Monday, December 06, 2004

What is a friend?

What is the meaning of the word, "friend"? "A person one knows, likes and trusts. A favored companion, comrade. One who supports a group or cause." Well, at least that's what the dictionary says. I like to think of a true friend as someone who knows you and accepts you as you are and will be there for you when you need them. Lately, though, I'm really getting an education about the true nature of people in my life that I call "friends." There really are very few.

The few that are true are those who just like to be with us and there's nothing really "in it for them" other than camaraderie. Most of the people we know that are "friends" are fair-weather friends. They are "what's in it for me" friends. The "what can you do for me" friends. Friends that charge us (oh, a discount rate) for something they gladly give to others for free. Friends who don't listen to a word we say, that talk right over the top of us when we speak. I sometimes do it for fun now when I'm around these people, I'll say something about myself or my family and they will immediately reply with something about themselves, rather than even feign any kind of concern about what it was I just said. The friend with the business proposition that will make us oh-so-much-money, oh but they forgot to mention that they are really just using us to make the money, we're not really partners nor is there really any legitimate business!

Of course I'm way too long in the tooth for any of this to surprise me. Why should it, really? When we live in a country where our government thinks nothing about recalling a woman back into military service who has 3 young children to care for, as young as 7 months and 23 months! Or calling back a woman to service who is 55 years old! And they are training her to go into battle! Or, they call back disabled veterans! Hey, all you used up folks who have already served your time, we are your friends here in the military. And friends use friends.

Well, I am tired. I am tired of being used. I am tired of people calling me a friend but then not being there for me when I need them (and I RARELY call on people, I am very self sufficient). I know who my true "friends" are and to those people I say, "thank you for being a friend!" It's good to know we do have a few people we can call in in this sick-and-getting-sicker world. The rest of you.......well, you know where you can go!

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