional problems, etc. The survey also asks how many bedrooms and bathrooms you have in your house, along with the fuel used to heat your home, the cost of electricity, what type of mortgage you have and monthly mortgage payments, property taxes and so on. This questionnaire also demands to know how many days you were sick last year, how many automobiles you own and the number of miles driven, whether you have trouble getting up the stairs and, amazingly, what time you leave for work every morning. With the power of government agents under the USA Patriot Act to secretly come into your home and rifle through your personal belongings without a search warrant, it is dangerous to let the government know when you will not be at home.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Schwarzenegger for president in 2008?

No, he's not eligible. Born in Austria, he's barred by the Constitution. But that would change under an amendment introduced Wednesday by a fellow California Republican.

'He's just sleeping, I kept telling myself'

A very descriptive account of one of our recent blood-baths, oops I mean liberation exercises....

Woman wearing 'President Bush You Killed My Son' T-Shirt disrupts first lady's rally

She was handcuffed and placed in a police van. For speech.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Up to 110 Dead in Iraq in One of the Bloodiest Days of U.S. Occupation

Speaking on NBC, Secretary of State Colin Powell said, "This is not the time to get weak in the knees or faint about it, but to drive on and finish the work that we started."

Makes me proud!

The two faces of Rumsfeld

2000: director of a company which wins $200m contract to sell nuclear reactors to North Korea

2002: declares North Korea a terrorist state, part of the axis of evil and a target for regime change

Sick From Aspartame? Meet Donald Rumsfeld.

Pentagon Revives Memory Project

"It's been seven months since the Pentagon pulled the plug on LifeLog, its controversial project to archive almost everything about a person. But now, the Defense Department seems ready to revive large portions of the program under a new name."

Woman fired for Kerry sticker.

Oppressive mind control, all around us.

Terrorism Targeted Against Freedom, Wolfowitz Says

If anyone should know about terrorism, it's this dude!

The Function of Government and the Criminality of the Justice System

"The function of government is not to protect life, liberty, and property – as much as I’d like to see those things protected. The function of government is to plunder, and to provide to those at the reins of the state with the loot stolen from those at the losing end. Sometimes it takes on other functions – kidnapping, brainwashing, torture, maiming, and murder. But the core function of government is theft. The core function is hardly to do something that it never has done – protect liberty. "

Monday, September 13, 2004

Powell Says War Service Should Pertain to Everyone

With the Iraqi war causing greater casualties and extended deployments, legislation has been introduced in the U.S. Congress to revive the draft, which was ended in 1973 as the Vietnam War wound down and subsequently replaced by an all-volunteer army.

Proud to be an American

Maimed and lifeless bodies of young men and boys lay in the street

Your tax dollars at work.

What Does 'Support the Troops' Mean?

In light of the fact that over 1,000 US troops have been sacrificed to the god of state, it is time to again ask what does “support the troops” mean. Does “support the troops” mean 100% unconditional support? The warmongers who sacrifice the blood of others to advance their criminal activities want all people to accept this view.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Think Outside the Booth

"... your vote is very important to the government. The more votes it has, the easier it can claim legitimacy. Voting is your way of blessing the institution of government itself."

What Exactly Is Freedom?

"Freedom is the societal condition that exists when every individual has full (i.e. 100%) control over his own property."

Bring 'em on!

There have been 1,110 coalition deaths, 979 Americans, 65 Britons, six Bulgarians, one Dane, two Dutch, one Estonian, one Hungarian, 19 Italians, one Latvian, 10 Poles, one Salvadoran, three Slovaks, 11 Spaniards, two Thai and eight Ukrainians, in the war in Iraq as of September 2, 2004.

Needed: A Leave the Children Behind Act!

"Government schools produce misguided, mediocre and frightfully monolithic minds. "

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

“Bilderberg: The ultimate conspiracy theory”

"All that is necessary for a cabal, whose primary objective is world domination, to succeed, is five things: absolute secrecy, control of governmental force, monopoly control of the press, extreme wealth and the influence it buys, and a crisp, unified agenda that all within that cabal unanimously agree to."

The Wolfman of Abu Ghraib

Another reason to homeschool.

Cry Havoc

"A more sinister – not to mention stupid – policy can scarcely be imagined. One of the most spectacular miscalculations in modern history was the American decision to create an international army of Islamic extremists to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. Together with the repressive militarists of Pakistan and the head-chopping religious tyrants of Saudi Arabia, American leaders armed, funded, supplied and shaped the global jihad – beginning before the Soviet intervention, which the bloody religious insurgency successfully provoked, as Washington intended. The CIA ended up fighting cheek-by-jowl with the likes of Osama bin Laden, helpfully providing the holy warriors with extensive training in "asymmetrical warfare" – i.e., terrorism. These rabid chickens came home to roost with a vengeance on Sept. 11, 2001, and are now running wild all over the world."

Friday, August 27, 2004

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Half Of Deaths Come After Charley, Not During

Only 25 deaths is a lie. Just another media lie.

Father Sets Self, Van On Fire After Learning Of Marine's Death

The horror!

Trying to peek out of the rabbit hole....

Everyday just gets a little weirder, just a little stranger that fiction. As my country descends deeper into tyranny and madness I feel like I am falling, falling, down the rabbit hole. Trying to scream out, a wee small voice in the wilderness, "H-e-l-l-oooo? Is anyone listening? Wake up? Before it's too late?" But, then I realize, it's already too late.....

Defending Our Skies Against the Elderly

My own elderly parent has also been subjected to this while one of our good family friends, a six foot two very dark skinned man of middle eastern descent gets a pass every time he flies. What is wrong with these people?

Teens get training for conscientious objector status

The Sunshine Patriots

March march march march march.....thank you sir, may I have another?

Damned dirty tree!

FORT WALTON BEACH, Fla. -- Okaloosa County sheriff's deputies think they have found a solution for getting rid of drug dealers and prostitutes who congregate under a giant oak tree: chop it down.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Hot Saucing?

Just when I think I've heard it all! Now I recognize this Lisa Whelchel person. She has become something of an "icon" in the homeschooling "community." She was BLAIR on the FACTS OF LIFE! Honestly...who the hell should be taking parenting tips from her? But, the hot sauce on the tongue thing? Is it any different from the bar of soap in the mouth thing? If anyone should get the hot sauce on the tongue treatment it's the lying weasle politicos and media mongers who supply the constant drone of propogenda that warps the minds and mouths of our children!

How to Plant a Spy in a Governor's Bed

"...the National Enquirer would focus on a homosexual affair. That is their beat. But ABC, FOX, the New York Times and Washington Post, tabloid journalism isn't their forte, at least it didn't used to be. Which is why the media's focusing on the homosexual affair instead of the fact that Golen Cipel is a known Israeli operative who infiltrated a Governor's office and almost Homeland Security causes such alarm. That's the story; that's what the media should be investigating. What systems were compromised? What information did Cipel pass on? Why did he target McGreevey? What did Israel hope to learn? What power did they hope to exercise by corrupting the governor of New Jersey? "

This author stills thinks the media is interested in actual reporting of the news, or something like that. This is a screwy story from the git go. Another diversion? Or something deeper?

"The Ghost of Orwell is Upon us"

"The fabrication that is the ‘war on terror’ thus continues to propel itself, becoming a mechanism created by man that is slowly spiraling out of our ability to rein it in and control it. It continues to expand, corrupt and divide, free to enrapture humanity with its dark haze of violence and hatred whose ramifications we do not yet fully comprehend. The perfect enemy has been created, the perfect sheep we have become, and in the dark constructs of human power, greed and control a military/ police state begins to grow. "

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Hurricane Charley

Just got back from visiting with my cousin who lost her home in hurricane Charley. She lived at Windmill Village in Punta Gorda. The devastation is immense. So many lives have been touched by this hurricane. So many people who have had their homes either totally destroyed or damaged. The pictures on the news really do not do it justice. If you read this and would like to help send an email to me and I will reply with a list of the needs and how you can help.

Think Outside the Booth

Voting for the lesser of two evils or a long shot candidate is an exercise in self-delusion.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Birth Certificates and the Law

birth certificates are one of the primary ways in which the State counts and controls its citizens

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


attempted cover up by the U.S. Government is suspected.

Police State USA

Last week's announcement that the terrorist threat warning level has been raised in parts of New York, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C. has led to dramatic and unprecedented restrictions on the movements of citizens. Americans wishing to visit the U.S. Capitol must, for example, pass through several checkpoints and submit to police inspection of their cars and persons.

Many Americans support the new security measures because they claim to feel safer when the government issues terror alerts and fills the streets with militarized police forces. As one tourist interviewed this week said, “It makes me feel comfortable to know that everything is being checked.” It is ironic that tourists coming to Washington to celebrate the freedoms embodied in the Declaration of Independence are so eager to give up those freedoms with no questions asked.

Freedom is not defined by safety. Freedom is defined by the ability of citizens to live without government interference. Government cannot create a world without risks, nor would we really wish to live in such a fictional place. Only a totalitarian society would even claim absolute safety as a worthy ideal, because it would require total state control over its citizens' lives. This doesn't stop governments, including our own, from seeking more control over and intrusion into our lives. As one Member of Congress stated to the press last week, “people who don't want to be searched don't need to come on Capitol grounds.” What an insult! The Capitol belongs to the American people who pay for it, not to Congress or the police.

It is worth noting that the government rushes first to protect itself, devoting enormous resources to make places like the Capitol grounds safe, while just beyond lies one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the nation. What makes Congress more worthy of protection from terrorists than ordinary citizens?
To understand the nature of our domestic response to the September 11th, 2001 attacks, we must understand the nature of government. Government naturally expands, and any crises – whether real or manufactured – serve to justify more and more government power over our lives. Bureaucrats have used the tragedy of 9/11 as an excuse to seize police powers sought for decades, such as warrantless searches, Internet monitoring, and access to bank records. It should be no surprise that the recently released report of the 9/11 Commission has but one central recommendation: bigger government and more spending at home and abroad.

Every new security measure represents another failure of the once-courageous American spirit. The more we change our lives, the more we obsess about terrorism, the more the terrorists have won. As commentator Lew Rockwell of the Ludwig von Mises Institute explains, terrorists in effect have been elevated by our response to 9/11: “They are running the country. They determine our civic life. They shape our private life. They decide how public resources are spent. They may dictate who gets to be the next president. It should be obvious that the government doesn't object. Not at all. The government benefits, by getting ever more reason for ever more money and power.”

Every generation must resist the temptation to believe that it lives in the most dangerous time in American history. The threat of Islamic terrorism is real, but it is not the greatest danger ever faced by our nation. This is not to dismiss the threat of terrorism, but rather to put it in perspective. Those who seek to whip the nation into a frenzy of fear do a disservice to a country that expelled the British, fought two world wars, and stared down the Soviet empire.

Liberty is lost through complacency and a subservient mindset. When we accept or even welcome automobile checkpoints, random searches, mandatory identification cards, and paramilitary police in our streets, we have lost a vital part of our American heritage. America was born of protest, revolution, and mistrust of government. Subservient societies neither maintain nor deserve freedom for long.

Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress from Texas

Porter Goss?

Food for Thought In the search for intelligence life, Porter Goss is strictly from hunger

Here's the news that made many people in the Eastern Time Zone heave up their breakfasts at 8:31 this morning: President Bush introduced Porter Goss as the new CIA director.
Bush called Goss a "reformer." The two of them ought to be toast.

How fitting that this is the same House Intelligence chairman Porter Goss who was having breakfast in D.C. on 9-11 with Pakistan's security chief, Lieutenant General Mahmoud Ahmad—who was later revealed to be hijacker Mohammed Atta's bagman.

The Washington Post's Rich Leiby mentioned the breakfast as a cheery aside in a May 18, 2002, puff profile of Goss. Florida senator Bob Graham was also munching with Mahmoud, as the Post and others, including the Asia Times have reported. But why didn't the Post mention the chowdown in its first lengthy stories this morning?

Digest this: The two Floridians wound up running the joint congressional inquiry into 9-11 in their roles as chairmen of the House and Senate Intelligence committees. Not a word of the breakfast appears in Goss-Graham 858-page report. No one's saying that Goss and Graham are necessarily hiding any big thing. But the breakfast, in retrospect, is at least somewhat embarrassing. And is it really such a worthless fact that it merited no mention at all?

And chew on another factoid: This is the same Porter Goss who stood up on the floor of the U.S. House on October 9, 2002, during the crucial debate about whether to authorize Bush to go to war against Iraq, and said, according to the Congressional Record, that the 9-11 attack "was delivered by depraved men."

Two quick questions: Was the Pakistani general too depraved to have another cinnamon roll that morning? Or was he just full?

Goss also said on October 9, 2002:
Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden and their radical ilk are at the epicenter of terrorist activity in the Middle East. Nobody doubts that. It is not debatable. President Bush, Prime Minister Blair and others have made convincing cases about the threats the despotic Iraqi regime poses to world peace and stability today—today as well as tomorrow.

And he added:
Iraq has expanded its weapons of mass destruction capabilities against its pledge not to. It still has deadly chemical weapons hidden throughout the country, and it has tried to develop nuclear devices as well. It is certain that Iraq has ties to many Islamic terror groups in the region, including Al Qaeda. Evidence supports Iraq's involvement in the first and probably the second World Trade Center bombing.

So, let's see: Goss, a former CIA agent, ignored studying something that did happen—his breakfast with the bagman of a 9-11 hijacker—while strongly pushing for a war based on a "threat" to our security that didn't exist.

Sure, let's make him CIA director. What the hell. He's been an effective stonewaller and excuse-maker ever since 9-11.

"No smoking gun," he said in 2002, when the Goss-Graham report was released.
It's "not about blame," he said in 2003. Here's his full quote from that rare public hearing of his House panel on 9-11 investigations, as reported by PBS at the time: "None of remarks we're talking about, nor any of history, and this certainly carries over to the 9-11 review, it's not about blame. This is about better protecting the United States of America in the world as it is today."

Keep this in mind: Since 9-11, various probes have found that the hijackers and other Al Qaeda operatives were constantly coming and going through Pakistan before the fateful day.
In the Goss-Graham report, you'll find Pakistan all over the 858 pages, but not a crumb from the 9-11 breakfast. What was talked about? Why was Pakistan's version of a CIA-FBI director in D.C. at that time? Who knew what? And when?

At the time of the attacks, the U.S. had a complex and rocky relationship with Pakistan. During the Reagan era, the U.S. helped finance and arm Arab militants so they could drive the Soviets out of Afghanistan. It's common knowledge that neighboring Pakistan was the base for those militants. And the agency Ahmad ran, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), was often on friendly terms with the Taliban and other Arab militants but on shaky terms with the U.S.
Judge for yourself who's smoking what by going to the Center for Cooperative Research's unparalleled website of heavily annotated 9-11 timelines and essays. Search "Goss" and see what comes up.

The best analysis of this naggingly curious breakfast is perhaps this piece by Michel Chossudovsky, director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, a Canadian outfit that boldly goes where most other probers don't.
It's more interesting than the congressional report produced by Goss and Graham. Or is it? Would you like an after-meal HUMINT?

What Government Is

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Prozac 'found in drinking water'

Recipe for an apathetic populace: psychotropic drug dependancy + media mantras + government indoctrination center dumb-down and you're good to go!

Using the threat of terrorism to scare voters: all of September will be "National Preparedness Month"

I thought it was Patriot's Month?

This Old Iraqi House

What a great idea for a reality show! ---NOT!

Federal ProsecutorsUse Patriot Act in Marijuana Case

The Meaning of Nagasaki

And if individuals can be wiped out – if their dreams, families, homes and life savings can be completely disintegrated in an act later rationalized as “necessary” by the power elite – what limitations are there on how government behaves toward people? None, really.

Growing a Police State


Targeting Civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki

People still defend Harry Truman’s atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on pragmatic grounds. Truman’s defenders say that the bombings saved far more lives than they extinguished. They concede that the bombing was an act of targeting civilians, but insist that it was for the worthy goal of ending the war.

Before even examining the plausibility of this argument, we have to acknowledge the argument’s essence. In effect, to rationalize the targeting of noncombatants as the best method of bringing about a greater good is to make excuses for state terrorism. Terrorism, if it means anything, is a method by which civilians are the targets of violence for the purpose of achieving political goals. Having Imperial Japan surrender, even if a worthy goal, was nevertheless a political one, and the targeting of innocents to achieve that goal was an act of terrorism.

Eating habits rule out marriage

A Pakistani man says he's had marriage proposals turned down because of his eating habits.
Allah Wasayo says he eats carpets, lights, teacups, glass and grass.
He claims relatives turned down the proposals because they feared he would eat his wife.

But, he didn't really mean it.

President Bush told a roomful of top Pentagon brass on Thursday that his administration would never stop looking for ways to harm the United States.

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we," Bush said.

Fabricating Terror

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Couple Rushing To Hospital To Have Baby Get Traffic Ticket

Mom Gives Birth; Dad Gets Cited -- Revenuers to the bitter end!

Tossing Iraqis from Bridges

With the Democrats having nominated an admitted war criminal for president, and with our president and commander-in-chief having perpetrated, encouraged and overseen war crimes of historic scale, perhaps it's no surprise that down on the ground, the little crimes of American servicemen and women are getting airbrushed away.

Doctors and Torture

There is increasing evidence that U.S. doctors, nurses, and medics have been complicit in torture and other illegal procedures in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay. Such medical complicity suggests still another disturbing dimension of this broadening scandal.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

I, Objector

Non-voters are often categorized as ignorant, indolent, and apathetic. But voters, as a class, often adopt those same characteristics.

Many vote the straight party because they are too lazy to think, too apathetic to inform themselves, and too ignorant of the issues—not to mention the proper role of government—to make enlightened choices, assuming they were allowed any.

If voting could change things it would be illegal

It's the same message every election year: "Get out and vote - It's your civic duty." Those who audit the sound bites of the candidates, read headlines about the debates and finally pull the lever at their local precinct are touted as moral, upstanding citizens; those who find among the candidates no agreeable representative, no platform worthy of espousal, and who then refuse to turn out on election day, on the other hand, are labeled apathetic and the legitimacy of their opposition is denied.

Clone Steak Safe, Unless It Isn't

George Orwell Lives On In Political Buzzwords

"Voluntary compliance" -- This term explains the Internal Revenue Service's
notion that taxpayers donate their money to the Treasury. According to the IRS
publication "Why Do I Have to Pay Taxes?": "Voluntary compliance means that each
of us is responsible for filing a tax return when required and for determining
and paying the correct amount of tax." Those who violate this compulsory
voluntarism can wind up in handcuffs.

"Compulsory Voluntarism" -- now there's an oxymoron for ya!

Why Americans Believe Only American Deaths Count in Iraq

"The privileging of American lives over those of other countries--soldiers and civilians--is one important way the U.S. government (and a corporate media biased in its favor) displays its nationalistic tendencies through the guise of the rhetoric of patriotism. "

Friday, July 30, 2004

Eating candy a U.S. capital offence

WASHINGTON—A government scientist finishing a candy bar on her way into a subway station where eating is banned was arrested, handcuffed and detained for three hours by transit police.

Hiding Behind the BAR

The Bush / Kerry War Ticket

Banking on Your Desperation

Vaccination parties geared to college-bound.

Terry Czekaj, mother of a 17-year-old high school graduate, hosted a meningitis party Thursday, putting out multicolored plates, a tower of plastic cups and homemade zucchini muffins.

--A "meningitis party"? Um, ok.....

Bush Using Drugs to Control Depression, Erratic Behavior

Baghdad is a city that reeks with the stench of the dead

Hail, the Conquering War Criminal Comes!

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

End Zero Tolerance

Relinked, because it's just so important!

Free Speech Behind the Razor Wire


Tuesday, July 27, 2004

student suspended for jaywalking

She said she was told she could not appeal the decision because it was a single-day suspension, but was assured it would not stay on Kelly's permanent record.

Well, that's nice.  I mean, common sense be damned, but it won't stay "on your permanent record."  Yeah, suuure!

Monday, July 26, 2004

Homeschooling for Liberty

To the rational thinker, handing off children to paid agents of government makes as much sense as hiring the hangman as your babysitter. Yet today otherwise sane people consider it normal to frog-march a terrified five-year-old child to the bus stop, and send him off into a penal system peopled with monsters and manipulators. "After all," the gulled parent says, "public school did me no harm!" Other than damaging your critical faculties to the point where you are unable to perceive the harm done to yourself ...

This is a joke, right?

"Planned Parenthood is proud to offer yet another t-shirt in our new social fashion line: "I Had an Abortion" fitted T-shirts are now available. These soft and comfortable fitted tees assert a powerful message in support of women's rights."

This is just sick.

The Official DNC/Boston "Free Speech Zone"

Last night, I had my first direct experience with the so-called free speech zone. It left me with one conclusion: whatever you do, do NOT go inside. It’s not only a blatant offense to free speech, but also highly dangerous and unsafe. I would suggest protesting anywhere in Boston but inside of it. No amount of hyperbole can accurately describe how disastrous the interior actually is. It’s like a scene from some post-apocalyptic movie – a futuristic, industrial detention area from a Mad Max film. You are surrounded on all sides by concrete blocks and steel fencing, with razor wire lining the perimeter. Then, there is a giant black net over the entire space.[Pictures of the Boston "Free Speech Zone"]

That’s not even the worst part. 80% of the space is actually beneath a construction site. You heard me, most of the zone is actually under a partially constructed building, broken up by gates, iron girders and wooden rafters, in the darkness. No helicopter will ever be able to see an aerial shot of the people assembled, negating the major points of mass protest: to let the rest of the public see your numbers. This forced'invisibility' is so painfully obvious, that it is hard to believe it resulted from pure negligence. What's more, the space fits only 1000 maximum by law, so the 1001st person who wants to express their rights, is shit out of luck. That’s not all. If you go inside, you won't be left safely alone with your fellow protesters. Right above you will be a suspended catwalk of wooden rafters traveling down the middle of the protest area. This strip is not only covered with reams of barbed wire, but officers (or national guardsmen) will be strolling above you just feet from your head.

After walking in, it took us about 2 seconds to agree; “there is no fucking way we are stepping into this trap”.And if you think that the civility of individual officers will make up for it, think again. As we were casually walking through the pen, our jaws open in dis-belief, a group of officers quickly surrounded us. Twenty-four of them. The first officer (Officer ‘Gately’) approached us swiftly, and declared, “Do you know that the willful destruction of public property in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a felony that carries 5 year in jail!” We were taken aback by this introduction. Other people in suit and ties were walking by, using the zone as a pedestrian shortcut. a bunch of peaceniks were walking through in our shorts and backpacks and we were immediately suspect of committing a criminal act. I guess this explains the meaning of the rule about those wearing ‘inappropriate clothing’ being searched. The overtly intimidating tone of the interaction didn’t cease, so we soon left. I called the BPD headquarters and asked to talk to the district 2 duty officer, in order to file a complaint about the rude treatment. When I asked him (Sgt. Ross) for Officer Gately’s ID#, he stated that he could not give me that information because after all, I could be “a member of the press, or an anarchist”. I guess myself (along with the press and anarchists) are no longer allowed to hold the police accountable for their actions.

A word of advice: Do not make the mistake of making your first visit to the free speech zone on your day of protest. It will be too late to realize what you are getting into. It’s crazy to think that this is happening in Boston, a city that fronts a reputation of being a cradle of constitutional values. The city has tried to force free speech into a cage where it cannot survive. The only reasonable response is to exercise our rights everywhere but the protest zone.By giving free speech an unacceptable location, the City of Boston has unwittingly declared that the entire city is now a free speech zone.


Thank you Teresa Heinz, you classy lady!  You fit right in with Dick "Go Fuck Yourself" Cheney.  Bones will be bones.....

Keys removed from patient's sore leg


Politics creates hate and anger in people.

"I'm tired of explaining to deluded, naive 18-year-olds that no, I am not a coward or a traitor, and no, you aren't defending your country if you go into the military; you're defending the interests of whomever has control of the federal government.  You'll die for them, not the country.  "

Freedom of Speech, sort of....

Okay, Boys and Girls (and Moms and Dads), time for today's civics lesson. Which is the real First Amendment?

When home's a prison

"But they can be telling a pack of lies about you once these allegations have been made, and you've got no say in the matter."

Boys will be boys?  Oh, wait, that was years ago!  Now it's "boys will have an Anti-Social Behaviour Order." 

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Official US Body Count Is A Lie

Is Anybody Paying Attention?

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Here's something to think about!

Bring Them Home Now

"I support the troops" said the patriotic American.  Yes, Virginia, we all "support" the troops with our taxes. 

Stop The Draft Now

Did you know that if you are between the ages of 18 & 26 that you are going to be a victim of the Military Draft if the current Pro-Military & Pro-War Movement (known as the Bush Administration legacy) has their way in Spring 2005?  

Oops -- I Started a War!

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Another step toward world government

"Americans had best discover what these internationalists are up to, or our grandchildren may one day wake up and find out Granddad was napping while they lost forever what their ancestors had won for them on the battlefields of Saratoga and Yorktown. "

Friday, July 16, 2004

Torture and rumors of torture

If what it reports is true, then once again it looks like the Bush administration is worse than I had imagined--even though I thought I had taken account of the fact that the Bush administration is always worse than one imagines. Either Seymour Hersh is insane, or we have an administration that needs to be removed from office not later than the close of business today. The scariest part: "[Hersh] said he had seen all the Abu Ghraib pictures. He said, 'You haven't begun to see evil...' then trailed off. He said, 'horrible things done to children of women prisoners, as the cameras run.' He looked frightened."

'Secret film shows Iraq prisoners sodomised'

Young male prisoners were filmed being sodomised by American soldiers at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad, according to the journalist who first revealed the abuses there.
Seymour Hersh, who reported on the torture of the prisoners in New Yorker magazine in May, told an audience in San Francisco that "it's worse". But he added that he would reveal the extent of the abuses: "I'm not done reporting on all this," he told a meeting of the American Civil Liberties Union.
He said: "The boys were sodomised with the cameras rolling, and the worst part is the soundtrack, of the boys shrieking. And this is your government at war."
He accused the US administration, and all but accused President George Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney of complicity in covering up what he called "war crimes".
--this makes me sick!

None of Your Business!

Just say NO! 

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Man loses license after telling doctor about drinking


The Cult of Power

I tell you one and one makes three
I'm the Cult of Personality.......

It’s the "liberation" of the Iraqi people – and it isn’t pretty….

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

We judge you!

This is rich! And so timely to events my family have recently been through! Here we have a man, who served on the School Board for over 14 years, and only resigned after all the accusations of molestation surfaced, molesting boys. These (School Board members) sit in judgement of children and their families. How good it is to know how "lilly-white" THEY are!

Sex crime case against Faerber ends with apparent suicide

Thank you Faerber,Esq. for taking care of the end so nicely for the taxpayers of Collier County!

Naples Attorney and Former School Board Member Arrested for Sexual Battery on a Child

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement announces the arrest of 51-year-old Nelson Arthur Faerber Jr. of Naples, Fla. Special agents arrested Faerber at his law office in Naples Thursday afternoon. Faerber is charged with two counts of lewd, lascivious or indecent assault or act upon or in the presence of a child upon a person 12 years of age or older but less than 16 years of age (F.S.S. 800.04), two counts of sexual battery upon a person 12 years of age or older but less than 18 years of age by a person who is in a position of familial or custodial authority (F.S.S. 794.011 (8) (b)).

FDLE and the Collier County Sheriff’s Office began the investigation into allegations against Faerber in September 2002. Agents interviewed numerous witnesses and possible victims over the course of the investigation.

FDLE special agents are asking anyone who might have information regarding this case to call FDLE at 1-800-407-4880. FDLE is working with the State Attorney’s Office 20th Judicial Circuit on the investigation.

Faerber was booked into the Collier County Jail awaiting first appearance.

---nice work holier than thou former School Board member!!!!!!!!

Chip Implanted in Mexico Judicial Workers

Don't worry, don't fret, you'll get yours yet!

Police kill wrong man in bed


Monday, July 12, 2004

Hey you, see me, pictures crazy,
All the world I've seen before me passing by,
I've got, nothing, to gain, to lose,
All the world I've seen before me passing by,

You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore.

Hey you, are me, not so pretty,
All the world I've seen before me passing by,
Silent my voice, I've got no choice
All the world I've seen before me passing by,

You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore
I don't see, anymore,
I don't hear, anymore,
I don't speak anymore,
I don't feel.

Hey you, see me, pictures crazy,
All the world I've seen before me passing by,
I've got, nothing, to gain, to lose,
All the world I've seen before me passing by,

You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore
I don't sleep, anymore,
I don't eat, anymore,
I don't live anymore,
I don't feel.

--Thank you System Of A Down for so completely capturing how I feel about you!

Saturday, July 10, 2004

9/11 Hijack 'suspects' alive and well

I don't recall hearing about this in the American media?
“Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts,” Romney said.

Last month, Ashland, MA purchased a Glock .40-caliber semiautomatic handgun for each officer in the department, along with 10 Bushmaster A2-type carbine rifles.'s Torture Photo and Article Archive

If this don't make you "proud to be an American" I don't know what will!

Bush Wins (America Loses); House Leaves Patriot Act As Is

Wow, this is really a big surprise! But, hey, so what! I mean what have YOU got to hide, eh? You must have something to hide if you're not in lock-step with this thing, right?

The Lie That Will Not Die

Cheney and the Iraq / al-Qaeda Link And Cheney says, "If you don't believe there's a link...then GO F**K YOURSELF!" Or words to that affect...

The city considers an admission fee for its popular new skate park

So, they finally build something that is for the kids. The kids finally have some place to go and hang out and actually get exercise. Wow, look at all the kids that are coming! Wow, look, they're all keeping busy and staying out of trouble. WAIT! We gotta charge for THAT!

Pentagon tries to squelch rumors of a new draft

Draft bill? What draft bill? Oh, that little thing? hehehe um, er, well, it's not REALLY a draft bill, it's a bill for fried chicken for all Americans! Yes, that's it! Fried chicken for all Americans! You're not opposed to feeding your fellow citizens now are you!?!?!?

Wall good. Wall good. Wall good. Wall good.

The International Court of Justice said Israel's West Bank security barrier is illegal and should be dismantled.

"The wall, along the route chosen, and its associated regime, gravely infringe a number of rights of Palestinians residing in the territory occupied by Israel, and the infringements resulting from that route cannot be justified by military exigencies or by the requirements of national security or public order," the court said, according to a report in Friday's Ha'aretz.

The U.N. court's decision is an advisement and not binding. Israel, the United States and several dozen European nations have argued that the court, based in The Hague, lacks jurisdiction in the matter.

More Earth shattering, mind bending, mega-important news!

Daschle denies hugging Moore

David Bowie has a heart attack.

And we were just saying how great he looked!

1,000 died for "freedom and democracy" far...that we know of.

The Draft Is Fascist

"...if the Bush plan for Good’s conquest of Evil requires the draft — which after all is involuntary servitude imposed under threat of violence — then maybe something is wrong with the Bush plan. This is the mark of a closet totalitarian: the state’s presumptions and impositions are not to be questioned. If the freedom of the individual must be stolen, well, that’s how it goes. Now shut up and march."

Friday, July 09, 2004

"Fahrenheit" On The Brain

"Fahrenheit 9/11" is packed with missed opportunities. It argues obvious points far too weakly and never really digs very far, or very coherently, into the sinister underbelly of How It All Really Works.

And Moore never lays sufficient blame on the weak-kneed Demos, all of whom voted for BushCo's war and all of whom basically rolled over and begged for scraps when the GOP war machine steamrolled in and demanded the nation cower in fear so they could attack a wimpy volatile hate-filled pip-squeak nation that dared to threaten its global petrochemical interests.

Dumb and Getting Dumber

"So here we are, the country that has wrapped itself up in the mantle of moral, ethical, and intellectual superiority, a tribe increasingly cozy with the idea of global domination, and we can’t get up off our lazy asses and get down to a bookstore and buy a book...and read it." Column by Rodger Jacobs.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Stomp your feet and get a fan club....

It never ceases to amaze me how some people can stomp their feet and throw a baby hissy fit when things don't go their way and they get rewarded for it. Where can you get that magic?

Don't make me go all Cheney on you!

Someone plans to disrupt the election.

Move along, nothing to see here...

Eminent Domain: Being Abused?

I can answer that question: YES!

Bring 'em home!

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


They serve, because they care!

Dude, what the hell?

Ever get so sick of hearing and reading about the crap going on in our country and beyond that you just want to vomit? Michael Moore, evildoer. VP Cheney, good smart man, kind-hearted lion. Kerry good, Bush bad. Police good, people bad. Courts fair and just, people as cattle herded through the system, bad. Government indoctrination centers (public schools) good, homeschooling bad ("I could NEVER teach my kids"). As I get ready to dive into another day among the cockroaches that scurry about, reveling in their importance, I pray to the all-mighty to give me strength and wisdom as I live in this Orwelian nightmare we call modern day Amerika. It'll be another good day if I can get through it without "pulling a Cheney"....that is, telling someone to "Go F**K YOURSELF!"

Be Afraid! Because Paranoia Is Patriotic

"Terror level - elevated! Terror level - elevated!" -- FNN

Kill 'Em All and Let God Sort Them Out

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

What is Education?

Whether it is "No Child Left Behind" or any other buzz-word, do people really understand what education is? I don't think they do! Many people think if you have a high school diploma or a GED, you are somehow "educated". Others consider a Bachelor's Degree necessary for completing an education. Actually, you can be very well educated without any of those things, if you know what education means!

Monday, July 05, 2004

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Mind your star-spangled manners, flag experts urge

Beach towels? You mean, you have to lay on it? And Walmart unveils its line of "America" clothing every June. And on that note, I'm heading out front to unfurl and fly the Gadsden!

Military Draft? Official Denials Leave Skeptics

Article published Jul 3, 2004
Military Draft? Official Denials Leave Skeptics

New York Times

WASHINGTON, July 1 The Pentagon says no. The Selective Service System says no. And Congressional leaders say absolutely not.
Yet talk of reinstating the military draft persists around the country, driven by the Internet, high-profile moves by the military to shore up its forces and fears that all those solid reassurances about no need for conscription could quickly melt away if world events took a turn for the worse.
"The mood of, if not the country but a significant plurality of the country, is highly skeptical," said the founder of, Barry Zellen, who has seen traffic to his site jump in recent months. "If the world spun madly out of control, where would they get the boots on the ground?"
Congressional aides say their offices receive a steady stream of telephone calls and e-mail messages inquiring about the status of the draft. Lawmakers themselves are regularly asked if Congress is preparing to re-establish the system, abolished by President Richard M. Nixon 31 years ago.
"Everyone says, `We've got young children, and we don't want them in the draft,' " said Bill Ghent, a spokesman for Senator Thomas R. Carper, Democrat of Delaware.
At the offices of the Selective Service System, which in 1980 resumed registering men at age 18 in the event the draft was ever resurrected, inquiries arrive daily along with a barrage of requests from news organizations for interviews about the idea of restoring mandatory military service.
"People think it is some big government conspiracy," said Harald Stavenas, a spokesman for the House Armed Services Committee, which gets its share of draft questions as well.
But top lawmakers, joined by Pentagon leaders and administration officials, say that there are definitely no plans to resume the draft and that the military is much better off relying on a substantially motivated volunteer force rather than on conscripts.
"The idea of bringing back the draft, I think the chances are slim and none and slim left town," one member of the House committee, Representative Ken Calvert, Republican of California, said this week after returning from Iraq. "People can relax about that issue."
The senior Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Carl Levin of Michigan, agreed.
"I don't think we're going to need to reinstitute the draft," Mr. Levin said. "The combination of recruiting and retention is doing fairly well."
The roots of the anxiety about the draft can be traced to several developments, among them recent steps taken by the Defense Department to bolster forces stretched by service in Iraq and Afghanistan. Earlier this year the Pentagon issued an order requiring some soldiers to remain in uniform beyond their expected dates for leaving the service. This week the military announced that it would recall to the barracks 5,600 former active-duty soldiers with certain skills who have time remaining as reservists. And Congress is moving to expand the size of the Army and the Marines.
Lawrence J. Korb, an assistant secretary of defense in the Reagan administration, says unease about the prospect of a draft surfaces frequently in his travels around the country. He says unwillingness to accept official reassurances is attributable to public cynicism about the Bush administration's case for war in Iraq.
"I think it is skepticism that we have been misled so many times about this war: weapons of mass destruction, ties to Al Qaeda, a cakewalk," said Mr. Korb, now at the liberal Center for American Progress. "People are clearly worried and figure, `They are just waiting until the election is over to spring the bad news on us.' "
He and others said this could appear to those people to be nothing less than logical progression, after the military's resorting to an extension of tours of duty and the recall of former active-duty soldiers.
"I think what is behind the current public discussion is the sense the Defense Department is using coercion to maintain the service of those who might otherwise get out," said James Burk, a sociology professor at Texas A&M University who studies the intersection of military and public policy issues. "That kind of coercion has a resonance of what the draft is all about."
Neither Mr. Korb nor Professor Burk believes that compulsory service will be reinstituted without mobilization of a scale far beyond anything now needed. But neither do they believe that the buzz will subside.
"It will simmer on the back burner and in the chat rooms," Professor Burk said.
The issue has also been addressed on opinion pages of newspapers around the country. A column in The Seattle Post-Intelligencer called a draft a "poison pill" too unrealistic for the president to consider. Another, in The Chicago Tribune, said that with a military whose members are all volunteers, "we lose our sense of shared sacrifice as a nation."
Indeed, many editorials and op-ed articles focus on the idea that a draft would distribute the burden of war across racial and economic divides. In The Washington Post this week, Noel Koch, who as a Nixon speechwriter wrote a legislative message on the draft's end, said nonetheless that the draft had "shattered class distinctions" in the military, mixing high school dropouts with college graduates, rich with poor.
Seeking to blunt public speculation, the Web site of the Selective Service System carries a long notice saying in part that "both the president and secretary of defense have stated on more than one occasion that there is no need for a draft for the war on terrorism or any likely contingency, such as Iraq."
"Additionally," the notice says, "the Congress has not acted on any proposed legislation to reinstate the draft."
"The bottom line," said Dan Amon, a spokesman for the Selective Service System, "is it would take an act of Congress because we could not turn it on ourselves. And there is no mood or sentiment in Congress whatsoever for the draft."
Polls show there is little public sentiment for it either, no small consideration in the Congressional thinking. In a recent New York Times/CBS News poll, 70 percent of those surveyed were against reinstating the draft, and the opposition was shared almost equally among Democrats, Republicans and independents.
The speculation was initially spurred last year when the Selective Service System began trying to fill vacancies on local draft boards. That was accompanied by reports that the agency had received an extra $28 million in its budget.
But Mr. Amon said the draft board recruitment effort had been undertaken because of the expiration of the 20-year terms of members appointed after President Jimmy Carter re-established registration in 1980. And the $28 million was the agency's regular budget, cut to $26 million by Congress, he said.
E-mail messages circulating about a draft also point to legislation pending in both houses of Congress that would require either military or some other national service. But those measures, written by Representative Charles B. Rangel of New York and Senator Ernest F. Hollings of South Carolina, both Democrats, are much more a political statement than potential law, since they have no Republican support and no chance of passage this year.
Mr. Rangel acknowledges that his initial goal in introducing his measure was to stir opposition to the war in Iraq, his point being that privileged Americans including politicians would be far less eager to commit troops if their own sons and daughters had to fight alongside those who join the military to get ahead.
He said the inequality in the burden of warfare was being borne out by the "cruel" Pentagon decision to call back former active-duty soldiers. And he said Americans were right to remain vigilant about the possibility of a draft, given the Iraq conflict.
"If we are really saying we are going to stay there for as long as it takes and we don't have international people sharing the sacrifice," Mr. Rangel said, "sooner or later Americans have to say, `They are now talking about us.' "
Many of his colleagues reject that view, saying there are plenty of Americans willing to join the military on their own.
"You have drafts when you can't get the requisite numbers," said the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Representative Duncan Hunter, Republican of California. "There is not now indications that you can't get the requisite numbers. But we watch those numbers every month."