Tuesday, September 23, 2008

$700 Billion Dollars!

This is sickening!

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

"Just give me this much!"

(or is that Sec Paulson blowing smoke up our arses?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Media Whores - Complicit in the Big Lie

The Media lie. They are basically whores. They will say ANYTHING to keep their paychecks coming and to keep their cushy lifestyles intact.

I'm from the radio generation. I grew up with my radio glued to my ear. I have always enjoyed listening to the radio and it's a habit I've had to work to break. I have to break it because the majority (99.9%) of the talking heads on the radio are LIARS. They are complicit in the Big Lie that keeps getting told over and over. Tell a lie or lies loud enough and often enough and people will believe you.

And when you attempt to call a radio show or email a host with some info what does the 'host' do? They yell over you, call you a "nut" and tell you to "watch out for black helicopters". Morons, all of them.

Yelling over someone and calling them names does not mean you're right. It just means you (the media whore) are stupid and lazy.

I was listening to a local yokel radio show yesterday, "The Morning Magazine with Mark Larson" Mark Larson, the helmet-haired host, lords over his show with race-baiting comments and lots of lies just like the rest of the talking heads. Yesterday he was talking about this past weekend's run on the bank in California and was telling his listeners to spread their deposits around so they would not have more than $100,000 in any one account. Good advice. But when I sent him an email requesting he research and discuss Fiat Money and Fractional Reserve Banking he replied that he had just gone to his bank and got a cashiers check for a closing (the slum lord closing on another property)his money was there. And then he told me to "watch out for the "black helicopters".

So that's it, isn't it? Never discuss the private "Federal" "Reserve" Bank. And call anyone who attempts to ask you to discuss it a wacko by using the old "black helicopter" epithet.

Unfortunately, the majority of sheeple get their "news" from helmet-heads like Larson and will never be told the truth nor will they ever take the time to read a book or research anything for themselves!

The media whores and their masters are counting on this - the ignorance and apathy of the sheeple. And as long as the sheeple are FAT and HAPPY on their collective couches all doped up on state dope (SSRI drugs, etc) with a beer in one hand and the remote control in the other the minority of us who actually take the time to research The System are strapped in for the ride. How can you sleep while your bed is burning?

Guilty of treason:

I was going to post more pictures of the Whores but I feel suddenly very sick to my stomach just looking at these three! Damn but there's a lot of them! All of them parroting the Pentagon Lies. Bought and Sold - every one of them - and you all listen to them and believe them!

See that tower? See the plane? Those of us that have open minds and are intelligent enough to research and find out the truth are strapped into that plane (our country) and we're being hijacked. There we go (our country) being crashed into the side of the building. Strap yourselves in - it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

If America Knew

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world’s major sources of instability. Americans are directly connected to this conflict, and increasingly imperiled by its devastation.

It is the goal of If Americans Knew to provide full and accurate information on this critical issue, and on our power – and duty – to bring a resolution.

John McCain = Juan McWar

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

STOP! Do not spend your stimulus check!

I'm miffed!  I'm "angry" and yes, even "bitter". 


I'm upset about the direction that the entities of very questionable character who steer "Spaceship Earth" have been headed.  And I'm most definitely NOT going to go running around like a FAT ASS with my pittance check (blood money) to theoretically "stimulate the economy".  Oh... you mean I am supposed to run out and pretend to "stimulate" the pretend system?  "Stimulate" the fiat joke we toil under because I am told I should?  Hell no!

The media blitz on now is nauseating! 

As Stimulus Rebates Go Out, Stores Want the Whole Check

It's all smoke and mirrors folks!  A facade!  A 'feel good' band aid that's not going to save an already bankrupt country from complete ruin!

When your blood money gets to your hands - stop - wait a moment - and think about the whole mess.  Not just the price of gas and food and sudden rationing and mortgage foreclosures and loss of jobs, etc. etc.  Think about what that money really is...you're being lied to, you are bought and sold by this system - hook, line and sinker!  How about instead you act defiantly with your blood money and for once do not do what you are told.  Don't spend it on consumer goods.  In fact, I am boycotting all consumer goods for the rest of this month as a protest and I encourage you to boycott spending as well.  I am sending my blood money right back to the bank from whence it came to pay off a credit card.  And when I do I will say another prayer that the people of the planet become enlightened and start thinking for themselves!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Origin Of China's 2008 Olympics Logo?

Feds to collect DNA from every person they arrest

WASHINGTON - The government plans to begin collecting DNA samples from anyone arrested by a federal law enforcement agency — a move intended to prevent violent crime but which also is raising concerns about the privacy of innocent people.

Using authority granted by Congress, the government also plans to collect DNA samples from foreigners who are detained, whether they have been charged or not. The DNA would be collected through a cheek swab, Justice Department spokesman Erik Ablin said Wednesday. That would be a departure from current practice, which limits DNA collection to convicted felons.

Guilty until proven innocent (if you're lucky) and it's all for your safety!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

97% of Americans are contaminated - study shows...

A new study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveals that 97% of Americans are contaminated with a widely-used sunscreen ingredient called oxybenzone that has been linked to allergies, hormone disruption, and cell damage. 

Read more..


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Cops on a rampage...


Disgusting video footage of New York cops clubbing and arresting peaceful Tibetan protesters who were merely walking down the street has gone relatively ignored beyond Youtube.

While stories emerge out of China every day of police beating and killing Tibetan protestors in the streets, the same sort of behavior by cops in America tells its own story.

The footage was shot at a free Tibet peaceful assembly in New York on the 14th of March.

It shows the protestors holding flags and signs and peacefully walking down the street towards the UN building in the Turtle Bay neighborhood only to be accosted by police officers with batons.

-If you want to imagine the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever.  -George Orwell

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Antipsychotic drugs are doing harm

Advances in brain imaging techniques show that antipsychotic medications cause brain damage. Animal and human studies link the drugs to shrinkage of the cerebral cortex, home to the higher functions. One study of monkeys given either older or newer neuroleptic medication in doses equivalent to those given humans showed an 11 percent to 15 percent shrinkage of the left parietal lobe. Drugs that cause brain damage almost invariably reduce life expectancy.

Marketing campaigns for atypical antipsychotic drugs target new groups of patients, including the elderly and children. Public television recently reported that as many as 1 million children have been newly diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and thus may receive neuroleptic medication. This does not include children treated with antipsychotics for other disorders.

The damage to developing brains cannot be overemphasized. Years ago, the Soviet Union was condemned for giving neuroleptic medication to political dissidents. We now are giving a more lethal form of this medication to our children. Where is the outcry?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

White House told 935 lies after September 11

"...the fish was this big!"

US President George W Bush and other top officials issued almost one thousand false statements about the national security threat from Iraq following the September 11 attacks, according to a study by two not-for-profit organisations.

The Associated Press reports the study, published on the website of the Centre for Public Integrity, concluded the statements “were part of an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanised public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to war under decidedly false pretences”.

According to the study, 935 false statements were issued by the White House in the two years after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

In speeches, briefings and interviews, President Bush and other officials stated “unequivocally” on at least 532 occasions that Iraq had links to al-Qaeda, or had weapons of mass destruction or was trying to get them.

“It is now beyond dispute that Iraq did not possess any weapons of mass destruction or have meaningful ties to al-Qaeda,” wrote the study’s authors Charles Lewis and Mark Reading-Smith.

“In short, the Bush administration led the nation to war on the basis of erroneous information that it methodically propagated and that culminated in military action against Iraq on March 19, 2003.”

The study found that President Bush alone made 259 false statements – 231 about weapons of mass destruction and 28 about Iraq’s links to al-Qaeda.

The other officials named in the study are vice president Dick Cheney, then-national security advisor Condoleezza Rice, then-defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld, then-secretary of state Colin Powell, deputy defence secretary Paul Wolfowitz and White House spokesmen Ari Fleischer and Scott McClellan.

“The cumulative effect of these false statements – amplified by thousands of news stories and broadcasts – was massive, with the media coverage creating an almost impenetrable din for several critical months in the run-up to war,” the study concluded.

“Some journalists – indeed, even some entire news organisations – have since acknowledged that their coverage during those pre-war months was far too deferential and uncritical. These mea culpas notwithstanding, much of the wall-to-wall media coverage provided additional ‘independent’ validation of the Bush administration’s false statements about Iraq.”