Heard on "Paul Harvey" this morning:
(I'm paraphrasing) "Is the media showing Americans too many car bombings and bad negative stories like that? Should we be looking at the war from "the other side of the telescope?"
Now, just what the hell was he referring to? One can't be sure because he just said it, and left it as a question, without really being clear as to which side of the telescope we are being shown the war currently. One could surmise from his rant that we Americans are being shown too much of the war, which would imply that we are looking through the correct end of the telescope to bring that which is far away closer to view.
Mr. Harvey implies we are seeing TOO MUCH OF THE WAR. Therefore, we should turn that "telescope" of the media around and have the war look very far away so as not to see as much.
If Mr. Harvey truly believes that Americans are seeing too much of the graphic reality of the war, he is either misinformed or ignorant (or perpetuating the Pentagon media-machine line). The reality of our media is that they show you very little of the reality of the war, of ANY war. I say let's have our media show us the truth of war. The truth of the tragedy and human suffering that is war. I say BRING IT ON! THE MORE GRAPHIC THE BETTER! (Maybe, just maybe, then more people will wake up to see that there but for the grace of God go they. In other words, we could be the ones being attacked, bombed, captured, tortured, maimed, humiliated, spate upon, shot at, etc. etc.)
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