Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Student Tasered for asking Kerry the wrong question!

Everyone who is outraged by this event, yet another documented show of police brutality, should take a few moments out of their day and write a polite yet firm letter to the President of University of Florida. The voices for liberty must speak out against the wave of tyranny and brutality! SEVEN police officers could have easily escorted this ONE man out of the facility!

Please write a letter to the President of the University of Florida stating your outrage and concern over this:

President Dr. J. Bernard Machem
University of Florida
P.O. Box 113150
Gainesville, FL 32611

The phone number to call to lodge a complaint is:


A Tampa radio station that has a far reaching signal, WFLA, has a poll today regarding this incident of police brutality. currently the poll is running over 80% in FAVOR of the police BRUTALITY. Please take a moment and visit the WFLA AM TAMPA BAY website poll page to vote:

Their polls change daily so [b]you must visit this poll and vote TODAY[/b] Wednesday September 19th!

Thank you!

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