Last month, Angelos was sentenced to 55 years in prison for selling marijuana to undercover police officers. As U.S. District Judge Paul Cassell pointed out at sentencing, that's more time than he would have received if he had hijacked an airplane (25 years), beaten someone to death in a fight (13 years), or raped a 10-year-old child (11 years).
Friday, December 31, 2004
2004 – Year of the Slave
I think the state of the nation can be summed up by a simple contrast. Tommy Chong is in jail for selling a pipe, while Ken Lay walks around a free man with the billions he stole from his employees and investors. Any way you slice it, that’s a pretty screwed up situation.
Coincidence! Major quake exactly 1 year ago
Is it just a striking coincidence?
The 9.0 killer earthquake in Asia that unleashed tsunamis killing tens of thousands followed exactly one year to the hour after the Bam, Iran, earthquake that killed 26,000.
The 9.0 killer earthquake in Asia that unleashed tsunamis killing tens of thousands followed exactly one year to the hour after the Bam, Iran, earthquake that killed 26,000.
Teen dies after being shot with Taser gun by Collier County deputies
NAPLES -- A teenager died after he was zapped with a Taser gun and doused with a substance similar to pepper spray during a fight with Collier County sheriff's deputies, officials said.
Christopher Hernandez, 19, of Fort Myers, was the third suspect to die in Florida this month after being subdued with a Taser gun. Hernandez died Tuesday, several hours after officials say he attacked deputies, kicking and ripping their uniforms. He ignored orders to stop.
Christopher Hernandez, 19, of Fort Myers, was the third suspect to die in Florida this month after being subdued with a Taser gun. Hernandez died Tuesday, several hours after officials say he attacked deputies, kicking and ripping their uniforms. He ignored orders to stop.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Wars and Their Aftermath
Yet the wounds will remain. Arms do not grow back. For the paralyzed there will never be girlfriends, dancing, rolling in the grass with children. The blind will adapt as best they can. Those with merely a missing leg will count themselves lucky. They will hobble about, managing to lead semi-normal lives, and people will say, “How well he handles it.” An admirable freak. For others it will be less good. A colostomy bag is a sorry companion on a wedding night.
Marines will stay close to home for urban training
The Marines will take over parts of downtown Toledo as sounds of gunfire will echo off buildings when training exercises are conducted next weekend.
Thai government may have killed tsunami warning
Thailand’s Meteorological Department may have delayed tsunami warning fearing it could damage the country’s tourism industry, officials said on condition of anonymity.
The U.S. knew about the tsunami
International ocean monitors predicted that a tsunami would likely follow the deadly earthquake that hit the Indian Ocean on Sunday. But they didn’t know who to inform.
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
In Worship of Pagan Gods
Someone recently said that he wished people would get back to the true meaning of Christmas. I wondered if he really believed this, because the “true meaning” of Christmas is rooted in Pagan beliefs. Christmas, as well as Easter and Halloween, are Pagan holidays. If we were to get back to the real meaning of these holidays, we would be worshiping Pagan gods. I wonder if most religious people are aware of this?

Freeing your mind from illusions and delusional belief systems can be one of the most liberating things you can experience. It can also be one of the most powerful things you can experience. This report can serve as a starting point for systematically ridding your mind of the major illusions which the vast majority of humans suffer from -- particularly in the political domain.
Monday, December 20, 2004
The Flat Earth Society
The Society asserts that the Earth is flat and has five sides, that all places in the Universe named Springfield are merely links in higher-dimensional space to one place, and that all assertions are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true false and meaningless in some sense.
Eliminate -- don't privatize -- the plundering
Social Security is among the most tyrannical government programs under which the average wage earner must suffer.
What's the solution? Scrap the whole system! Let's not "privatize" plunder, the way so many free market socialists want to.
I say the Ponzi scheme should go, as soon as possible. It's racked up enough unfunded liabilities for 100 governments, and it's at the top of the list of America's worst welfare state programs.
End Socialist Security!
woohoo Anthony Gregory!
What's the solution? Scrap the whole system! Let's not "privatize" plunder, the way so many free market socialists want to.
I say the Ponzi scheme should go, as soon as possible. It's racked up enough unfunded liabilities for 100 governments, and it's at the top of the list of America's worst welfare state programs.
End Socialist Security!
woohoo Anthony Gregory!
Thursday, December 16, 2004
National Fluoride Database Launched by USDA
It is within the first three or four sentences of the press release, titled, "Tracking Fluoride in the National Food Supply," that we catch a glimpse of what this report is really all about. In reality, it is about the accumulating consequences of deliberately contaminating America's water supply with the industrial waste product commonly referred to as "fluoride."
Clearly, this is not a substance that the majority of an entire nation should be forced to swallow, bathe in, inhale, cook with, and ingest via their drinking water on a daily basis.
Clearly, this is not a substance that the majority of an entire nation should be forced to swallow, bathe in, inhale, cook with, and ingest via their drinking water on a daily basis.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
George W. Bush's America: A National Nightmare?
Your papers please! Prove who you are! Where are you going? We will search you and your vehicle. What? You are questioning this? What? You have "a problem" with this? You must be a terrorist then because you're either wit us er agains us!
US Troops Ordered To Commit War Crimes
A human disaster. You Bush-Huggers are so cock-proud, ain't cha?
9/11 measure expands police powers
George Bush: "If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier -
just so long I'm the dictator." December 18, 2000, CNN Transcript.
America: The Fourth Reich -- Broadcaster and writer Barrie Zwicker: It should not be denied any longer -- America is hurtling along the road to full-fledged fascism. Consider 20 parallels between the USA today and Hitler’s Germany.
just so long I'm the dictator." December 18, 2000, CNN Transcript.
America: The Fourth Reich -- Broadcaster and writer Barrie Zwicker: It should not be denied any longer -- America is hurtling along the road to full-fledged fascism. Consider 20 parallels between the USA today and Hitler’s Germany.
The Bush Doctrine of Israel Above All
Isn’t it time for a free press that openly questions the deadly pact between US politicians and the Jewish state of Israel?
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
(Atlanta, Georgia) Dec. 11, 2004 - A man decked out as Santa Claus, complete with jolly red suit and gifts, stunned holiday shoppers. Police say he picked up a two-by-four and started pounding a nearby woman passing out religious fliers.
Don't F**K with Santa or Santa's STUFF!
Don't F**K with Santa or Santa's STUFF!
Monday, December 13, 2004
I was dreaming about being some dictator of a country or some savior like Jesus . . ."
Article 2 Clause 5 of the US Constitution States: No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
The Founders forged Clause 5 of Article 2 of the Constitution to protect America from a foreign-born President holding dual or treacherous alliances with other countries.
Ironically, the Founding Fathers did this because, at the time of the ratification of the Constitution in 1789, a scandal was enveloping Europe concerning an Austrian government operation where Austrian agents would move to another European country as young men, become popular, and move into powerful elected positions, all the while serving their Austrian homeland.
The Founders forged Clause 5 of Article 2 of the Constitution to protect America from a foreign-born President holding dual or treacherous alliances with other countries.
Ironically, the Founding Fathers did this because, at the time of the ratification of the Constitution in 1789, a scandal was enveloping Europe concerning an Austrian government operation where Austrian agents would move to another European country as young men, become popular, and move into powerful elected positions, all the while serving their Austrian homeland.
We saw the Smothers Brothers last night
And we had a sudden realization as we sat in the car before the show. You see, we were a little bit early so we decided to sit and listen to the last few minutes of "Da Bucks" game. As we watched the people file into the concert hall I looked at my husband and said, "Oh my God! Look at this crowd! We're middle-aged!" My husband thanked me for pointing out that fact and we limped in to our seats. Which were, by the way, 5th row middle, excellent! We could see the glimmer in the Bros eyes, and they were really great. Before the show I wondered if they (the Bros) had given up completely on their politcal humor. If they were "on board" for the war. I remember them being very political when I watched them as a kid. They did not disappoint as they managed to weave a few barbs at the present state of affairs into their act. Such as stating that "lying is national policy." They were great and we really had a great time.
Individualism, Individual Responsibility and Freedom
The problem with America today is that its people have abandoned their heritage of individualism and individual responsibility, which are key elements of freedom. Americans, like most other people, have succumbed to the siren call of the collectivist state with its false collectivist promises of freedom, peace, prosperity, and security. People need to realize the state will never be able to deliver on its promises, that the state’s collective responsibility is actually irresponsibility, and is an enemy of freedom. People are better served by rejecting the collectivist state, and embracing individualism and individual responsibility, which lead to freedom.
4th-grader arrested for having scissors at school
Is there a test for common sense? These school administrators would fail time and time again!
Sunday, December 12, 2004
And, as I write about and think about MY dog....
"Rock-n-roll played loudly from one of the vehicle's radios as marines just outside the base walls fired off several more shots at flashes of fur among the piles of rubble."
I'm not an idiot, I understand why these dogs have to be killed. But, who the hell made them be in such deplorable conditions in the first place? Who was it that bombed their city to smithereens and left all those rotting corpses laying around for them to have no choice (they're starving) but to eat? Was it perhaps SATAN?????????????????
Oh, and I think the blasting rock music our dudes play whilst they kill is so, well, sweet!
I'm not an idiot, I understand why these dogs have to be killed. But, who the hell made them be in such deplorable conditions in the first place? Who was it that bombed their city to smithereens and left all those rotting corpses laying around for them to have no choice (they're starving) but to eat? Was it perhaps SATAN?????????????????
Oh, and I think the blasting rock music our dudes play whilst they kill is so, well, sweet!
It doesn't get any better than this!
I had a wonderful day yesterday. I didn't do anything "special." I didn't go anywhere "special." Well, at least not what people would think of as special. I stayed home in the morning and got some work done around the house. Around noon it was time to rest, so I went out back and I sat with my dog. She did her usual sniff of the perimeter (lizard check) and then she came over and sat down next to me and pressed her body against my leg. I looked down at her with love and she looked up at me with love and we both sighed. We sat there looking out on the yard and watched as a small yellow butterfly flew from one weed to another.
The love I have for this dog...where the heck did it come from? I have always been a "cat person." After my parents gave away my dog when I was in 9th grade I sort of gave up on dogs. Besides, cats are beautiful, graceful, funny, loving (mine were), and (best of all) self sufficient. Dogs are needy, yappy, dirty, screwy, too much work. I believe this dog of mine was sent to me from above. She truly is a little angel. She has had a calming effect on the whole family. Having a moment to sit with her like that, feeling her body pressed up against my leg, I couldn't have been happier or more at peace. It just doesn't get any better than that!
The love I have for this dog...where the heck did it come from? I have always been a "cat person." After my parents gave away my dog when I was in 9th grade I sort of gave up on dogs. Besides, cats are beautiful, graceful, funny, loving (mine were), and (best of all) self sufficient. Dogs are needy, yappy, dirty, screwy, too much work. I believe this dog of mine was sent to me from above. She truly is a little angel. She has had a calming effect on the whole family. Having a moment to sit with her like that, feeling her body pressed up against my leg, I couldn't have been happier or more at peace. It just doesn't get any better than that!
Saturday, December 11, 2004
News From Inside Iraq
Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches (this is the site of the man interviewed in the article I linked to below)
Unembedded in Iraq
"My greatest concern is the reaction of my own government. I'm reporting information that the Bush regime wants kept under wraps. I fear reprisal from both the government and military far, far more than being kidnapped or blown up by a car bomb.
Iraqis are of course shocked and outraged by the beheadings and kidnappings of people like Margaret Hassan. So many also believe it was a CIA/Mossad plot to keep aid organizations and journalists out of Iraq in order to give the military and corporations here a free hand to continue to dis-assemble and sell of the country."
Iraqis are of course shocked and outraged by the beheadings and kidnappings of people like Margaret Hassan. So many also believe it was a CIA/Mossad plot to keep aid organizations and journalists out of Iraq in order to give the military and corporations here a free hand to continue to dis-assemble and sell of the country."
Freedom On A Leash
"A lot of people who talk of their 'freedoms' (eg Freedom Of Speech) are really just talking about the length of their leash. There's a difference between being free and being granted a certain amount of clothesline by an authoritarian keeper."
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
Please, visit their site to read about where gun control have taken people in the past, and where it will take us in the future if we go along to get along.
"The only people empowered by gun control laws are governments and criminals. And unfortunately sometimes one is the other."
Who is in control?
"How is your life? How is your family, your children, how are they doing in school? How are you doing financially? Are you struggling, under pressure or stress? Do you understand what is going on in the world around you? Are you happy?
Most people are concerned primarily with maintaining their place within the societal structure, within the scheme of things, as they can perceive it. Because they are focused only on what they perceive is important in their own daily lives, there are many who do not understand what is happening in the world and so they don't pay much attention to it. Many of the things that take place in the world might not seem to affect them. These things may not seem to have a lot of relevance to that which they need to do, in order to get on in life. Many do not acknowledge that events taking place in the world, the things they read in newspapers and in news reports on radio and TV, actually have a direct affect on their daily lives.
Well, these things do and will affect YOU! Pretty soon now, if things progress according to the agenda of the global elite, your daily lives will be affected in ways you haven't even begun to imagine! Soon, you will begin to feel the personal effects of international corporate mergers, international peacekeeping forces, international economic and religious manipulation and worldwide social oppression."
Most people are concerned primarily with maintaining their place within the societal structure, within the scheme of things, as they can perceive it. Because they are focused only on what they perceive is important in their own daily lives, there are many who do not understand what is happening in the world and so they don't pay much attention to it. Many of the things that take place in the world might not seem to affect them. These things may not seem to have a lot of relevance to that which they need to do, in order to get on in life. Many do not acknowledge that events taking place in the world, the things they read in newspapers and in news reports on radio and TV, actually have a direct affect on their daily lives.
Well, these things do and will affect YOU! Pretty soon now, if things progress according to the agenda of the global elite, your daily lives will be affected in ways you haven't even begun to imagine! Soon, you will begin to feel the personal effects of international corporate mergers, international peacekeeping forces, international economic and religious manipulation and worldwide social oppression."
Acknowledging the Law of One
"We are all Spirits who possess a body and a mind. The physical body is merely a vehicle that the Spirit inhabits, in order to experience Life on the Earth plane. When we believe that the body we inhabit is truly who we are, as we are programmed to believe, then we are always searching outside of ourselves, for that elusive 'something' which we can't describe. We look to that promotion at the office, or that new luxury car, or a relationship with another person. We look for answers from other people who we consider, authorities."
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Are you on Drugs?
"The odds are very good that you are on drugs.
Right now. This minute. As I type this and as you read this and as false Texas dictators rise and sad empires crumble and as this mad bewildered world spins in its frantically careening orbit, there's a nearly 50/50 chance that some sort of devious synthetic chemical manufactured by some massive and largely heartless corporation is coursing through your bloodstream and humping your brain stem and molesting your karma and kicking the crap out of your libido and chattering the teeth of your very bones.
Maybe it's regulating your blood pressure. Maybe it's keeping your cholesterol in check. Maybe it's helping you sleep. Maybe it's helping you wake the hell up. Maybe it's opening your bronchial tubes. Maybe it's brightening your terminally bleak outlook."
Right now. This minute. As I type this and as you read this and as false Texas dictators rise and sad empires crumble and as this mad bewildered world spins in its frantically careening orbit, there's a nearly 50/50 chance that some sort of devious synthetic chemical manufactured by some massive and largely heartless corporation is coursing through your bloodstream and humping your brain stem and molesting your karma and kicking the crap out of your libido and chattering the teeth of your very bones.
Maybe it's regulating your blood pressure. Maybe it's keeping your cholesterol in check. Maybe it's helping you sleep. Maybe it's helping you wake the hell up. Maybe it's opening your bronchial tubes. Maybe it's brightening your terminally bleak outlook."
Pat Tillman and the Nihilistic Myths of the State
"So in the memory and spirit of the man who made “the ultimate sacrifice in the war on terror,” let’s do that, shall we? Let’s start demanding some straight talk about some rather uncomfortable truths.
It is all well and good to know that the Bushes prayed for Tillman’s family after he was slaughtered, though I’m not sure what good that does for someone who has forever lost a son, a brother, perhaps an uncle. What exactly will the president’s prayers do for them? Will his prayers bring back the bright, vibrant, successful young man who died senselessly at the hands of scared, panicky fellow soldiers confused by miscommunication and misguided orders issued by arrogant commanders far removed from the field of battle? I don’t think so.
Here’s another rather uncomfortable truth: It appears that the Pentagon actually exaggerated much of Tillman’s exploits in that war-battered, God-forsaken hellhole of a country so as to make greater his legend while simultaneously glossing over the foolish errors that were committed. This should come as no surprise, as this type of irresponsible propaganda has long served the U.S. Federal State’s never-ending recruitment drive to entice young men—and nowadays young women as well—into risking the loss of their own lives for the State’s ongoing Machiavellian schemes to slaughter and plunder the many for the benefit of a select few."
It is all well and good to know that the Bushes prayed for Tillman’s family after he was slaughtered, though I’m not sure what good that does for someone who has forever lost a son, a brother, perhaps an uncle. What exactly will the president’s prayers do for them? Will his prayers bring back the bright, vibrant, successful young man who died senselessly at the hands of scared, panicky fellow soldiers confused by miscommunication and misguided orders issued by arrogant commanders far removed from the field of battle? I don’t think so.
Here’s another rather uncomfortable truth: It appears that the Pentagon actually exaggerated much of Tillman’s exploits in that war-battered, God-forsaken hellhole of a country so as to make greater his legend while simultaneously glossing over the foolish errors that were committed. This should come as no surprise, as this type of irresponsible propaganda has long served the U.S. Federal State’s never-ending recruitment drive to entice young men—and nowadays young women as well—into risking the loss of their own lives for the State’s ongoing Machiavellian schemes to slaughter and plunder the many for the benefit of a select few."
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Bring 'em on!
Heard on "Paul Harvey" this morning:
(I'm paraphrasing) "Is the media showing Americans too many car bombings and bad negative stories like that? Should we be looking at the war from "the other side of the telescope?"
Now, just what the hell was he referring to? One can't be sure because he just said it, and left it as a question, without really being clear as to which side of the telescope we are being shown the war currently. One could surmise from his rant that we Americans are being shown too much of the war, which would imply that we are looking through the correct end of the telescope to bring that which is far away closer to view.
Mr. Harvey implies we are seeing TOO MUCH OF THE WAR. Therefore, we should turn that "telescope" of the media around and have the war look very far away so as not to see as much.
If Mr. Harvey truly believes that Americans are seeing too much of the graphic reality of the war, he is either misinformed or ignorant (or perpetuating the Pentagon media-machine line). The reality of our media is that they show you very little of the reality of the war, of ANY war. I say let's have our media show us the truth of war. The truth of the tragedy and human suffering that is war. I say BRING IT ON! THE MORE GRAPHIC THE BETTER! (Maybe, just maybe, then more people will wake up to see that there but for the grace of God go they. In other words, we could be the ones being attacked, bombed, captured, tortured, maimed, humiliated, spate upon, shot at, etc. etc.)
(I'm paraphrasing) "Is the media showing Americans too many car bombings and bad negative stories like that? Should we be looking at the war from "the other side of the telescope?"
Now, just what the hell was he referring to? One can't be sure because he just said it, and left it as a question, without really being clear as to which side of the telescope we are being shown the war currently. One could surmise from his rant that we Americans are being shown too much of the war, which would imply that we are looking through the correct end of the telescope to bring that which is far away closer to view.
Mr. Harvey implies we are seeing TOO MUCH OF THE WAR. Therefore, we should turn that "telescope" of the media around and have the war look very far away so as not to see as much.
If Mr. Harvey truly believes that Americans are seeing too much of the graphic reality of the war, he is either misinformed or ignorant (or perpetuating the Pentagon media-machine line). The reality of our media is that they show you very little of the reality of the war, of ANY war. I say let's have our media show us the truth of war. The truth of the tragedy and human suffering that is war. I say BRING IT ON! THE MORE GRAPHIC THE BETTER! (Maybe, just maybe, then more people will wake up to see that there but for the grace of God go they. In other words, we could be the ones being attacked, bombed, captured, tortured, maimed, humiliated, spate upon, shot at, etc. etc.)
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Rumsfeld's Muddy Quagmire
Ironically, President Bush’s seeming reluctance to fire Rumsfeld indicates how badly the war is going. If the president fired Rumsfeld, an American public that slumbered through the election might finally realize the true dismal state of the war. Instead, like a deer caught in the headlights, Bush naively and unwisely believes that by retaining the charismatic face of his Iraq policy, he can hide his and Rumsfeld’s failure long enough to figure out what to do. Instead, he should fire Rumsfeld and hire someone who can begin to extricate the United States from this muddy quagmire.
December 7, 1941: A Setup from the Beginning
As Americans honor those 2403 men, women, and children killed—and 1178 wounded—in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941, recently released government documents concerning that “surprise” raid compel us to revisit some troubling questions.
Fallujah Residents Face Choice: Retina Scan and Take ID Card....Or Die
Thank you so much to this caller who taped this! We heard it too. Now, proof we were not dreaming it! Sick!
Monday, December 06, 2004
Drop the euphemisms - it's not 'tantamount to torture'; it's torture
AUSTIN - It is both peculiar and chilling to find oneself discussing the problem of American torture. I have considered support of basic human rights and dignity so much a part of our national identity that this feels as strange as though I'd suddenly become Chinese or found Fidel Castro in the refrigerator.
One's first response to the report by the International Red Cross about torture at our prison at Guantanamo is denial. ''I don't want to think about it; I don't want to hear about it; we're the good guys, they're the bad guys; shut up. And besides, they attacked us first.''
One's first response to the report by the International Red Cross about torture at our prison at Guantanamo is denial. ''I don't want to think about it; I don't want to hear about it; we're the good guys, they're the bad guys; shut up. And besides, they attacked us first.''
Pop goes the Bush mythology bubble
"Heads up and pay attention: the Department of Homeland Security was created to defend this government from the citizens of the United States because they fear we will find out and we will rise up and cast them from power. It does not defend this nation, you, your family, friends, or loved ones. It defends only the government not from Al Qaeda but from us. They know when Americans figure this out, Americans are going to be way past livid and heads in Washington, DC, are going to roll and butts are going to prison."
What is a friend?
What is the meaning of the word, "friend"? "A person one knows, likes and trusts. A favored companion, comrade. One who supports a group or cause." Well, at least that's what the dictionary says. I like to think of a true friend as someone who knows you and accepts you as you are and will be there for you when you need them. Lately, though, I'm really getting an education about the true nature of people in my life that I call "friends." There really are very few.
The few that are true are those who just like to be with us and there's nothing really "in it for them" other than camaraderie. Most of the people we know that are "friends" are fair-weather friends. They are "what's in it for me" friends. The "what can you do for me" friends. Friends that charge us (oh, a discount rate) for something they gladly give to others for free. Friends who don't listen to a word we say, that talk right over the top of us when we speak. I sometimes do it for fun now when I'm around these people, I'll say something about myself or my family and they will immediately reply with something about themselves, rather than even feign any kind of concern about what it was I just said. The friend with the business proposition that will make us oh-so-much-money, oh but they forgot to mention that they are really just using us to make the money, we're not really partners nor is there really any legitimate business!
Of course I'm way too long in the tooth for any of this to surprise me. Why should it, really? When we live in a country where our government thinks nothing about recalling a woman back into military service who has 3 young children to care for, as young as 7 months and 23 months! Or calling back a woman to service who is 55 years old! And they are training her to go into battle! Or, they call back disabled veterans! Hey, all you used up folks who have already served your time, we are your friends here in the military. And friends use friends.
Well, I am tired. I am tired of being used. I am tired of people calling me a friend but then not being there for me when I need them (and I RARELY call on people, I am very self sufficient). I know who my true "friends" are and to those people I say, "thank you for being a friend!" It's good to know we do have a few people we can call in in this sick-and-getting-sicker world. The rest of you.......well, you know where you can go!
The few that are true are those who just like to be with us and there's nothing really "in it for them" other than camaraderie. Most of the people we know that are "friends" are fair-weather friends. They are "what's in it for me" friends. The "what can you do for me" friends. Friends that charge us (oh, a discount rate) for something they gladly give to others for free. Friends who don't listen to a word we say, that talk right over the top of us when we speak. I sometimes do it for fun now when I'm around these people, I'll say something about myself or my family and they will immediately reply with something about themselves, rather than even feign any kind of concern about what it was I just said. The friend with the business proposition that will make us oh-so-much-money, oh but they forgot to mention that they are really just using us to make the money, we're not really partners nor is there really any legitimate business!
Of course I'm way too long in the tooth for any of this to surprise me. Why should it, really? When we live in a country where our government thinks nothing about recalling a woman back into military service who has 3 young children to care for, as young as 7 months and 23 months! Or calling back a woman to service who is 55 years old! And they are training her to go into battle! Or, they call back disabled veterans! Hey, all you used up folks who have already served your time, we are your friends here in the military. And friends use friends.
Well, I am tired. I am tired of being used. I am tired of people calling me a friend but then not being there for me when I need them (and I RARELY call on people, I am very self sufficient). I know who my true "friends" are and to those people I say, "thank you for being a friend!" It's good to know we do have a few people we can call in in this sick-and-getting-sicker world. The rest of you.......well, you know where you can go!
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Lords of the flies
Read it and weep....well, you'd weep if you have a soul. The soul-less flesh our government has programmed to carry out this terror and their ilk do not care.
Yes it makes me pROUD TO BE AN amERICAN"
Where at least "I know I'm free"
and I won't forget those
men who carryed out this carnage for me
and I'll gladly STAND UP next to you
and tell you to your face
that if you're proud of this, fellow American
You are a damned disgrace!
Yes it makes me pROUD TO BE AN amERICAN"
Where at least "I know I'm free"
and I won't forget those
men who carryed out this carnage for me
and I'll gladly STAND UP next to you
and tell you to your face
that if you're proud of this, fellow American
You are a damned disgrace!
This war makes me sick!
Yesterday on NBC's nightly news program they reported about the return to Fallujah of refugees. They spoke of how all citizens (subjects) will be retinal scanned and fingerprinted. Sounds like freedom to me!
Fallujah has been reduced to rubble
"It's difficult to believe that in this day and age, when people are blogging, emailing and communicating at the speed of light, a whole city is being destroyed and genocide is being committed - and the whole world is aware and silent. Darfur, Americans? Take a look at what you've done in Fallujah."- Female Iraqi blogger Riverbend
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