Saturday, November 27, 2004
The Chill Pill Kids
...the newly unearthed evidence about the potential side effects of Prozac should be of great concern. “There does seem to be hazards with these drugs. The research showing testicular shrinkage could be a real issue for teenage boys.
OK young men, listen up! If you don't care about your brain at least care about your testicles and get the hell off this crap!
An Intrusive new search
Finally! Value for that ticket price!
Military Amputees to Get New Rehab Center
AWESOME! Guess there will be no more "wimping out" by trying to get sent home just because your limb got blown off!
Why the Democrats lost the election
He said that the reason the Democrats lost the election is because of their pro-abortion stance. He said that they keep aborting their base and that explains why there were not enough of them to vote in "their guy."
So, all you democrats out there who wonder what happened, just stop the abortions and you'll have more democrat voters!
(This comment, although one of the sicker comments I have heard from the fright recently, cracked me up!)
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Condi Is A 'Monster' -- Helen Thomas
Asked about the election result, the sharp-tongued reporter simply put her hand on her face and said, "My God, the man is a fascist -- a fascist, I tell you."
She warned that Bush's victory will mean one thing: more war. She expects Iran to be next.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
School orders boy to cover his T-shirt
Who Killed Margaret Hassan?
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
2,000 Cameras To Watch City
Dogs Eating Bodies in the Streets of Fallujah
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Children pay price for US offensive
Twelve years old and still deeply in shock, he can barely speak.
Ala's family had fled the Iraqi city of Falluja before last Monday's all-out offensive began. He was happily playing with his brother in the garden of their uncle's house in a village outside the city. Then the rocket hit.
Terror Informant Ignites Himself Near White House

"It is my big mistake that I have cooperated with FBI," he said in a recent interview. "The FBI have already destroyed my life and my family's life and made us in a very danger position.."
Rats Abandoning the Sinking Ship
Monday, November 15, 2004
A city lies in ruins.
Restaurant signs were covered in soot. Pavements were crushed by 70-ton Abrams tanks, and rows of crumbling buildings stood on both sides of deserted streets. Upmarket homes with garages looked as if they had been abandoned for years. Cars lay crushed in the middle of streets. Two Iraqis in one street desperately trying to salvage some of their smashed belongings were the only signs of life.
---I'm sure all the LIMBAUGHSAVAGEHANNITYSCHNITT TURNTHEDESERTTOGLASS heads are pretty happy. Love to see how those blow-hards would take an all out assault on their home. How the hell can people support this carnage? What the hell is wrong with people? This is not "for our freedom." WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Friday, November 12, 2004
Look dear! Don’t the chemtrails look lovely tonight?
Student suspended for handstands, cartwheels
Fearsome power of marines in Falluja
I have questioned many times senior officers here about the use of heavy weapons because they have been using 155mm artillery in Falluja, they have been dropping 2,000 pound bombs.
The bullets that they fire are high velocity. The buildings are of poor construction here - the bullets travel through the walls.
And when they see what they believe to be militants - and these marines are incredibly calm under fire, they are almost unflinching - they do wait until they see a guy with a gun but when they see that, they open up with everything they have got and the question is, how much collateral damage is there going to be?
At the moment we simply do not know."
Eyewitness: Smoke and corpses
From my window, I can also make out that the minarets of several mosques have been toppled.
There are more and more dead bodies on the streets and the stench is unbearable.
Smoke is everywhere. "
Pirate, Chaplain, Whore
Police raid wrong home; couple sues
---A suicide threat?
Online Learning Has Schools Nervous
"If I lose two kids, that's $20,000 walking out the door," said Dave Grosche, superintendent of the Edison 54JT School District.
---Well, that's the most honest thing I've heard a superintendent say! It's really just all about the money, not your kids and what's in their best interest!
We seize servers, you can't complain - US gov
They're Throwing Journalists Into Jail Right Here In The USA
Thursday, November 11, 2004
The funny part is, Democracy accomplished just what it was intended to accomplish, mob rule! It’s hysterical that someone is complaining that the election was not fair, when all elections are not fair. Is it ever fair that 51% of the people tell the other 49% what they can do with their property?
We were intended to be a representative Republic, and I think it is treason for any government official to say otherwise. If they are going to perpetuate the lie of Democracy, they should at least call it by its rightful name, Mobocracy!
Monday, November 08, 2004
Who would Jesus bomb?
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
So what's a freedom loving American to do?
Now we have "touch-screen" "voting." Read this article: Bigger Than Watergate! In that article (which is only one of many not touched by your beloved mainstream media) they touch on:
"Imagine then if it were possible to somehow subvert the voting process itself in such a way that you could steal elections without anybody knowing.
Imagine for example if you could:
- secure control of the companies that make the voting machines and vote counting software;
- centralise vote counting systems, and politicized their supervision;
- legislate for the adoption of such systems throughout your domain, and provide large amounts of money for the purchase of these systems;- establish systems of vote counting that effectively prevent anybody on the ground in the election at a booth or precinct level - from seeing what is happening at a micro-level;
- get all the major media to sign up to a single exit-polling system that you also control removing the risk of exit-polling showing up your shenanigans.
And imagine further that you;
- install a backdoor, or numerous backdoors, in the vote counting systems you have built that enable you to manipulate the tabulation of results in real time as they are coming in. "
Research the enormous amount of information available on VOTE FRAUD I dare you! Or, would you rather not lose your sense of hope in your beloved system? Perhaps you are happier, head firmly buried in the sand, eyes deeply ensconced behind rose colored glasses?
Oh mighty electorate, take your Anafranil, Aventyl, Celexa, Cymbalta, Desyrel, Effexor, Elavil, Lexapro, Limbitrol, Ludiomil, Luvox, Marplan, Nardil, Norpramin, Pamelor, Parnate, Paxil, Pexeva, Prozac, Remeron, Sarafem, Serzone, Sinequan, Surmontil, Symbyax,Tofranil, Tofranil-PM, Triavil, Vivactil, Wellbutrin, Zoloft and Zyban! Swallow them down with a big, tall cool one! Remote in hand, ass firmly planted on your couch! Then, you tell me I AM WRONG AND YOU ARE RIGHT!
And still, so socially conditioned am I, that I am STILL considered participating in this charade today! How can I? With all I have learned? Why should I? And more to the point, why should I feel so almost GUILTY if I don't? What a fantastic job of social engineering has been done when a person will learn the truth and still deny it.
Six weeks ago I decided to take today off from work. Yesterday as I was leaving one of my coworkers told me to have a great day off. To that I replied, "Thanks, yeah, I might even vote!" To that, the response came shouted across the office from one of the activist attorneys who was not even a party to my conversation, "YOU BETTER VOTE!"
I BETTER VOTE? Guilt (fear), guilt (fear), guilt (fear), guilt (fear). I better vote!
The New Freedom

In our new Amerika we are now arrested for wearing the "wrong" tee-shirt. Smells like FREEDOM!