Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The "soul" of a lawyer.

Well, here it is folks! Here is a PRIME EXAMPLE of what's in the "heart" and "soul" of a LAWYER:

"Monday, August 29, 2005

I can't get local counsel in New Orleans to answer their phone, and I don't know why. I wrote a few weeks ago about the incompetence of local counsel in cities across the country, and this is just the latest example. They'd better have a good reason for this, and it had better be more than just some rain."

This was written the day a cat 4-5 hurricane had hit the city. All this cold-hearted orb could think about was himself.

Want to be sick to your stomach? Read this bastard's musings: Anonymous Lawyer

(Update: After I sent an email to this joker telling him what a piece of crap I thought he was he removed his post from 8/29. Ha! What's that? An attack of conscience? Oh, but wait -- this is a LAWYER we're talking about -- no conscience there.)

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: I was so incensed this morning when I read the Anonymous Lawyer's 8/29 post that I sent him this email:

"> "I can't get local counsel in New Orleans to answer
> their phone, and I don't know why. I wrote a few
> weeks ago about the incompetence of local counsel in
> cities across the country, and this is just the
> latest example. They'd better have a good reason for
> this, and it had better be more than just some
> rain."
> Well -- happy jackass? Is the total devastation
> they have suffered a "good reason" for you selfish
> one?
> After reading some of your blog -- couldn't read
> much as it was so disgusting -- you are a rotten
> excuse for a human being. May your karma come back
> to you tenfold!"

He replied to me with the following:

"The post went too far and I've removed it. I wrote it
on Monday, unaware of how devastating the storm would
turn out to be. The blog is fiction, but even fiction
can go too far, and even the cruelest law firm partner
would be hard pressed to be as callous as that post
ended up making him seem. I apologize for it."

An apology? From a LAWYER? Hmmm, maybe that blog IS FICTION! What do you think?

Monday, August 29, 2005

The Truth About Splenda

12 Questions You Need to Have Answered Before You Eat Splenda

Are We There Yet?

Fascism in America

Is America going fascist? Or has the cursed event already happened? It depends on your definition of fascism. What usually occurs in a fascist scenario?

The Rise of the Democratic Police State

Britain's elite get pills to survive bird flu

Well bully for them!

My Nomination For Slime Of The Year…

I know it's early yet, and some institution could turn out to be slimier when everything shakes out, but right now I'm going with the city of New London and the New London Development Corp.

They're the semi-public company that pushed the case of Kelo V. New London, and now have thrown United States citizens from their homes for a private development.

'Crown' rules (eminent) domain

"The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the force of the Crown. It may be frail, its roof may shake, the wind may blow through it. The storms may enter. The rain may enter. But the king of England may not enter. All his forces dare not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement."

Saturday, August 27, 2005


So, I quit my job yesterday. I can ill afford to do such a thing. I am poor and I just took a giant leap to being much poorer. I almost made it in that place for 2 years! In only 2 months it would have been 2 years. But, somewhere along the way I found that I have scruples and morals and that my labor should be spent towards a greater good for this planet, not to be used for furthering the agenda of a bunch of crows, nay, jackels who pick at the carcasses of humanity. Imagine working for people who won't practice common courtesy: hello, goodbye, thank you, you're welcome, etc. And this man I was working for mainly, no heart, no soul, and no testicles. He wouldn't even look me in the eye and tell me that he was unhappy with my performance -- instead he was just rude to me and complained about me to other people. We just did not see eye to eye. I worked my behind off, I did everything that was asked of me and then some, and what did I get for it? NOTHING!

Oh, and people (er, lizards) I know the difference between THEIR, THEY'RE and THERE...I knew it before I ever started working for you and I'll remember it after need to spell it out for me! How's this for an example: "I no longer wish to work there as they're a bunch of vultures who think their shit doesn't stink!" said the disgruntled worker bee as she stumbled out of the hive.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Bush says anti-war protests threaten to weaken the United States

DONNELLY, Idaho (AP) - President George W. Bush said Tuesday that anti-war protesters such as Cindy Sheehan, who want U.S. troops brought home immediately, are "advocating a policy that would weaken the United States."

In remarks to reporters outside an exclusive resort where he is vacationing, Bush gave no indication that he would change his mind and meet with Sheehan when he returns to his Texas ranch Wednesday evening.

Oh yes, and pissing away billions of federal "reserve" notes and chopping up untold thousands of people in their meat grinder somehow makes us "stronger"? Quick! Get me a pair of these "BULLSHIT PROTECTORS"!

The Trillion-Dollar War

August 20, 2005
The Trillion-Dollar War
Cambridge, Mass.

THE human cost of the more than 2,000 American military personnel killed and 14,500 wounded so far in Iraq and Afghanistan is all too apparent. But the financial toll is still largely hidden from public view and, like the suffering of those who have lost loved ones, will persist long after the fighting is over.

The cost goes well beyond the more than $250 billion already spent on military operations and reconstruction. Basic running costs of the current conflicts are $6 billion a month - a figure that reflects the Pentagon's unprecedented reliance on expensive private contractors. Other factors keeping costs high include inducements for recruits and for military personnel serving second and third deployments, extra pay for reservists and members of the National Guard, as well as more than $2 billion a year in additional foreign aid to Jordan, Pakistan, Turkey and others to reward their cooperation in Iraq and Afghanistan. The bill for repairing and replacing military hardware is $20 billion a year, according to figures from the Congressional Budget Office.

But the biggest long-term costs are disability and health payments for returning troops, which will be incurred even if hostilities were to stop tomorrow. The United States currently pays more than $2 billion in disability claims per year for 159,000 veterans of the 1991 gulf war, even though that conflict lasted only five weeks, with 148 dead and 467 wounded. Even assuming that the 525,000 American troops who have so far served in Iraq and Afghanistan will require treatment only on the same scale as their predecessors from the gulf war, these payments are likely to run at $7 billion a year for the next 45 years.

All of this spending will need to be financed by adding to the federal debt. Extra interest payments will total $200 billion or more even if the borrowing is repaid quickly. Conflict in the Middle East has also played a part in doubling the price of oil from $30 a barrel just prior to the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 to $60 a barrel today. Each $5 increase in the price of oil reduces our national income by about $17 billion a year.

Even by this simple yardstick, if the American military presence in the region lasts another five years, the total outlay for the war could stretch to more than $1.3 trillion, or $11,300 for every household in the United States.

Linda Bilmes, an assistant secretary at the Department of Commerce from 1999 to 2001, teaches budgeting and public finance at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Was Bush complicit with the 9/11 attacks?

He's a really bad actor. It's so blatantly OBVIOUS! If this page doesn't give you something to think about then you are seriously brain dead!


Bat your eyes girl.
Be otherworldly.
Count your blessings.
Seduce a stranger.
What's so wrong with being happy?
Kudos to those who see through sickness...yeah

Over and over and over and over...........

She woke in the morning.
She knew that her life had passed her by
She called out a warning.
Don't ever let life pass you by.

I suggest we
Learn to love ourselves,
Before its made illegal
When will we learn, When will we change
Just in time to see it all come down

Those left standing will make millions
Writing books on ways it should have been

She woke in the morning.
She knew that her life had passed her by
She called out a warning.
Don't ever let life pass you by.

Floating in this cosmic Jacuzzi
We are like frogs oblivious
Soon the water starting to boil,
Now I flinched and we all float face down

She woke in the morning.
She knew that her life had passed her by
She called out a warning.
Don't ever let life pass you by.
Pass you by.


Saturday, August 20, 2005

5 bucks a gallon for gas? Expert sees it in 2006

If you think all this flirting with $3-a-gallon gas is already a pain in the pocketbook, brace yourself.


Hey, we're ALL going to PAY for their wars and tyranny. You'll give a pound of flesh one way or another. Just belly up to the bar, take your pharmos and clutch that remote control. Ya'all be fat & happy and so will the robber barons!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Hiroshima, mon horreur

How the Hiroshima Lie Endangers American Lives

For six decades Americans have been snookered into complacency over the war crimes committed by the U.S. government in its total war against the Japanese public. Lulled to sleep with the deceit that the atomic bombings saved the lives of a million American boys.

Friday, August 12, 2005


Record Prices Mean Record Profits for Oil Companies Aug. 11, 2005 — As American consumers increasingly feel the pinch at the pump, oil companies have watched their profits soar.

Oil industry awash in record levels of cash


Oil companies rake in record profits in spite of falling production.

-- I better hurry off to work! So many bills! So little money! $40 just to fill my gas tank! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Bush Board

Friday, August 05, 2005

'My God, what have we done?'

Sixty years ago tomorrow, the crew of the Enola Gay watched in awe as their payload detonated over the city of Hiroshima. "As the bomb exploded, we saw the entire city disappear," said Commander Robert Lewis. "I wrote in my log, 'My God, what have we done?'"

Below, thousands of people were instantly carbonised in a blast that was thousands of times hotter than the sun's surface; further from the epicentre, birds ignited in mid-flight, eyeballs popped and internal organs were sucked from bodies of victims.

FBI, Please Protect Us from Terrorists and the ACLU

The FBI has historically spied on people with political views outside the establishment’s approved norms. On the other hand, the FBI failed miserably in the months leading up to 9/11, despite repeated and clear warning signs pointing to some of the hijackers. Meanwhile, it continues to squander resources enforcing laws against gambling, drugs, prostitution, and other activities for which there is no logical or Constitutional reason for federal involvement. Given all this, the FBI’s tracking of peaceful political groups seems not only unwarranted, but downright ominous for liberty.

Zen and the Art of Iraqi Regime Change

What does it mean to overemphasize the presence of what is absent? That Zen-like question arises from an interview the Associated Press recently published with Douglas Feith, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s departing chief policy advisor. Feith told the AP the Bush administration “overemphasized” the matter of weapons of mass destruction as the rationale for invading Iraq and overthrowing the government of Saddam Hussein

Thursday, August 04, 2005


A government by the people, for the people. uh huh, yep.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Worst terror attacks in history

A tiny group of US rulers met secretly in Washington and callously ordered this indiscriminate annihilation of civilian populations. They gave no explicit warnings. They rejected all alternatives, preferring to inflict the most extreme human carnage possible. They ordered and had carried out the two worst terror acts in human history.

The 60th anniversaries will inevitably be marked by countless mass media commentaries and speeches repeating the 60-year-old mantra that there was no other choice but to use A-bombs in order to avoid a bitter, prolonged invasion of Japan.

On July 21, the British New Scientist magazine undermined this chorus when it reported that two historians had uncovered evidence revealing that “the US decision to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ... was meant to kick-start the Cold War [against the Soviet Union, Washington's war-time ally] rather than end the Second World War”. Peter Kuznick, director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at the American University in Washington stated that US President Harry Truman's decision to blast the cities “was not just a war crime, it was a crime against humanity”.

12 warning signs of fascism