Thursday, July 16, 2009

Too many cases to's "pointless"!

See...too many to count so roll up yer sleeve!
clipped from

H1N1 pandemic spreading too fast to count: WHO

GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday that the H1N1 flu pandemic was the fastest-moving pandemic ever and that it was now pointless to count every case.

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Britain Prepares for 65,000 swin flu deaths!?

Read article: those who die have "underlying health conditions"...a continuing trend...

The NHS has been told to plan for a worst-case scenario of 65,000 swine flu
deaths this year. The news came as the number of people to die after
contracting the virus rose sharply.

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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Obamageddon – 2012

Empire America is on the verge of collapse. Its social, economic and political systems are failed and failing.

The measures taken by successive governments to save the politically corrupt, morally bankrupt, physically decrepit giant from collapse have served to only hasten its demise. While the decline has been decades in the making, the acceleration of ruinous policies under the current Administration is leading the United States – and much of the world – to the point of no return.

The "green shoots" sighted by Field Marshall Bernanke this past spring were a mirage. The 2010 economic "recovery" predicted by the same experts, authorities and financial boy scouts and cheerleaders who didn't see the economic crisis coming is pure delusion.

By 2012, even those in denial and still clinging to hope will be forced to face the truth. It will be called "Obamageddon" in America. The rest of the world will call it "The Greatest Depression." there anything more to say other than..."Peace Out"?