Sunday, July 31, 2005
Friday, July 29, 2005
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Fight city hall before city hall fights you
Florida is a game of Monopoly, but you don't get to pass Go.
The state is "among the worst places in the nation to live if you want to protect your home, business or property from the abuse of eminent domain -- where government takes private property not for a `public use'.
The state is "among the worst places in the nation to live if you want to protect your home, business or property from the abuse of eminent domain -- where government takes private property not for a `public use'.
Having Custody Is Just Another Excuse for Cruelty, Torture and Murder
Bush threatened to veto a $442 billion defense spending bill “if legislation is presented that would restrict the president’s authority to protect Americans effectively from terrorist attack and bring terrorists to justice.”
What bothers the administration is an amendment to the bill, a rider if you will, sponsored by Senator John McCain, that would prohibit “ ‘cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment’ of anyone in the custody of the U. S. government.” The profligate spending is okay, it’s just that restriction on being able to arbitrarily torture and murder people without question that’s the problem. That’s what Bush’s people mean when they say “bring terrorists to justice.” A “terrorist,” of course, is any person who is suspected of forcibly resisting the incursion of U.S. imperial forces, proven or not.
What bothers the administration is an amendment to the bill, a rider if you will, sponsored by Senator John McCain, that would prohibit “ ‘cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment’ of anyone in the custody of the U. S. government.” The profligate spending is okay, it’s just that restriction on being able to arbitrarily torture and murder people without question that’s the problem. That’s what Bush’s people mean when they say “bring terrorists to justice.” A “terrorist,” of course, is any person who is suspected of forcibly resisting the incursion of U.S. imperial forces, proven or not.
Dr. Horowitz Articles Link Page
I have read several of Dr. Horowitz's books. He has excellent credentials and knows what he is talking about. I heard him last night on "Coast-to-Coast AM" and you can catch the re-broadcast tonight. Check out his website and this page of his articles. Here you will find these topics:
Select a Category:
Smallpox Risks Abortion
Aids Coverups Bioweapons and Bioterrorism
Anthrax Issues Gulf War Syndrome
Codex Alimentarious &
World Health Organization Healing Codes and
Spiritual Therapies
Colloidal Silver 9-11 Attack on America
Health, Lifestyle and
Nutritional Advice Political Action
New World Order
and Global Elite Public Health Risks
and Toxic Exposures
Vaccine Awareness Dr. Horowitz's Info and Battles
Tetrahedron, LLC Publishing
NEW! LA Fires More Than Economic Boom
Divine Revelations versus Smallpox Vaccinations
Smallpox Vaccination Risks Versus Natural Healing of Smallpox
Smallpox Vaccine Test Results from Baylor University
Investigators Conclude Russian Defector is Lead Suspect in Anthrax Mailings Case
Disease Deities on Capitol Hill Address Autism: Vaccine Injuries Reflect a Deeper Political Pathology
USGAO Commits FRAUD IN AIDS Cover-up OF “Special Virus Cancer Program” Investigation: Officials Lie and Omit Dr. Horowitz’s Expert Testimony
Recommendations for Fasting
Select a Category:
Smallpox Risks Abortion
Aids Coverups Bioweapons and Bioterrorism
Anthrax Issues Gulf War Syndrome
Codex Alimentarious &
World Health Organization Healing Codes and
Spiritual Therapies
Colloidal Silver 9-11 Attack on America
Health, Lifestyle and
Nutritional Advice Political Action
New World Order
and Global Elite Public Health Risks
and Toxic Exposures
Vaccine Awareness Dr. Horowitz's Info and Battles
Tetrahedron, LLC Publishing
NEW! LA Fires More Than Economic Boom
Divine Revelations versus Smallpox Vaccinations
Smallpox Vaccination Risks Versus Natural Healing of Smallpox
Smallpox Vaccine Test Results from Baylor University
Investigators Conclude Russian Defector is Lead Suspect in Anthrax Mailings Case
Disease Deities on Capitol Hill Address Autism: Vaccine Injuries Reflect a Deeper Political Pathology
USGAO Commits FRAUD IN AIDS Cover-up OF “Special Virus Cancer Program” Investigation: Officials Lie and Omit Dr. Horowitz’s Expert Testimony
Recommendations for Fasting
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Obedient Americans Will Make Good Nazis
English statesman Benjamin Disraeli once said, “It has been discovered that the best way to ensure implicit obedience is to commence tyranny in the nursery.” Well, if not in the nursery, a public school system would suffice.
Iraq: This is now an unwinnable conflict
As he completes another tour of duty in the chaos of Iraq, award-winning reporter Patrick Cockburn charts how Bush and Blair's 'winnable war' turned into a mess that is inspiring a worldwide insurgency.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Targeted Assassination in London
Execution is not only permitted, but in this case, it was the preferred method
British Cops trained in Israel
The cold blooded murder of Jean Charles de Menezes, in the Stockwell underground was no accident. London Metropolitan Police had approved a policy of "shoot to kill":
"a controversial tactic deployed only in the most extreme circumstances but one police have been preparing to use for the last two weeks.".
The shoot to kill policy was undertaken under the auspices of "Operation Kratos", named after the mythical Spartan hero. It was carried out by the London Metropolitan's elite SO19 firearms unit often referred to as the Blue Berets. The latter are described as the equivalent to the US SWAT teams, yet in this particular case, they were not wearing uniforms.
"a controversial tactic deployed only in the most extreme circumstances but one police have been preparing to use for the last two weeks.".
The shoot to kill policy was undertaken under the auspices of "Operation Kratos", named after the mythical Spartan hero. It was carried out by the London Metropolitan's elite SO19 firearms unit often referred to as the Blue Berets. The latter are described as the equivalent to the US SWAT teams, yet in this particular case, they were not wearing uniforms.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
Feeling Bohemian: It’s camp time!
That sick old boys club in the woods is gearin' up for their 2005 orgy! DUDES!
What causes Gulf War Illness?
(a.k.a. Gulf War Syndrome; Persian Gulf Illness)
View the trailer of this new movie here.
(a.k.a. Gulf War Syndrome; Persian Gulf Illness)
View the trailer of this new movie here.
President Picks Fellow Torture Architect
Long-Time Bush Crime Family Operative for Supreme Court
Roberts Overruled a Federal Ruling That Had Barred Some of the Nazi Tactics at Guantanamo
Roberts Overruled a Federal Ruling That Had Barred Some of the Nazi Tactics at Guantanamo
Thursday, July 21, 2005
American President Granted ‘Absolute’ Power
by US Federal Court, Not Since Rise of Hitler Has Western Nation Granted Such Dictatorial Rights to Leader
Lying and denying, kicking and screaming, the Busheviks are defending comrade Karl Rove from the enemies of the state who are attacking him.
Uncle Sam wants you – even if you’re 42 years old
The Defense Department quietly asked Congress on Monday to raise the maximum age for military recruits to 42 for all branches of the service.
Government Shouldn't Be Able to Steal Your Stuff!
"Don't want no rude and crude government dude
Causing me a hassle in my castle"
Causing me a hassle in my castle"
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
WAR is a racket
It always has been.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
Genesis of an American Gestapo
The formation of the Bush Gestapo overturns long held precedents for maintaining the independence of law enforcement agencies. Those guidelines have been summarily discarded by the administration, just as they have been ignored by the collaborative media. The nation's steep descent into despotism was barely greeted with a whimper of protest from the mainstream press. The editors of the New York Times applauded the changes as a sign of progress; a step forward in making America safer and "breaking down walls" between foreign and domestic agencies. This is true; there are many cumbersome "barriers" between the President and absolute power but, for all practical purposes, those have now been effectively removed. Notwithstanding the NY Time's perky assessment, the deleterious effects on the American people will be felt for decades to come.
Monday, July 18, 2005
Cui bono? Stupidity Versus Logic in the Latest “Terror” Attack
Another excellent essay exploring who benefits from the TERROR!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Two More WTC Workers Come Forward
One Seriously Burned And The Other Hurt While Trapped In Basement Elevator, Both Claiming Massive Explosion Took Place In Lower Levels Of North Tower On 9/11
Friday, July 15, 2005
Movement builds to seize Souter home
Supreme Court Justice David Souter probably never expected his vote to permit a Connecticut town the power to seize the homes of citizens would come back to haunt him. But it may. An effort by a Los Angeles advertising entrepreneur to persuade the city fathers of Weare, N.H., to turn the tables on Souter by seizing his home and building a hotel on the site is gaining steam.
The Lost Liberty Hotel Project
The Supreme Court ruled that city governments should be allowed to take private property from one person and give it to a developer. So we decided that 34 Cilley Hill Road in Weare, New Hampshire would be a nice place to build The Lost Liberty Hotel. Why is this location essential? It is the home of David Souter, one of the Justices that voted in favor of this decision.
The Lost Liberty Hotel Project
The Supreme Court ruled that city governments should be allowed to take private property from one person and give it to a developer. So we decided that 34 Cilley Hill Road in Weare, New Hampshire would be a nice place to build The Lost Liberty Hotel. Why is this location essential? It is the home of David Souter, one of the Justices that voted in favor of this decision.
Saving a Dying Corpse
An Associated Press news report told of 1,900 sheep following one another over a cliff in Turkey, resulting in the deaths of 450. The sheep had been grazing when, without explanation, some members of the herd began leaping from the cliff. The others followed the lead, providing an example of “sheepish” behavior.
What a fitting metaphor for the herd-oriented behavior of humans. Political systems – along with various corporate interests that have produced the homogeneous corporate-state – have succeeded in getting people to organize themselves into opposing herds. These multitudes are placed under the leadership of persons who function like “Judas goats,” a term derived from the meat-packing industry. Judas goats are trained to lead sheep to the slaughterhouse, slipping safely away as the others are led to the butcher. Political leaders take their flocks to the deadly precipice, depart to the safety of their bunkers, and allow herd instincts to play out their deadly course. With the help of the media, Bush, Blair, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Rice, et al., perform the Judas goat function quite well, rousing the herds into a “let’s you and him fight” mindset without occasioning the loss of their own blood. You will not see any of these smug, arrogant creatures in the front lines of battle: that is the purpose served by the “masses” (i.e., the “herds”).
With its newly-concocted perpetual war upon an unseen enemy – combined with greatly expanded police powers – the established order seeks to force free men and women back into the herd upon which its violent control over life depends. That we may take our places in the serried ranks set out for us by the state so that we remain subservient to the state, is the purpose underlying the present “war on terror.” As with the sheep in Turkey, the consequence will be that we will follow one another over cliffs leading to our mutual destruction. In the tapestry of human history, it is but the latest expression of the state’s continuing war against life.
Another excellent article by Butler Shaffer!
What a fitting metaphor for the herd-oriented behavior of humans. Political systems – along with various corporate interests that have produced the homogeneous corporate-state – have succeeded in getting people to organize themselves into opposing herds. These multitudes are placed under the leadership of persons who function like “Judas goats,” a term derived from the meat-packing industry. Judas goats are trained to lead sheep to the slaughterhouse, slipping safely away as the others are led to the butcher. Political leaders take their flocks to the deadly precipice, depart to the safety of their bunkers, and allow herd instincts to play out their deadly course. With the help of the media, Bush, Blair, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Rice, et al., perform the Judas goat function quite well, rousing the herds into a “let’s you and him fight” mindset without occasioning the loss of their own blood. You will not see any of these smug, arrogant creatures in the front lines of battle: that is the purpose served by the “masses” (i.e., the “herds”).
With its newly-concocted perpetual war upon an unseen enemy – combined with greatly expanded police powers – the established order seeks to force free men and women back into the herd upon which its violent control over life depends. That we may take our places in the serried ranks set out for us by the state so that we remain subservient to the state, is the purpose underlying the present “war on terror.” As with the sheep in Turkey, the consequence will be that we will follow one another over cliffs leading to our mutual destruction. In the tapestry of human history, it is but the latest expression of the state’s continuing war against life.
Another excellent article by Butler Shaffer!
Does Anyone Really Believe This Horseshit?
British authorities finger patsies within days of bombings, country drinks it up, and it’s like Déjà vu all over again!
LONDON, ENGLAND -- (OfficialWire) -- 07/14/05 -- Give me a break. Four young men, maybe five though one chap remains a secret at present, simply decided to blow themselves up in support of a cause none of them had ever previously mentioned to their families, friends or anyone who knew them. Does that sound right?
In fact, UK intelligence agencies had never heard of these guys. They, the alleged London bombers, had everything to live for and no motive in becoming suicide bombers. Do you believe that?
Before you sign onto the government's official story, read a recent article by Paul Joseph Watson, How the Government Staged the London Bombings in Ten Easy Steps. The truth will set you free.
Ten Step Method To Staging a Terrorist Attack
LONDON, ENGLAND -- (OfficialWire) -- 07/14/05 -- Give me a break. Four young men, maybe five though one chap remains a secret at present, simply decided to blow themselves up in support of a cause none of them had ever previously mentioned to their families, friends or anyone who knew them. Does that sound right?
In fact, UK intelligence agencies had never heard of these guys. They, the alleged London bombers, had everything to live for and no motive in becoming suicide bombers. Do you believe that?
Before you sign onto the government's official story, read a recent article by Paul Joseph Watson, How the Government Staged the London Bombings in Ten Easy Steps. The truth will set you free.
Ten Step Method To Staging a Terrorist Attack
Rove-gate: Who Leaked to the Leakers?
Forging "evidence" that helped get us into a war – what are the penalties for that?
The fast developing scandal seemingly centered around Rove and a few journalists has only begun to unfold. By the time it is over, we'll have the War Party – or, at the very least, a few high profile representatives – in the dock, and then the fun will really begin. So forget "Rove-gate" and get ready for "Cheney-gate." I'll gladly forgo the pleasure of seeing the president's chief political advisor frog-marched out of the White House for the prospect of seeing our vice president, along with his top staffers, led out of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in handcuffs.
The fast developing scandal seemingly centered around Rove and a few journalists has only begun to unfold. By the time it is over, we'll have the War Party – or, at the very least, a few high profile representatives – in the dock, and then the fun will really begin. So forget "Rove-gate" and get ready for "Cheney-gate." I'll gladly forgo the pleasure of seeing the president's chief political advisor frog-marched out of the White House for the prospect of seeing our vice president, along with his top staffers, led out of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in handcuffs.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Defending conspiracy "crackpots"
Those who suffer from conspiracy phobia are fond of saying: Do you actually think there's a group of people sitting around in a room plotting things? For some reason that image is assumed to be so patently absurd as to invite only disclaimers. But where else would people of power get together on park benches or carousels? Indeed, they meet in rooms: corporate boardrooms, Pentagon command rooms, at the Bohemian Grove, in the choice dining rooms at the best restaurants, resorts, hotels, and estates, in the many conference rooms at the White House, the NSA, the CIA, or wherever. And, yes, they consciously plot though they call it planning and strategizin and they do so in great secrecy, often resisting all efforts at public disclosure. ...
Yet there are individuals who ask with patronizing, incredulous smiles, do you really think that the people at the top have secret agendas, are aware of their larger interests, and talk to each other about them? To which I respond, why would they not?
The above is from an excellent post by a fellow blogger. I, for one, fully believe in what King George sez and I will not tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories which might attempt to shift blame. After all, any idea or thought which has not been firmly planted in my brain by the governimmediatelybe immediatly dismissed as a conspriacy theory so as to discredit not only the thought but especially the source of the thought. Kill the messenger I say, especially when the message is not one which you agree with!
I, for one, gladly admit to the embracing of any conspiracy theory for which there is credible evidence. But those who condemn me for my views never seem interested in examining the evidence, their purposes being more to prevent the raising of discomforting questions. Having read a good deal of history over the years, I ask my critics to account for the countless foreign intrigues, plots, assassinations, alliances, and other cabals that have been at the heart of so much of the history of the world. Do Shakespeare's tragedies, almost all of which are grounded in conspiracies of one kind or another have nothing to teach us about the machinations of human behavior?
Yet there are individuals who ask with patronizing, incredulous smiles, do you really think that the people at the top have secret agendas, are aware of their larger interests, and talk to each other about them? To which I respond, why would they not?
The above is from an excellent post by a fellow blogger. I, for one, fully believe in what King George sez and I will not tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories which might attempt to shift blame. After all, any idea or thought which has not been firmly planted in my brain by the governimmediatelybe immediatly dismissed as a conspriacy theory so as to discredit not only the thought but especially the source of the thought. Kill the messenger I say, especially when the message is not one which you agree with!
I, for one, gladly admit to the embracing of any conspiracy theory for which there is credible evidence. But those who condemn me for my views never seem interested in examining the evidence, their purposes being more to prevent the raising of discomforting questions. Having read a good deal of history over the years, I ask my critics to account for the countless foreign intrigues, plots, assassinations, alliances, and other cabals that have been at the heart of so much of the history of the world. Do Shakespeare's tragedies, almost all of which are grounded in conspiracies of one kind or another have nothing to teach us about the machinations of human behavior?
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
New York Times reporter Judy Miller and her paper would rather she go to prison for four months than identify their "source." Why?
New York Times reporter Judy Miller and her paper would rather she go to prison for four months than identify their "source." Why?
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
See Scott Squirm
I heard several re-broadcasts today of yesterday's press conference with White House mouthpiece Scott McClelland. Now, if only "reporters" were always this tenacious politicians would get away with a lot less crap! See Scott squirm. Is that urine running down his leg?
Monday, July 11, 2005
A Study of 9/11 And A View Of Who Was Behind It
There are of course those who have fallen under the hypnotic spell of the TV talking-heads and "experts" whom they worship as authority figures. Unaccustomed to thinking for themselves, no amount of truth can sway them from their preconceived prejudices. They will even deny that which they see with their own eyes.
They are victims of a psychological affliction known as "the lemming effect". Lemmings are small rodents who have been known to follow each other as they charge to their deaths into raging rivers or off of cliffs. Lemminghood is an innate psychological phenomenon, present in most mammals and observable in common people as well as the most sophisticated and educated elites. Lemminghood is not an intellectual phenomenon - it is psychological. As such, no socio-economic class is immune to its strangulating effect. A grant- seeking university scientist can be a lemming just as much as a fashion obsessed teen-age girl. One blindly follows the latest trendy theory while the other blindly follows the latest trendy clothing style. What's the difference? Neither can resist the force of nature.
Are you a thinker or a lemming? Do you have what it takes to break free? If so, read on!
They are victims of a psychological affliction known as "the lemming effect". Lemmings are small rodents who have been known to follow each other as they charge to their deaths into raging rivers or off of cliffs. Lemminghood is an innate psychological phenomenon, present in most mammals and observable in common people as well as the most sophisticated and educated elites. Lemminghood is not an intellectual phenomenon - it is psychological. As such, no socio-economic class is immune to its strangulating effect. A grant- seeking university scientist can be a lemming just as much as a fashion obsessed teen-age girl. One blindly follows the latest trendy theory while the other blindly follows the latest trendy clothing style. What's the difference? Neither can resist the force of nature.
Are you a thinker or a lemming? Do you have what it takes to break free? If so, read on!
He said such attacks left only one course of action: "We continue to take the fight to the enemy and will fight till this enemy is defeated."
more war more war more war you are getting very sleepy march march
more war more war more war you are getting very sleepy march march
What we have here is a failure to communicate.
OK, people. Get a grip. I was just reading that a web forum mass banned a bunch of folks because they were discussing "conspiracy theories." GWB would be proud! Let us not tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories that would attempt to place blame for terrorism on those other than who we tell you. As I read the comments on this site I see people directly quoting the media, "we have an admission of guilt from an islamist website", etc. What "we have" is what the media tells us. What we think, is what the media tells us to think. What we see is what the media shows us.
What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach!
What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach!
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Cui Bono Revisited
Cui Bono is not the rock musician who fashions himself mankind’s ambassador to the governments of the world. It is, rather, the question asked when an official was murdered in ancient Rome: "who benefited"? It is the question gullible minds have long forgotten to ask themselves following politically-motivated atrocities.
This is an opportune time for intelligent men and women to begin formulating their own questions, rather than continuing to internalize answers fed to them by those with an interest in conditioning their minds. Such an inquiry ought to include the possibility that some of these events might be the product of provocateuring (i.e., the political establishment engineering attacks in order to arouse public sentiment on behalf of expanded police powers and a war agenda). The very existence of the word admits of its historic role in matters political. The burning of the German Reichstag facilitated Hitler’s rise to power, while Roosevelt’s conscious efforts to bring about the bombing of Pearl Harbor made it possible for him to overcome public opposition to entering the war.
This is an opportune time for intelligent men and women to begin formulating their own questions, rather than continuing to internalize answers fed to them by those with an interest in conditioning their minds. Such an inquiry ought to include the possibility that some of these events might be the product of provocateuring (i.e., the political establishment engineering attacks in order to arouse public sentiment on behalf of expanded police powers and a war agenda). The very existence of the word admits of its historic role in matters political. The burning of the German Reichstag facilitated Hitler’s rise to power, while Roosevelt’s conscious efforts to bring about the bombing of Pearl Harbor made it possible for him to overcome public opposition to entering the war.
450 sheep jump to their deaths in Turkey
First one sheep jumped to its death. Then stunned Turkish shepherds, who had left the herd to graze while they had breakfast, watched as nearly 1,500 others followed, each leaping off the same cliff, Turkish media reported.
Just like the human herd....Bah bah bah bah baaaaaaaaah!
Just like the human herd....Bah bah bah bah baaaaaaaaah!
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Friday, July 08, 2005
Americans For Fair Trade
Americans For Fair Trade is a non-profit organization to promote and educate the American public on issues relating to free and fair trade agreements with other countries. We believe that free and fair trade should benefit all parties involved without sacrificing American jobs.
Send an e-mail to your representative from this site.
Send an e-mail to your representative from this site.
The ultimate aim of this outrage,
just like WTC attacks, is to scare the public into submission; to scare the public into parting with basic civil liberties and to bring us all into one world government. FEAR FEAR FEAR COMPLY COMPLY COMPLY YOU ARE GETTING VERY SLEEEEPY
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Monday, July 04, 2005
It is a fraud - actually a setback to reducing poverty in Africa. Entirely conditional on vicious, discredited economic programmes imposed by the World Bank and the IMF, the "package" will ensure that the "chosen" countries slip deeper into poverty. Behind this front, rapacious power can "re-order" the lives of millions in favour of totalitarian corporations and their control of the world's resources.
Protest the Bohemians
July 15-17
Converge and Greet Them
Friday, July 15th
Once again for the 125th year, Bohemia will ring with the sound of men making money. Their 2 weeks of mid-summer revelry will begin by getting there, and you can be there to greet them! Bring signs, banners, drums.
War for oil in the Middle East; Environmental disturbances on a global scale; The rich receive tax cuts while the Bill of Rights and services for the poor are gutted.
We recognize that the Bohemians have full control of the reigns of power and wealth and they are using those reigns to steer a course toward destruction.
Converge and Greet Them
Friday, July 15th
Once again for the 125th year, Bohemia will ring with the sound of men making money. Their 2 weeks of mid-summer revelry will begin by getting there, and you can be there to greet them! Bring signs, banners, drums.
War for oil in the Middle East; Environmental disturbances on a global scale; The rich receive tax cuts while the Bill of Rights and services for the poor are gutted.
We recognize that the Bohemians have full control of the reigns of power and wealth and they are using those reigns to steer a course toward destruction.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Happy "Interdependence" Day
All these well-meaning, useful idiots. It's really pathetic. Do they really think this campaign will change the way of the International Bankers? The IB's "loan" the money to nations that have no means of actual "monetary" repayment. they do so knowing full well that what they will ultimately get for their "loan" is to take over "rights" to the beholden nation's resources. It's a scam that's been going on for years. But, hey...make a donation to Bob Geldoff's troupe and certainly the International Banker's and their stooge front men will change their ways and "forgive" all the "debt" and "end poverty."
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