Friday, October 28, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
The All-New Devil's Dictionary
21st Century Definitions for the Neo-Age:
America. Noun. Former republic, reportedly founded 1776, but which foundered soon thereafter. An exemplary idea, a belief better realized in abstract than actuality.
Anti-Semitism. Noun. Mistrust of Jews by non-Jewish people. Not to be confused with Semitism, the outright hatred and hostility of Semitic Jews and Arabs for each other. See Zionism.
Bush. Noun. Prolific shrub, non-native plant beloved by many for purely decorative purposes. Invasive, fast growing and tends to take over a garden. Shade tolerant.
Christianity. Noun. 2,000 year-old religion originally based on gentle non-violence. Now a worldwide cult transformed by conquest, persecution, money-making and cronyism. See Zionism.
Democratic Party. Archaic English. Defunct influence group. Now less powerful than PETA but featuring neutered males and spayed females nonetheless.
Elections. Controlled means of persuading the powerless to stand in line and prove their gullibility.
Evildoers. Anybody not with the US (and more than half of all Americans, according to recent polls). All foreigners, foreign-born, foreign-looking people, or the group Foreigner. All doers and thinkers of evil.
Government. Less than organized crime but on a larger scale. Uses strong arm methods where possible but prefers the lure of promotions, patriotism, bribes, medals, judgeships, cabinet positions and high senate offices, to secure unquestioning allegiance.
Government Appointment. A high bureaucratic post bestowed upon someone woefully unqualified by someone equally so. Lately, the higher the post, the least qualified the person.
Homeland Security. Cardboard castle created to install false sense of security on citizenry with heads in the sand.
Iraq. Mythical Garden of Eden and site of new Indiana Jones movie sequel entitled, Temple of Doom and Gloom.
Jihad. A foreign act of violent terrorism, religious inspired, wholly unrelated to pre-emptive strikes, unlawful occupation or nation-building.
Kean Commission. Belated glimpse into events loosely related to 9-11attack. Conducted by wealthy appointees overly concerned with arcane details, questioning key witnesses allowed to avoid pertinent testimony, finally buried under mountains of paperwork which resulted in a bestselling book.
Lottery. Legalized gambling by state government ostensibly for the benefit of public education, which magically never materializes. AKA “Lotto,” a form of addictive, non-prescription medicine. See Money.
Money. Fictitious wealth created by fictitious states and often called currency. Money is neither liquid nor solid but a vapor, or gas, pumped into the pockets of the populace to induce them to sleep. A pleasant, narcotic feeling occurs, “to have money,” and entire populations are thus controlled by colorful pieces of paper. An addictive substance—See Lottery—and side effects can be lethal: delusions of grandeur, ambition, murder, even treason.
MSM. Acronym (Mainstream Media). Happy lapdogs. Overfed pets who guard the nation. They sniff at felons, whimper at scoundrels, and wag their tails while the whole household is emptied. Satisfied at last, they lick their balls, confident the doorknobs are secure.
Nation-building. Conquest and occupation of one nation by another, for its own good.
NeoCons. Future convicts in a perfect world, role model in this one.
NineOneOne. (9-11) Formidable attack on US urban areas, never fully investigated (See CSI). Crime scenes hastily wrapped in flags, ribbons and black bunting and then hurriedly swept away when mainstream media (MSM) not looking. Forensics painstakingly examined the DNA at Fresh Kills but never examined the motives, means and opportunity of masterminds who benefited (See Government).
Osama Bin Laden. AKA Usama or OBL. Mastermind terrorist and World’s-most-wanted-criminal. Tall, bearded, ascetic Muslim who once lived in a cave. Evidently possesses superpower, since able to thwart FBI, CIA, NORAD and Pentagon. Reportedly invisible.
Pre-emptive Strike. Noun and verb. Democracy-building through creative bombardment. Military incursion to stop proliferation of weapons through use of superior weapons. See War.
Rap. Rhyming ghetto jargon intended to shock the mainstream, mostly white, society. Set to loud, monotonous music difficult to dance to. Meant to establish a voice for poor or powerless minorities but wholly adopted by poor and powerless white kids, who play it loudly after conquering poor and powerless countries.
Shock & Awe. Creative military jargon for quick air strikes using fancy expensive weapons instead of boring diplomacy. Also expected reaction—“shock & awe”--of next generation of Americans when bill for weaponry falls due.
Talk Radio. Blather for white people stuck in traffic who cannot rhyme or rap. Propaganda outlet for huddled masses who imagine they enjoy political power with the state but assuredly do not.
Televangelist. Animated actor in tailored suit with a gift of gab and a TV time slot. Capable of generating millions, allegedly for the Glory of God. Claims to knows Jesus personally; claims spiritual rebirth; claims to speak for God and vice versa (mostly the former). Allegedly Protestant (dating from the protests of Martin Luther), televangelists protest little nowadays. Should God and the state ever clash, actor always chooses the state—without protest. See Christianity.
Television. Contrived, artless programming for morons, by morons and about morons. Created to sell consumer products to over-indulged morons, not least of all the sale of acceptable ideas, societal behavior and political candidates.
War. Profitable enterprise thought up by think tanks, lobbyists, talk radio hosts, bored heads of state and religious nuts (Or anyone not directly involved in the fighting), for use of tax money extorted from otherwise peaceful citizens. War is the disease of the state disguised as a healthy, lawful enterprise.
WASP. The insects at the top of the food chain. Omnivorous, they can eat anything and often do. What they do not eat, they own. Except Zions and Catholics.
Zionism. New age mystic cult, mostly Jewish but also Wasp. Core beliefs are money-making, cronyism, conquest, control of MSM and Madonna, and of course, debased spirituality. Motto is, “By way of deception thou shalt make war.” See (modern) Christianity.
I edited this very slightly for space - Please click on the original. Thank you Douglas Herman - this was classic!
America. Noun. Former republic, reportedly founded 1776, but which foundered soon thereafter. An exemplary idea, a belief better realized in abstract than actuality.
Anti-Semitism. Noun. Mistrust of Jews by non-Jewish people. Not to be confused with Semitism, the outright hatred and hostility of Semitic Jews and Arabs for each other. See Zionism.
Bush. Noun. Prolific shrub, non-native plant beloved by many for purely decorative purposes. Invasive, fast growing and tends to take over a garden. Shade tolerant.
Christianity. Noun. 2,000 year-old religion originally based on gentle non-violence. Now a worldwide cult transformed by conquest, persecution, money-making and cronyism. See Zionism.
Democratic Party. Archaic English. Defunct influence group. Now less powerful than PETA but featuring neutered males and spayed females nonetheless.
Elections. Controlled means of persuading the powerless to stand in line and prove their gullibility.
Evildoers. Anybody not with the US (and more than half of all Americans, according to recent polls). All foreigners, foreign-born, foreign-looking people, or the group Foreigner. All doers and thinkers of evil.
Government. Less than organized crime but on a larger scale. Uses strong arm methods where possible but prefers the lure of promotions, patriotism, bribes, medals, judgeships, cabinet positions and high senate offices, to secure unquestioning allegiance.
Government Appointment. A high bureaucratic post bestowed upon someone woefully unqualified by someone equally so. Lately, the higher the post, the least qualified the person.
Homeland Security. Cardboard castle created to install false sense of security on citizenry with heads in the sand.
Iraq. Mythical Garden of Eden and site of new Indiana Jones movie sequel entitled, Temple of Doom and Gloom.
Jihad. A foreign act of violent terrorism, religious inspired, wholly unrelated to pre-emptive strikes, unlawful occupation or nation-building.
Kean Commission. Belated glimpse into events loosely related to 9-11attack. Conducted by wealthy appointees overly concerned with arcane details, questioning key witnesses allowed to avoid pertinent testimony, finally buried under mountains of paperwork which resulted in a bestselling book.
Lottery. Legalized gambling by state government ostensibly for the benefit of public education, which magically never materializes. AKA “Lotto,” a form of addictive, non-prescription medicine. See Money.
Money. Fictitious wealth created by fictitious states and often called currency. Money is neither liquid nor solid but a vapor, or gas, pumped into the pockets of the populace to induce them to sleep. A pleasant, narcotic feeling occurs, “to have money,” and entire populations are thus controlled by colorful pieces of paper. An addictive substance—See Lottery—and side effects can be lethal: delusions of grandeur, ambition, murder, even treason.
MSM. Acronym (Mainstream Media). Happy lapdogs. Overfed pets who guard the nation. They sniff at felons, whimper at scoundrels, and wag their tails while the whole household is emptied. Satisfied at last, they lick their balls, confident the doorknobs are secure.
Nation-building. Conquest and occupation of one nation by another, for its own good.
NeoCons. Future convicts in a perfect world, role model in this one.
NineOneOne. (9-11) Formidable attack on US urban areas, never fully investigated (See CSI). Crime scenes hastily wrapped in flags, ribbons and black bunting and then hurriedly swept away when mainstream media (MSM) not looking. Forensics painstakingly examined the DNA at Fresh Kills but never examined the motives, means and opportunity of masterminds who benefited (See Government).
Osama Bin Laden. AKA Usama or OBL. Mastermind terrorist and World’s-most-wanted-criminal. Tall, bearded, ascetic Muslim who once lived in a cave. Evidently possesses superpower, since able to thwart FBI, CIA, NORAD and Pentagon. Reportedly invisible.
Pre-emptive Strike. Noun and verb. Democracy-building through creative bombardment. Military incursion to stop proliferation of weapons through use of superior weapons. See War.
Rap. Rhyming ghetto jargon intended to shock the mainstream, mostly white, society. Set to loud, monotonous music difficult to dance to. Meant to establish a voice for poor or powerless minorities but wholly adopted by poor and powerless white kids, who play it loudly after conquering poor and powerless countries.
Shock & Awe. Creative military jargon for quick air strikes using fancy expensive weapons instead of boring diplomacy. Also expected reaction—“shock & awe”--of next generation of Americans when bill for weaponry falls due.
Talk Radio. Blather for white people stuck in traffic who cannot rhyme or rap. Propaganda outlet for huddled masses who imagine they enjoy political power with the state but assuredly do not.
Televangelist. Animated actor in tailored suit with a gift of gab and a TV time slot. Capable of generating millions, allegedly for the Glory of God. Claims to knows Jesus personally; claims spiritual rebirth; claims to speak for God and vice versa (mostly the former). Allegedly Protestant (dating from the protests of Martin Luther), televangelists protest little nowadays. Should God and the state ever clash, actor always chooses the state—without protest. See Christianity.
Television. Contrived, artless programming for morons, by morons and about morons. Created to sell consumer products to over-indulged morons, not least of all the sale of acceptable ideas, societal behavior and political candidates.
War. Profitable enterprise thought up by think tanks, lobbyists, talk radio hosts, bored heads of state and religious nuts (Or anyone not directly involved in the fighting), for use of tax money extorted from otherwise peaceful citizens. War is the disease of the state disguised as a healthy, lawful enterprise.
WASP. The insects at the top of the food chain. Omnivorous, they can eat anything and often do. What they do not eat, they own. Except Zions and Catholics.
Zionism. New age mystic cult, mostly Jewish but also Wasp. Core beliefs are money-making, cronyism, conquest, control of MSM and Madonna, and of course, debased spirituality. Motto is, “By way of deception thou shalt make war.” See (modern) Christianity.
I edited this very slightly for space - Please click on the original. Thank you Douglas Herman - this was classic!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
List of common fallacies
You don't need to take drugs to hallucinate; improper language can fill your world with phantoms and spooks of many kinds.
-Robert A. Wilson
-Robert A. Wilson
The Black Vault
A storehouse of more than 300,000 declassified government documents on everything from assassinations to UFOs. (Grab a cup of coffee, this site could keep you busy for hours!)
Friday, October 14, 2005
More Bush Insults
Everybody is good at something, and George Bush is good at insulting our intelligence.
(And his handlers are good at hypnotizing us. ZZZZZZZZ)
(And his handlers are good at hypnotizing us. ZZZZZZZZ)
The Myth Of Peak Oil
Peak oil is a scam designed to create artificial scarcity and jack up prices while giving the state an excuse to invade our lives and order us to sacrifice our hard-earned living standards.
Publicly available CFR and Club of Rome strategy manuals from 30 years ago say that a global government needs to control the world population through neo-feudalism by creating artificial scarcity. Now that the social architects have de-industrialized the United States, they are going to blame our economic disintegration on lack of energy supplies.
Publicly available CFR and Club of Rome strategy manuals from 30 years ago say that a global government needs to control the world population through neo-feudalism by creating artificial scarcity. Now that the social architects have de-industrialized the United States, they are going to blame our economic disintegration on lack of energy supplies.
Superior Court Judge Convicted of Sex Crimes with Boy
New Jersey Superior Court Judge Stephen W. Thompson, who traveled to Russia to have sex with a teenage boy, was convicted by a federal jury last week on a charge of sexual exploitation of children. The judge also produced a videotape of sex with a minor and then transported that videotape back to the United States. Judge Thompson is associated with the North American Man Boy Love Association, a group which promotes sexual relations between adult men and children. NAMBLA is currently represented by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
It's this type of activity that puts the ACLU in the position of being ridiculed. "Civil Liberties" are a damn good thing to defend -- as in "Love" between two consenting adults. "Man-Boy Love" -- should that be defended as a "Civil Liberty"? It's not Liberty for the Boy when a Man takes advantage of him. Perhaps they are confusing "taking liberties" with someone with Liberty? Or. perhaps a certain number of the ACLU lawyers are themselves members of NAMBLA?
It's this type of activity that puts the ACLU in the position of being ridiculed. "Civil Liberties" are a damn good thing to defend -- as in "Love" between two consenting adults. "Man-Boy Love" -- should that be defended as a "Civil Liberty"? It's not Liberty for the Boy when a Man takes advantage of him. Perhaps they are confusing "taking liberties" with someone with Liberty? Or. perhaps a certain number of the ACLU lawyers are themselves members of NAMBLA?
Drug agents can't keep up with pot growers
"Of course the answer must be, more money, more police and more people in jails. They would never see the obvious answer, FREEDOM."
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
FDLE inspector jailed on child porn counts
A veteran inspector in the Florida Department of Law Enforcement who was awarded a Bronze Star in Iraq with his Army Reserve unit was charged Tuesday with 50 criminal child pornography counts.
Torture Inc.: America's Brutal Prisons
Windows Media Film from The Information Clearing House
By posting this I'm not saying we should treat our prisoners like they're on a posh vacation. But, we should not be so 'holier than thou' by claiming we as Americans don't do this or that -- "oh, look "how they treat their people" -- but we're better than all that. No, we really are not. We are also capable of cruel and inhumane treatment. Yes, Virginia. Americans are quite capable of cruel and inhumane treatment.
By posting this I'm not saying we should treat our prisoners like they're on a posh vacation. But, we should not be so 'holier than thou' by claiming we as Americans don't do this or that -- "oh, look "how they treat their people" -- but we're better than all that. No, we really are not. We are also capable of cruel and inhumane treatment. Yes, Virginia. Americans are quite capable of cruel and inhumane treatment.
Che Chic

You’ve probably seen one by now; perhaps you’ve even donned one. I’m referring to the mass market Che Guevara T-shirts. The image of the dead revolutionary icon has circulated the globe since the late ‘60s but has had a strong resurgence in recent years. Many popular entertainers, including Carlos Santana, have worn the fashionable tees. But does the image of Che really stand for any of the things that those who exhibit it think it does?
Those who wear the T-shirts think they are expressing revolutionary zeal. Was Che a revolutionary? In some respects he was, but once the Cuban revolution triumphed, Guevara seemed more than willing to join the powerful. He was second only to Castro, holding positions such as Minister of Industry and President of the National Bank of Cuba : not very revolutionary jobs by most standards. The results of his tenures at these positions (as well as that of the whole Cuban Revolution) were indisputable failures. Cuba ’s economy--once vibrant and a beacon financial success to Latin America --has yet to recover from the policies forcefully implemented by Guevara and his fellow revolutionaries.
At NotASheep we have no idols. The only thing we hold sacred is Freedom.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Bush's Satanic Verses
He hears God – or does he?
...there is no limit to the arrogance of our leaders, who preen and pose on the world stage as "liberators" and are, in fact, the world's worst hypocrites.
...the president is claiming to be following direct orders from God, but the verdict of history is more likely to be that the Devil made him do it.
...there is no limit to the arrogance of our leaders, who preen and pose on the world stage as "liberators" and are, in fact, the world's worst hypocrites.
...the president is claiming to be following direct orders from God, but the verdict of history is more likely to be that the Devil made him do it.
Security fears as flu virus that killed 50 million is recreated
Scientists have recreated the 1918 Spanish flu virus, one of the deadliest ever to emerge, to the alarm of many researchers who fear it presents a serious security risk.
Undisclosed quantities of the virus are being held in a high-security government laboratory in Atlanta, Georgia, after a nine-year effort to rebuild the agent that swept the globe in record time and claimed the lives of an estimated 50 million people.
We are so "smart" we humans. Another really good idea!
Undisclosed quantities of the virus are being held in a high-security government laboratory in Atlanta, Georgia, after a nine-year effort to rebuild the agent that swept the globe in record time and claimed the lives of an estimated 50 million people.
We are so "smart" we humans. Another really good idea!
Who Did You Torture During The War, Daddy?
"We would give them blows to the head, chest, legs and stomach, and pull them down, kick dirt on them," one sergeant said. "This happened every day...We did it for amusement." Another soldier says detainees were beaten with a broken chemical light stick: "That made them glow in the dark, which was real funny, but it burned their eyes, and their skin was irritated real bad." An off-duty cook told an Iraqi prisoner "to bend over and broke the guy's leg with a ... metal bat." The sergeant continues: "I know that now. It was wrong. There are a set of standards. But you gotta understand, this was the norm."
Torture, condemned by civilized nations and their citizens since the Renaissance, has continued to be carried out in prisons and internment camps in every nation. But save for a few exceptions, such as France's overt torture of Algerian independence fighters during the late 1950s, it has been hidden away, lied about and condemned when exposed. Torture is shameful. It is never official policy.
That changed in the U.S. after 9/11. Current Attorney General Alberto Gonzales authored a convoluted legal memo to George W. Bush justifying torture. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld joked about forcing prisoners to stand all day and officially sanctioned keeping them naked and threatening them with vicious dogs. Ultimately, Bush declared that U.S. forces in Afghanistan would ignore the Geneva Conventions. By 2004, a third of Americans told pollsters that they didn't have a problem with torture.
Torture has been normalized.
Torture, condemned by civilized nations and their citizens since the Renaissance, has continued to be carried out in prisons and internment camps in every nation. But save for a few exceptions, such as France's overt torture of Algerian independence fighters during the late 1950s, it has been hidden away, lied about and condemned when exposed. Torture is shameful. It is never official policy.
That changed in the U.S. after 9/11. Current Attorney General Alberto Gonzales authored a convoluted legal memo to George W. Bush justifying torture. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld joked about forcing prisoners to stand all day and officially sanctioned keeping them naked and threatening them with vicious dogs. Ultimately, Bush declared that U.S. forces in Afghanistan would ignore the Geneva Conventions. By 2004, a third of Americans told pollsters that they didn't have a problem with torture.
Torture has been normalized.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
What could this mean? I called the manufacturer's tech support about it, and they said, and I quote, "The intregrated service tag identifier is there for assisting customers in the event of lost or misplaced personal information."
I'm glad we have all this wonderful technology to "help" us! I feel SOOOO much safer!
I'm glad we have all this wonderful technology to "help" us! I feel SOOOO much safer!
Just in case you know someone who might get a flu vaccine injection this coming fall/winter season, make sure they are aware of what it is they are actually getting. Below is a list of the flu vaccine ingredients for the upcoming season.
Make an Informed Choice!
Make an Informed Choice!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
War is Peace, Ignorance is Bliss
Behind Winston's back the voice from the telescreen was still babbling away about pig-iron and the overfulfilment of the Ninth Three-Year Plan. The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it, moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard. There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live -- did live, from habit that became instinct -- in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.
Pentagon Eyes New Landmine
The George W. Bush administration may soon resume production of antipersonnel land mines in a move that is at odds with both the international community and previous U.S. policy on the weapons, says a leading human rights organization.
In December of this year, the Pentagon will decide whether or not to begin producing a new type of antipersonnel land mine called a ”Spider”. The first of these mines would then be scheduled to roll out in early 2007.
Weaving 'spiders' weave away!
In December of this year, the Pentagon will decide whether or not to begin producing a new type of antipersonnel land mine called a ”Spider”. The first of these mines would then be scheduled to roll out in early 2007.
Weaving 'spiders' weave away!
US forces 'out of control'
"The detention and accidental shootings of journalists is limiting how journalists can operate..."
Dead reporters tell no tales.....
Dead reporters tell no tales.....
Monday, October 03, 2005
It’s like working in an insane asylum...
Depressed and demoralized White House staffers say working at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is “life in a hellhole” as they try to deal with a sullen, moody President whose temper tantrums drive staffers crying from the room and bring the business of running the country to a halt.
“It’s like working in an insane asylum,” says one White House aide. “People walk around like they’re in a trance. We’re the dance band on the Titanic, playing out our last songs to people who know the ship is sinking and none of us are going to make it.”
“It’s like working in an insane asylum,” says one White House aide. “People walk around like they’re in a trance. We’re the dance band on the Titanic, playing out our last songs to people who know the ship is sinking and none of us are going to make it.”
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