April 25 (Bloomberg) -- Mexican President Felipe Calderon declared an emergency in his country’s swine flu outbreak, giving him powers to order quarantines and suspend public events.
The first case was seen in Mexico on April 13. The outbreak coincided with President Barack Obama’s trip to Mexico City on April 16. Obama was received at Mexico’s anthropology museum in Mexico City by Felipe Solis, a distinguished archeologist who died the following day from symptoms similar to flu, Reforma newspaper reported. The newspaper didn’t confirm if Solis had swine flu or not.
Officials: 8 NYC Students Probably Have Swine Flu
2 cases found in Kansas
“This strain of swine influenza that’s beencultured in a laboratoryis something that’s not been seen anywhere actually in the United States and the world, so this is actually a new strain of influenza that’s been identified,” said Dr. John Carlo, Dallas Co. Medical Director.
WHO ready with antivirals to combat swine flu..
Global flu epidemic fear rises, more U.S. cases
Swine Flu Case Now Suspected in Minnesota

Biotechnology Company Provided Advance Warning of Mexican H1N1 "Swine Flu" Virus Outbreak
CDC Readies Vaccine in Case of Swine Flu Pandemic
Oh...all this on the heels of....
April 19, 2009
Report: Tamiflu may increase abnormal acts
Authorities urge caution over Tamiflu fears
The World Today - Tuesday, 21 April , 2009
Medical researchers in Japan have released a study which suggests that the anti-flu drug Tamiflu may not be the saviour that it's been painted. They say that it increases what's referred to as 'abnormal behaviour' in young people who take the drug.
Tamiflu is used to treat various types of influenza and governments around the world have amassed enormous stockpiles of it just in case of a pandemic of bird flu.
For now though, the only country which sees Tamiflu prescribed on a regular basis for the flu is Japan, where there have been reports of children going so far as trying to jump from balconies after taking the drug over there.
Health officials' worries at the beginning of the season did come to fruition: The flu's best weapon, the anti-viral medication Tamiflu, was ineffective.
"About 99 percent of the cases that we tested against Tamiflu were resistant,"...
Que bono?
Roche in talks with WHO on Tamiflu potential in swine flu
Venture capital firm set to reap rewards on swine flu
The swine flu outbreak is likely to benefit one of the most prolific and successful venture capital firms in the United States: Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Thomson Reuters Private Equity Week reported on Friday.
H1N1 Influenza Virus With Highest Replikin Count(TM) Since The 1918 Pandemic Identified In The U.S. And Austria
Flu Vaccine “Accidentally” Contaminated with Live Avian Flu Virus
“The company that released contaminated flu virus material from a plant in Austria confirmed Friday that the experimental product contained live H5N1 avian flu viruses,” reports the Canadian Press.
And now for the martial law....
Swine flu with 'pandemic potential' grips Mexico; patient isolations, searches authorized
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