Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Saddam's Unindicted Co-Conspirator: Donald Rumsfeld
Saddam Hussein has received a death sentence for crimes he committed more than a year before Donald Rumsfeld shook his hand in Baghdad. Let's reach back into history and extract these facts......
Monday, November 06, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
From Freedom to Fascism
Please take a few moments out of your busy day and visit:
The information in Aaron Russo's documentary is very important. Please watch it and pass the website link on to other people in your network.
Thank you!
The information in Aaron Russo's documentary is very important. Please watch it and pass the website link on to other people in your network.
Thank you!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
TerrorStorm Delxue High Quality (Alex Jones)
From the great mind that brought you documentaries such as "Martial Law 9/11: The Rise of the Police State" and "Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove" comes a new movie to awaken the masses. TerrorStorm goes into documented cases of government-sponsored terror before exposing the 7/7 bombings as an orchestrated event and brings another update on the current state of the 9/11 Truth Movement. This video is copyrighted but is allowed for non-profit, educational distribution. If you like this film or any other, please visit the website's shop for this and other great documentary films. |
Friday, September 15, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Stop Belittling the Theories About September 11
Stop Belittling the Theories About September 11
by Bill Christison
Bill Christison is a former senior official of the CIA. He was a National Intelligence Officer and the Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis before his retirement in 1979. Since then he has written numerous articles on U.S. foreign policies.
by Bill Christison
Bill Christison is a former senior official of the CIA. He was a National Intelligence Officer and the Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis before his retirement in 1979. Since then he has written numerous articles on U.S. foreign policies.
The 10 Most Brazen War Profiteers
"Halliburton has become synonymous with war profiteering, but there are lots of other greedy fingers in the pie. We name names on 10 of the worst."
Monday, September 04, 2006
Be skeptical ... be very skeptical
"In an age when all the grand ideas have lost credibility, fear of a phantom enemy is all the politicians have left to maintain their power."
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Bush 'palace' shielded from Iraqi storm
After almost four years of trying to build Washington's democracy beachhead in the Middle East, US defence officials now concede that the violence in Iraq is at its worst — in terms of body count, public support and the ease with which Sunni insurgents and Shiite militias exploit gaps in the American forces.
Two thumbs up guys!
Two thumbs up guys!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
What if They gave a War and nobody came?
There is a way to end all wars, and the means of doing so can be stated in the following words: we must learn to love our children and grandchildren more than we do the state. That’s it. No international treaties; no candlelight vigils; no referenda by the electorate; no abstract philosophic doctrines to recite. All that is required to end the wholesale butchery that most of us are eager to celebrate with the waving of flags is for each of us to put the faces of our children and grandchildren alongside the image of the state and ask ourselves: which am I prepared to sacrifice for the sake of the other?
Friday, August 18, 2006
Your tax dollars at work!
Right the United States provides billions in military support for Israel and supplied, with help from the UK government, the weapons that did this to Lebanon ...

Friday, August 11, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Kidnapped in Israel or Captured in Lebanon?
Official justification for Israel's invasion on thin ice.
As Lebanon continues to be pounded by Israeli bombs and munitions, the justification for Israel's invasion is treading on very thin ice. It has become general knowledge that it was Hezbollah guerillas that first kidnapped two IDF soldiers inside Israel on July 12, prompting an immediate and violent response from the Israeli government, which insists it is acting in the interest of national defense. Israeli forces have gone on to kill over 370 innocent Lebanese civilians (compared to 34 killed on Israel's side) while displacing hundreds of thousands more. But numerous reports from international and independent media, as well as the Associated Press, raise questions about Israel's official version of the events that sparked the conflict two weeks ago.
As Lebanon continues to be pounded by Israeli bombs and munitions, the justification for Israel's invasion is treading on very thin ice. It has become general knowledge that it was Hezbollah guerillas that first kidnapped two IDF soldiers inside Israel on July 12, prompting an immediate and violent response from the Israeli government, which insists it is acting in the interest of national defense. Israeli forces have gone on to kill over 370 innocent Lebanese civilians (compared to 34 killed on Israel's side) while displacing hundreds of thousands more. But numerous reports from international and independent media, as well as the Associated Press, raise questions about Israel's official version of the events that sparked the conflict two weeks ago.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Still looking for those WMD's?
From Wayne Madsen's Report:
July 22/23, 2006 -- U.S. military intelligence sources have told WMR that the artillery shell shown below being used by an Israel Defense Force member in Lebanon, is a type of dual and multi-use weapon the neocons falsely accused Saddam Hussein of possessing. Although the canister artillery shell is marketed as an anti-land mine fuel-air bomb, its payload can also include the chemicals used in thermobaric bombs, white phosphorous weapons, and chemical weapons. Thermobaric bombs contain polymer-bonded explosives or solid fuel-air explosives in their payloads. Thermobarics use a fuse munition unit (FMU) such as that seen on the nose of the Israeli artillery shell. The shell penetrates buildings, underground shelters, or tunnels, creating such a blast pressure that all the oxygen is sucked out from the spaces and the lungs of anyone who happens to be in proximity. Israel's use of such "vacuum" weapons has been reported from across Lebanon.
The artillery shell below, with its FMU penetrator, can also be used to deliver chemical weapons, the use of which is also being reported from southern Lebanon. In addition, it can deliver white phosphorous, a substance that literally melts through skin but leaves clothing relatively intact. In Fallujah and elsewhere in Iraq, U.S. forces have used white phosphorous on civilians, leaving grotesque corpses as a psychological warfare reminder to the civilian population to surrender or evacuate an area. The photo from Sidon of a burnt and badly disfigured young Lebanese girl is a telltale sign of white phosphorous use by the Israelis. Similar photos from Fallujah were shown to this editor by a top investigative reporter for Italy's RAI television network.
U.S. military intelligence experts believe the ease at which the Israeli soldier is handling the artillery shell is an indication that the payload contains light-weight gas and not a fuel-air mixture or thermobaric bomb components. WMR continues to receive reports from Lebanon of depleted uranium shells being used by the Israelis. The New York Times today is reporting that the U.S. is stepping up its delivery of "precision-guided" munitions to Israel (see article below on Bush administration pre-planning for the Israeli invasions of Lebanon and Gaza).

Israeli dual/multi-use WMD (left) and badly burnt body of young Lebanese girl with telltale signs of white phosphorous attack.
July 22/23, 2006 -- U.S. military intelligence sources have told WMR that the artillery shell shown below being used by an Israel Defense Force member in Lebanon, is a type of dual and multi-use weapon the neocons falsely accused Saddam Hussein of possessing. Although the canister artillery shell is marketed as an anti-land mine fuel-air bomb, its payload can also include the chemicals used in thermobaric bombs, white phosphorous weapons, and chemical weapons. Thermobaric bombs contain polymer-bonded explosives or solid fuel-air explosives in their payloads. Thermobarics use a fuse munition unit (FMU) such as that seen on the nose of the Israeli artillery shell. The shell penetrates buildings, underground shelters, or tunnels, creating such a blast pressure that all the oxygen is sucked out from the spaces and the lungs of anyone who happens to be in proximity. Israel's use of such "vacuum" weapons has been reported from across Lebanon.
The artillery shell below, with its FMU penetrator, can also be used to deliver chemical weapons, the use of which is also being reported from southern Lebanon. In addition, it can deliver white phosphorous, a substance that literally melts through skin but leaves clothing relatively intact. In Fallujah and elsewhere in Iraq, U.S. forces have used white phosphorous on civilians, leaving grotesque corpses as a psychological warfare reminder to the civilian population to surrender or evacuate an area. The photo from Sidon of a burnt and badly disfigured young Lebanese girl is a telltale sign of white phosphorous use by the Israelis. Similar photos from Fallujah were shown to this editor by a top investigative reporter for Italy's RAI television network.
U.S. military intelligence experts believe the ease at which the Israeli soldier is handling the artillery shell is an indication that the payload contains light-weight gas and not a fuel-air mixture or thermobaric bomb components. WMR continues to receive reports from Lebanon of depleted uranium shells being used by the Israelis. The New York Times today is reporting that the U.S. is stepping up its delivery of "precision-guided" munitions to Israel (see article below on Bush administration pre-planning for the Israeli invasions of Lebanon and Gaza).

Israeli dual/multi-use WMD (left) and badly burnt body of young Lebanese girl with telltale signs of white phosphorous attack.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Collective Punishment Isn't Self-Defense
"Israel has a right to defend itself," Bush said at the start of the current Middle East crisis. No doubt. But the Israelis aren't defending themselves any more than the Bush Administrative is defending us. Each is using a crime--the kidnapping of two soldiers, the 9/11 terrorist attacks--as an excuse to wage war against innocent people who had nothing to do with it.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Happy Independence Day to all Patriots!

Patriots seek peace; nationalists require conflict. Patriots defend an ideal of non-aggression; nationalists impose their beliefs with aggression. Patriots offer an example of how men may be free by acting like freemen; nationalists never know freedom because they subjugate themselves to the collective and its leaders. Patriots believe in political freedom; nationalists believe in political power. Patriots believe that dissent is essential to distilling truth in political matters; nationalists believe that dissent is traitorous to the One True Vision that all must be loyal too.
The path from nationalist to patriot starts with understanding the difference between your country and those who rule your country. The old saying of a duty to “king and country” has been changed slightly to a duty to “majority rule and government.” The former were called serfs and the latter are called voters. Patriots declare themselves free from such artificial chains; nationalists declare their chains to be a badge of honor while seeking to put them on others and kill them if they resist. Spreading democracy in the name of spreading freedom is a cruel joke at best and an evil crusade at worst.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
N. Korea Has Already 'Mock Nuked' Alaska - With US Government Help
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Iraq's War Porn
We believe the war would end if the media showed more images of the human horrors in Iraq, yet we turn away when they're placed in front of us. Not anymore.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Have Bullhorn Will Travel
Alex Jones Bullhorns Bilderberg Group
Alex Jones Bull Horns for 9/11 Truth in Downtown Chicago
Alex Jones Bull Horns for 9/11 Truth in Downtown Chicago
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Vaccine makers helped write Frist-backed shield law
Good for them! Bad for the rest of us! Research please before you allow injections of dubious material into the bloodstream of your loved ones. Thank you!
TeenScreen: Coming soon to a school near you...
They should call this program what it is: No Child Left Unmedicated
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006
Welcome to Your Police State
Couple Arrested For Asking For Directions
The cop that did this is just the type I was thinking about while ranting about Stupid People yesterday!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Dumbed Down Americans: Chattel for Global Tyranny
Dictatorship and despotism thrive when ignorance and stupidity rule societies. “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be,” Thomas Jefferson declared in 1816. At the time, the populace of America understood the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, not the government. Americans read and comprehended the Preamble of the Constitution, where specific tasks are assigned to government. In the early 19th century, John Locke’s “liberal” philosophy of natural rights (universal rights derived from natural law) inspired and guided many Americans. Now most Americans follow the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes, although they have no idea of Hobbes or what he wrote about government. Hobbes believed that sovereignty was vested in the state. As an example of the Hobbesian state, consider that most Americans believe only the government may grant “civil rights,” when in fact rights are natural, much like the physical laws of nature, and inalienable, that is to say the government cannot take them away.
Two Cheers for Immigrants
Were you aware a pair of immigrants--one still possessing a foreign passport--wrote the PATRIOT ACT? Michael Chertoff and Viet Dinh wrote the document that smashed the Bill of Rights. Your rights. A pair of immigrants took away your rights, even if you and your ancestors have lived here in America for hundreds of years. They took away your Constitutional rights. Feel more secure now, or still need that fence?
Another immigrant-- US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales--descendent of Mexican immigrants, granted the US president immunity to torture and wiretap. Torture and wiretapping are NOT granted in the Bill of Rights, but actually forbidden in no uncertain terms.
So, now you see why I do not fear certain poor, hardworking immigrants who snuck into the country, mostly to work. Especially the ones who grow our food and pick our crops and clean our toilets and sign up to fight our foreign wars (to get citizenship). Sure, I agree with the Minutemen, there should be secure US borders (Chertoff to blame again). Even better, there should be fewer US foreign wars. Because, for the last 50 years, illegal foreign wars have contributed to a HUGE illegal immigrant problem. All those Salvadorans, Vietnamese, Iranians, Koreans and Filipinos in America are here because the interventionists in Washington DC (And the US voters who supported them) fucked up those foreign countries with dirty, illegal wars, supporting CIA-backed dictators.
Another immigrant-- US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales--descendent of Mexican immigrants, granted the US president immunity to torture and wiretap. Torture and wiretapping are NOT granted in the Bill of Rights, but actually forbidden in no uncertain terms.
So, now you see why I do not fear certain poor, hardworking immigrants who snuck into the country, mostly to work. Especially the ones who grow our food and pick our crops and clean our toilets and sign up to fight our foreign wars (to get citizenship). Sure, I agree with the Minutemen, there should be secure US borders (Chertoff to blame again). Even better, there should be fewer US foreign wars. Because, for the last 50 years, illegal foreign wars have contributed to a HUGE illegal immigrant problem. All those Salvadorans, Vietnamese, Iranians, Koreans and Filipinos in America are here because the interventionists in Washington DC (And the US voters who supported them) fucked up those foreign countries with dirty, illegal wars, supporting CIA-backed dictators.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Cut and Run? You Bet.
Why America must get out of Iraq now.
Withdraw immediately or stay the present course? That is the key question about the war in Iraq today. American public opinion is now decidedly against the war. From liberal New England, where citizens pass town-hall resolutions calling for withdrawal, to the conservative South and West, where more than half of “red state” citizens oppose the war, Americans want out.
Withdraw immediately or stay the present course? That is the key question about the war in Iraq today. American public opinion is now decidedly against the war. From liberal New England, where citizens pass town-hall resolutions calling for withdrawal, to the conservative South and West, where more than half of “red state” citizens oppose the war, Americans want out.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Party on at Saddam's palace
BAGHDAD - Tuesday night is karaoke night at Saddam Hussein's former Republican Palace in central Baghdad's fortified Green Zone.
To the beat of the music, Iraq's latest conquerors triumphantly take to a stage that dominates the inner courtyard of what is today the temporary US Embassy in Baghdad and bawl out old rock 'n' roll and blues anthems to their heart's content.
A few meters away, soldiers take off their shirts to play volleyball, State Department contractors have a party on the lawn, and bikini-clad embassy workers splash in the swimming pool. All an awe-struck British journalist gazing over the scene for the first time can do is absent-mindedly mumble, "It's Saigon all over again."
To the beat of the music, Iraq's latest conquerors triumphantly take to a stage that dominates the inner courtyard of what is today the temporary US Embassy in Baghdad and bawl out old rock 'n' roll and blues anthems to their heart's content.
A few meters away, soldiers take off their shirts to play volleyball, State Department contractors have a party on the lawn, and bikini-clad embassy workers splash in the swimming pool. All an awe-struck British journalist gazing over the scene for the first time can do is absent-mindedly mumble, "It's Saigon all over again."
Friday, May 05, 2006
US urges respect for Iraqi sovereignty
The US government has called on Iraq's neighbours to respect the country's territorial sovereignty...(um, right....)
The Predator State
Today, the signature of modern American capitalism is neither benign competition, nor class struggle, nor an inclusive middle-class utopia. Instead, predation has become the dominant feature—a system wherein the rich have come to feast on decaying systems built for the middle class. The predatory class is not the whole of the wealthy; it may be opposed by many others of similar wealth. But it is the defining feature, the leading force. And its agents are in full control of the government under which we live.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
The Missing Girls of Iraq
Sex trafficking, virtually nonexistent under Saddam Hussein, has resurfaced in Iraq. TIME reports on a seldom-discussed epidemic: girls being kidnapped and sold to brothels...
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Watch List Delays Reservist's Homecoming
A Marine reservist returning home after eight months in Iraq was told he couldn't board a plane to Minneapolis because his name appeared on a watch list as a possible terrorist.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Officer cites 82-year-old woman for being too slow to negotiate busy street
The octogenarian, who has no phone or car, said she was simply hefting her groceries home when she not only got trapped in a busy intersection but got a ticket from a cop to boot.
Irk judge, get time-out chair
Booted off grand jury, man sits on bench 3 days every other week, 7 hours a day; legal experts say order may be out of line. (Really? You think?)
Friday, April 07, 2006
New Terror Targets: Liars, Clash Fans & 83-Year-Old Wheelchair Bound Women
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse...
Thursday, March 23, 2006
She tried tp convince the court her bizarre behavior was linked to taking Prozac and diet pills and that she was a candidate for probation or home confinement.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Killing Women and Children: The “My Lai Phase” Of The Iraq War
What goes through George Bush’s mind when he sees the dead bodies of Iraqi women and children loaded on the back of a pickup truck like garbage?
Is there ever a flicker of remorse; a split-second when he fully grasps the magnitude of the horror he has created?
Is there ever a flicker of remorse; a split-second when he fully grasps the magnitude of the horror he has created?
Sunday, March 19, 2006
"Where Do We Get Such Men?"
Men like John Buchanan Floyd, Secretary of War in 1860, whose arguably treasonable acts armed an insurrection against the Constitution he had sworn to protect. Or Woodrow Wilson, possessed of messianic ego and pathological dishonesty, who fed American youth into the furnace of a senseless war even as he rammed through a supine Congress a law making criticism of himself punishable for up to ten years.
Or Donald Rumsfeld, a disastrously incompetent successor to John Floyd Buchanan's portfolio: a man who arrogantly and inflexibly defends the quagmire in Iraq because it got rid of the supposed Devil Incarnate Saddam Hussein, even as he feigns amnesia regarding his 1980s diplomatic mission to assure Saddam of U.S. support.
Or Donald Rumsfeld, a disastrously incompetent successor to John Floyd Buchanan's portfolio: a man who arrogantly and inflexibly defends the quagmire in Iraq because it got rid of the supposed Devil Incarnate Saddam Hussein, even as he feigns amnesia regarding his 1980s diplomatic mission to assure Saddam of U.S. support.
Anti-War Protesters Rally Around World
NEW YORK (AP) - Thousands of anti-war protesters took to the streets around the world Saturday, marking the third anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq with demands that coalition troops leave immediately.
Amen to that!
Amen to that!
Monday, March 06, 2006
The ID SNIPER - was that a mosquito bite you just felt?

What is the ID SNIPERTM rifle?
It is used to implant a GPS-microchip in the body of a human being, using a high powered sniper rifle as the long distance injector. The microchip will enter the body and stay there, causing no internal damage, and only a very small amount of physical pain to the target. It will feel like a mosquito-bite lasting a fraction of a second. At the same time a digital camcorder with a zoom-lense fitted within the scope will take a high-resolution picture of the target. This picture will be stored on a memory card for later image-analysis.
Why use the ID SNIPERTM rifle?
As the urban battlefield grows more complex and intense, new ways of managing and controlling crowds are needed. The attention of the media changes the rules of the game. Sometimes it is difficult to engage the enemy in the streets without causing damage to the all important image of the state. Instead EMPIRE NORTH suggests to mark and identify a suspicious subject on a safe distance, enabeling the national law enforcement agency to keep track on the target through a satellite in the weeks to come.
Friday, March 03, 2006
US leader crashed by trying to 'pedal, wave and speak at same time'
HE MAY be the most powerful man in the world, but proof has emerged that President George Bush cannot ride a bike, wave and speak at the same time.
Dubai funds Neil Bush’s company
INVESTORS from the United Arab Emirates helped fund the $23 million Neil Bush raised for Ignite!, the learning systems company that holds lucrative No Child Left Behind Act contracts in Florida and Texas.
Neil Bush’s frequent travels to Dubai are documented by Datamatix, a Dubai-based information technology company that has featured Neil Bush as a speaker. The Datamatix website features several prominent photographs of Neil Bush addressing a Dubai conference, identifying Neil Bush as “the brother of U.S. President George Bush.”
Neil Bush’s frequent travels to Dubai are documented by Datamatix, a Dubai-based information technology company that has featured Neil Bush as a speaker. The Datamatix website features several prominent photographs of Neil Bush addressing a Dubai conference, identifying Neil Bush as “the brother of U.S. President George Bush.”
Why Americans Know More About The Simpsons Than The Constitution
And why it is a benchmark of how much danger we are in.
'Torture, abuses worse than under Saddam'
The scale of atrocity now "extends over a much wider section of the population than it did under Saddam."
Senator Feingold reads constitution on Senate floor
Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) has read the text of the U.S. constitution to the U.S. Senate after the body voted 95-4 approving 3 amendments to 16 controversial provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act, set for renewal.
Feingold spent 34 minutes sharing the document with his fellow Senators, stopping to repeat the Fourth Amendment, which he feels the law violates.
But, he was reading to an empty room....
Feingold spent 34 minutes sharing the document with his fellow Senators, stopping to repeat the Fourth Amendment, which he feels the law violates.
But, he was reading to an empty room....
1939 Okay
"An Overland High School teacher who criticized President Bush, capitalism and U.S. foreign policy during his geography class was placed on administrative leave Wednesday afternoon after a student who recorded the session went public with the tape."
Hmmm. What did this guy think? The GIC (Government Indoctrination Center) will not stand for this kind of activity. An employee of the GIC will tow the line, drive home the proper programming and propaganda at all times. Psychological Fascism.
Busy Dude.
Another Busy Dude. Bio needs updating tho...
Hmmm. What did this guy think? The GIC (Government Indoctrination Center) will not stand for this kind of activity. An employee of the GIC will tow the line, drive home the proper programming and propaganda at all times. Psychological Fascism.
Busy Dude.
Another Busy Dude. Bio needs updating tho...
Friday, February 24, 2006
Police State America
Singer MORRISSEY was quizzed by the FBI and British intelligence after speaking out against the American and British governments.
Teen arrested over MySpace photos
Eye scans: A high-tech hall pass?
And so it goes one and on and on..... Now taking reservations to get your microchip!
Teen arrested over MySpace photos
Eye scans: A high-tech hall pass?
And so it goes one and on and on..... Now taking reservations to get your microchip!
Monday, February 20, 2006
Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Cisco executives gather for prayer.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
More photos THEY don' want you to see...
More snaps from Abu Ghraib
Some of the 60 previously unpublished photographs that the US Government has been fighting to keep secret in a court case with the American Civil Liberties Union.
Some of the 60 previously unpublished photographs that the US Government has been fighting to keep secret in a court case with the American Civil Liberties Union.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Still "winning those hearts and minds"!
DRAGGING four weedy rioters—all apparently in their early teens—off the street and behind the high walls of a secluded army compound,
BEATING them senseless with vicious blows from batons, boots and fists,
IGNORING their pitiful pleas for mercy, until the incident climaxes with what appears to be an NCO delivering a sickening full-force kick in the genitals of a cringeing lad pinned to the ground.
Our informant said: "These Iraqis were just kids. Most haven't even got shoes on.
"Those eight soldiers were pumped up and out of control. They're an insult to the thousands of soldiers who have worked so hard in Iraq with courage and dignity for so long."
Well at least they don't represent how things are done over there!
BEATING them senseless with vicious blows from batons, boots and fists,
IGNORING their pitiful pleas for mercy, until the incident climaxes with what appears to be an NCO delivering a sickening full-force kick in the genitals of a cringeing lad pinned to the ground.
Our informant said: "These Iraqis were just kids. Most haven't even got shoes on.
"Those eight soldiers were pumped up and out of control. They're an insult to the thousands of soldiers who have worked so hard in Iraq with courage and dignity for so long."
Well at least they don't represent how things are done over there!
Saturday, February 11, 2006
It's Your War! You Go Fight It!
Millions of Americans who support America’s policy of perpetual war have never served one day in the military. Most of the pundits, politicians and policymakers who promote and vote for America’s troop presence in 130 countries, as well as the Iraq war and – this is a safe bet – a war with Iran, fall into this category.
93-year-old tenant wins eminent domain case
Hospital will have to pay five times its original offer if it condemns house.
The Law They Hope You Never Read
At first I thought this issue was amusing. Then, the more I researched it, the more compelling it became, and today, I'm here to tell you that the subject of this column is arguably, the most important issue of our lifetime. I'm speaking of fraud on a scale so massive and so enduring it could only be perpetrated by the federal government. That is to say, a federal government operating way outside of the limits mandated by the Constitution.
Everyone knows you must pay federal income taxes. There are people in jail right now for income tax evasion. The vast majority of those persons, if not ALL of them, have voluntarily (you can't be forced to swear an oath) signed a return under penalty of perjury, swearing that they were subject to the income tax, and that all or most of their income was taxable according to the IRS code, (federal law Title 26). Then, they lied about how much income they earned giving the government everything they need to prosecute them successfully. The tax return becomes a signed confession of guilt.
Most Americans have never seen the law that requires them to file a return, and most have never researched the IRS code to determine how much, if any, of their income is taxable under the law as it is actually written. But everyone knows there is such a law, and everyone knows that all of their income is taxable.
What if everyone was wrong? It has happened before.
Everyone knows you must pay federal income taxes. There are people in jail right now for income tax evasion. The vast majority of those persons, if not ALL of them, have voluntarily (you can't be forced to swear an oath) signed a return under penalty of perjury, swearing that they were subject to the income tax, and that all or most of their income was taxable according to the IRS code, (federal law Title 26). Then, they lied about how much income they earned giving the government everything they need to prosecute them successfully. The tax return becomes a signed confession of guilt.
Most Americans have never seen the law that requires them to file a return, and most have never researched the IRS code to determine how much, if any, of their income is taxable under the law as it is actually written. But everyone knows there is such a law, and everyone knows that all of their income is taxable.
What if everyone was wrong? It has happened before.
Friday, February 10, 2006
So the U.S. government wants to scan our e-mail, blogs & websites for “our own protection?” I say let’s give them something good to read!
I think every e-mail that is sent, every website and every blog should include a sentence or two that will trigger an alert. We should never say (or do) anything threatening but we should say things that can be misinterpreted by a computer. Add a trick line to every e-mail. Make it your signature. Here are some examples:
My garden is so overcrowded that I think we will have to kill a bush or two this weekend to make room for our veggies.
We are way behind in our paperwork but my staff is planning to attack this problem immediately.
We were going to get married in a civil ceremony but my spouse is planning to have a mass. She wants the altar boys to wear black capes. They will look like a murder of crows!
At the end of your trick sentence you can include the phrase: “How are you doing Big Brother? Nice to see you.”
My garden is so overcrowded that I think we will have to kill a bush or two this weekend to make room for our veggies.
We are way behind in our paperwork but my staff is planning to attack this problem immediately.
We were going to get married in a civil ceremony but my spouse is planning to have a mass. She wants the altar boys to wear black capes. They will look like a murder of crows!
At the end of your trick sentence you can include the phrase: “How are you doing Big Brother? Nice to see you.”
Trapped Like a Rat
The funeral for civil rights leader Coretta Scott King on Tuesday was quite a sight to see. The depth of sadness in the room could not be overcome by the happiness that came with the celebration of her life and accomplishments. It was the measure of Mrs. King's impact upon our society that four presidents - Carter, Bush, Clinton and Bush - sat before her flower-draped casket and spoke of her life.
A good deal of the humbug arising from the political statements at the funeral are based upon the fact that George W. Bush changed his schedule to appear at the event. Because he did this, the thinking goes, he should be above the pointed criticism he absorbed up on that stage. Smart money says he came to the funeral only to avoid the criticism he would have received had he not shown up with those three other presidents. Smart money likewise says he came to try and shore up his poll numbers with African Americans; his support among this constituency stands in the low single digits, well within the margin of error in any poll, suggesting his actual support among this group is zero. This is, however, an issue for another day.
A good deal of the humbug arising from the political statements at the funeral are based upon the fact that George W. Bush changed his schedule to appear at the event. Because he did this, the thinking goes, he should be above the pointed criticism he absorbed up on that stage. Smart money says he came to the funeral only to avoid the criticism he would have received had he not shown up with those three other presidents. Smart money likewise says he came to try and shore up his poll numbers with African Americans; his support among this constituency stands in the low single digits, well within the margin of error in any poll, suggesting his actual support among this group is zero. This is, however, an issue for another day.
Educators face blowback for protesting Iraq war in schools
Just over three years ago, as the nation readied for war with Iraq, elementary school teacher Deb Mayer stood in front of her class and uttered the word that would get her blacklisted from her profession.
It was a word that got her deemed “unpatriotic” by an angry parent. A word that led to her termination from the Bloomington, Indiana school district. A word that got her labeled as a potential sex offender and ruined her chances of finding work elsewhere.
That word was “peace.”
It was a word that got her deemed “unpatriotic” by an angry parent. A word that led to her termination from the Bloomington, Indiana school district. A word that got her labeled as a potential sex offender and ruined her chances of finding work elsewhere.
That word was “peace.”
Thursday, February 09, 2006
No need to choose who to vote for - a machine will decide for you ...
Diebold will take care of everthing -- don't worry!
US plans massive data sweep
Little-known data-collection system could troll news, blogs, even e-mails. Will it go too far?
"We don't realize that, as we live our lives and make little choices, like buying groceries, buying on Amazon, Googling, we're leaving traces everywhere," says Lee Tien, a staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation. "We have an attitude that no one will connect all those dots. But these programs are about connecting those dots - analyzing and aggregating them - in a way that we haven't thought about. It's one of the underlying fundamental issues we have yet to come to grips with."
"We don't realize that, as we live our lives and make little choices, like buying groceries, buying on Amazon, Googling, we're leaving traces everywhere," says Lee Tien, a staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation. "We have an attitude that no one will connect all those dots. But these programs are about connecting those dots - analyzing and aggregating them - in a way that we haven't thought about. It's one of the underlying fundamental issues we have yet to come to grips with."
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Who Controls the Children?
A compliant citizenry makes it easy for the State to mask its ultimate sanction. Usually the threat of arrest and imprisonment is enough to make most people docile and obedient. However, if a person wishes to resist, and refuses to submit to "court orders," he will usually find himself overwhelmed by State force, usually in the form of drawn guns ready to shoot.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
A watched America is not a free America
Most Americans are watched 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year – 366 in leap years. The federal government watches their actions, catalogs their movements, tracks their spending and travel and then uses the information to build profiles – profiles based on the belief that every American is a potential threat to the peace and security of the United States and cannot be trusted.
Iran's new bourse may threaten the dollar
In 2000, Saddam Hussein announced that his country would begin pricing its oil in euros. Less than three years later, Iraq was invaded under the pretext it had an ongoing nuclear weapons programme and an arsenal of chemical and biological materials.
In March 2006, Iran is scheduled to open its own oil bourse that will trade in euros. But even before it can open its doors, Iran is being accused of harbouring a clandestine nuclear weapons programme and is being threatened with sanctions or worse.
Is the current US focus on Iran's nuclear facilities a genuine concern or is this another pretext to stave off a potential threat to the fiat dollar?
The answer to that question: A resounding THE LATTER!
In March 2006, Iran is scheduled to open its own oil bourse that will trade in euros. But even before it can open its doors, Iran is being accused of harbouring a clandestine nuclear weapons programme and is being threatened with sanctions or worse.
Is the current US focus on Iran's nuclear facilities a genuine concern or is this another pretext to stave off a potential threat to the fiat dollar?
The answer to that question: A resounding THE LATTER!
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Collapse of U.S. Economy Imminent
In its attempt to establish a world empire dominating every nation on the planet, the U.S. has exhausted its ability to finance the expansion and the country now faces imminent financial collapse. From all indications, it looks like 2006 will spell the end for America.
New Mexico Begins Legislative Process To Ban Aspartame
Fifteen state senators sponsored a bill to rid New Mexico of what some have called "Rumsfeld's Disease."
It's a start!
It's a start!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Pentagon to families: Go ahead, laugh
When the stress of the war in Iraq becomes too severe, the Pentagon has a suggestion for military families: Learn how to laugh.
With help from the Pentagon's chief laughter instructor, families of National Guard members are learning to walk like a penguin, laugh like a lion and blurt "ha, ha, hee, hee and ho, ho."
No joke.
"I laugh every chance I get," says the instructor, retired Army colonel James "Scotty" Scott. "That's why I'm blessed to be at the Pentagon, where we definitely need a lot of laughter in our lives."
Of course! Laugh it up! The non-stop WAR and TYRANNY are oh so FUNNY! LOL!
With help from the Pentagon's chief laughter instructor, families of National Guard members are learning to walk like a penguin, laugh like a lion and blurt "ha, ha, hee, hee and ho, ho."
No joke.
"I laugh every chance I get," says the instructor, retired Army colonel James "Scotty" Scott. "That's why I'm blessed to be at the Pentagon, where we definitely need a lot of laughter in our lives."
Of course! Laugh it up! The non-stop WAR and TYRANNY are oh so FUNNY! LOL!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Friday, January 13, 2006
Another example of the BAH factor...
Zealotry like this is staggering -- but don't stagger you zealot or you'll be trampled to death!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
The mark of the beast
The federal government is launching a National Animal Identification System that will, by 2009, require that every agricultural animal in the nation be equipped with an identification device through which its movement can be traced from birth to slaughter.
You're next!
You're next!
The Army of Good Americans
Sitting comfortably on their couches, engorging themselves with microwave dinners, watching reality television and the latest exploits of sensationalist news reports while thousands of innocents die in order to appease their thirst for vengeance, the army of good Americans pretends to support the troops through car magnets and ribbons, hiding behind the red, white and blue, hiding insecurities through the bravado of tough talk, yet in reality sacrifices nothing both for a war they asked for or for the soldiers their loud voices sent to hell on Earth.
Neocon Police State Spreads Disinfo and Paranoia
...we live in a police state here in America, a one-time constitutional republic where the authorities can and will snoop not only your mail but your telephone, email, web destinations, credit card statement, bank transaction records, library checkout information, etc., ad nauseam.
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