"Mr. Bush’s attempt to make tralll lawyer a four letter word – heck, he may actually think it is four letters – would be laughable if it were not designed to discredit an entire group of professionals. What can you say about a man who will utilize the office of the President to smear the very group which got him there in the first place? In the legal profession, we have an expression – res ipsa loquitor – the thing speaks for itself. "
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Friday, October 29, 2004
Up goes the terror!
As the feeling of impending doom gets stronger and stronger Al-C-I-A-Da releases this video.
This report is interesting:
"On the video, the unknown man's face is masked with a Palestinian scarf and sunglasses. He stabs the air with his finger, which appears to be fair-skinned, as he delivers his warning in American-accented English."
A Palestinian headscarf? American accented english? Hmmmmm....
My mailbox was BOMBARDED yesterday with "vote" crap. Being a registered Independent I get blasted from all sides. I am still considering "voting." I mean, I do have up until Tuesday to decide if I want to participate in this charade? I am sick of the traffic tie-ups downtown with all the early "voters." I am sick of all the visual pollution from all the signs everywhere, "Vote for me and I'll set you free."
The next attacks, he adds, "could come at any moment."
Attacks. That would be more than one? Thank you Ill-uminated ones. What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world you have molded for us.
Our Ill-uminated "President" flips the bird to you, and you, and you, and you!
This report is interesting:
"On the video, the unknown man's face is masked with a Palestinian scarf and sunglasses. He stabs the air with his finger, which appears to be fair-skinned, as he delivers his warning in American-accented English."
A Palestinian headscarf? American accented english? Hmmmmm....
My mailbox was BOMBARDED yesterday with "vote" crap. Being a registered Independent I get blasted from all sides. I am still considering "voting." I mean, I do have up until Tuesday to decide if I want to participate in this charade? I am sick of the traffic tie-ups downtown with all the early "voters." I am sick of all the visual pollution from all the signs everywhere, "Vote for me and I'll set you free."
The next attacks, he adds, "could come at any moment."
Attacks. That would be more than one? Thank you Ill-uminated ones. What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world you have molded for us.
Our Ill-uminated "President" flips the bird to you, and you, and you, and you!
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Kerry "Wins" 2004 Presidential Selection!
I'm going to go out on a limb here and make my prediction. In my scientific "red tie - blue tie" poll I found that Kerry was allowed to wear his red (power) tie 2 out of the 3 "debates" which clearly shows that he is the favoured candidate of the Illuminated ones.
Be on the lookout for widespread chaos among the more "civilized" "voters" who "voted" for BushMongerInc. to break out across the country.
Be on the lookout for widespread chaos among the more "civilized" "voters" who "voted" for BushMongerInc. to break out across the country.
Getting out the Non-Vote
"My sentiments on the topic have little, incidentally, to do with the fact that both candidates in this presidential election are certifiable liars, lifelong ne'er-do-wells, and borderline sociopaths."
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Big Brother Under Your Skin
The future is now. The microchip implant for humans is here. Free with every vente latte!
I shall walk toward my car completely naked and keyless and laughing maniacally and I shall wave my arm over a tiny scanner and the doors will open and the engine will start and the stereo will begin to pump out "Highway to Hell" at a nice respectable skull-thumping volume.
And, lo, it shall be Good.
I shall stroll up to any ATM sans wallet and sans ATM card and I shall hold my arm over the screen and immediately withdraw four hundred dollars and then turn around to the big shiny vending machine and wave my arm again and get myself a nice bag of toxic neon-orange Doritos and a Diet Mountain Dew so I can poison my body in the American tradition without inserting a single piece of needless pocket change.
And, lo, it shall be Good.
I shall walk toward my car completely naked and keyless and laughing maniacally and I shall wave my arm over a tiny scanner and the doors will open and the engine will start and the stereo will begin to pump out "Highway to Hell" at a nice respectable skull-thumping volume.
And, lo, it shall be Good.
I shall stroll up to any ATM sans wallet and sans ATM card and I shall hold my arm over the screen and immediately withdraw four hundred dollars and then turn around to the big shiny vending machine and wave my arm again and get myself a nice bag of toxic neon-orange Doritos and a Diet Mountain Dew so I can poison my body in the American tradition without inserting a single piece of needless pocket change.
And, lo, it shall be Good.
The Drivers License as HOSTAGE tool for the draft (among other things)
"Well, here is my suggestion . . . . All you young fellows should go ahead and make a "good faith" effort to sign up for the Selective Service. However, since they want your signature, don't give it to them. After all, it IS your property and they have no power on earth to FORCE you into giving it up to them in order to enter into a contract with them. If you use the card that you can get at the Post Office, and you have no birth certificate, then don't fill in the date of birth. If you don't have a socialist security number, don't fill that in. And where it wants you to put your name, fill it out but USE UPPER AND LOWER CASE letters, because they want all capitals which designates a FICTION at law. And of course they want you to sign and admit that you are the fiction as stated above in the contract. Where it says "State" there is a block for two letters. I cannot fit Arkansas in that block. And as for the zip code? Why do they need it? The POST OFFICE needs zip codes. That is what they are for.
Now attach a letter and explain the above and be sure to have it notarized and do not sign it. Then send it to them registered return receipt mail. That way you have PROOF that you made a good faith effort to register.
Here is what the letter could say:
I, (I will use myself as the example) Mark of the House of Reynolds, do hereby make the good faith effort to register with the Selective Service. However, the card you wish me to fill out has some glaring errors on it that I cannot in good faith fill out with the foreknowledge and understanding of the consequences.
1. You want my date of birth. Since I don't have a state-issued birth certificate, and in my case the place most folks call Arkansas refuses to allow the use of my proof of birth, I have no way to fill in this blank and in good faith sign that the statement is true. You see, I was not cognizant of my birth. I had no idea of the day or time, because I was an infant. I have to rely on the word of my parents to make the claim. They could have lied to me, though I do doubt it, but the possibility exists.
2. I have no Social Security number. For it to be my number, I would have to initiate its existence. Since these numbers are issued by agents of the Federal government, I would ask that you find out from them what the number is that they issued to me. You will find that they never issued one. They may have issued one to MARK REYNOLDS, but that is a fiction and I am not a fiction. (Your case may be that you never even had one issued, as in the case of my son.)
3. You ask that I fill my name out in black ink and in CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. To do so would be creating a fiction of myself, known in law as a straw man. And if I were to "affirm" that the statements were true, I would be affirming that I am the fiction that I was just cunningly deceived into creating.
4. You ask that I place the name of the state I reside in within two blocks. I do not know how to put the place most folks call Arkansas in a space of two blocks. AR is not the state of Arkansas . And as for the zip code? That is a number the Post Office requests for the mailing of papers and packages. I cannot in good faith place a number that is a federal identifier on this card. I only use it for the Post Office, which is who it is intended to be used for, and I do so with them in protest.
5. And lastly, you request my signature. My signature is my personal property and I do not enter into any contracts using it unless I know all of the ramifications of the contract. I do not require or desire any benefits which you may wish to bestow upon me if I have entered into a contract with you. I have no desire to yoke myself together with people who avidly work against my beliefs.
Now, attach your letter which you make sure is notarized and send it return receipt requested. You will have then made a good faith effort to "register" with the Selective Service."
Now attach a letter and explain the above and be sure to have it notarized and do not sign it. Then send it to them registered return receipt mail. That way you have PROOF that you made a good faith effort to register.
Here is what the letter could say:
I, (I will use myself as the example) Mark of the House of Reynolds, do hereby make the good faith effort to register with the Selective Service. However, the card you wish me to fill out has some glaring errors on it that I cannot in good faith fill out with the foreknowledge and understanding of the consequences.
1. You want my date of birth. Since I don't have a state-issued birth certificate, and in my case the place most folks call Arkansas refuses to allow the use of my proof of birth, I have no way to fill in this blank and in good faith sign that the statement is true. You see, I was not cognizant of my birth. I had no idea of the day or time, because I was an infant. I have to rely on the word of my parents to make the claim. They could have lied to me, though I do doubt it, but the possibility exists.
2. I have no Social Security number. For it to be my number, I would have to initiate its existence. Since these numbers are issued by agents of the Federal government, I would ask that you find out from them what the number is that they issued to me. You will find that they never issued one. They may have issued one to MARK REYNOLDS, but that is a fiction and I am not a fiction. (Your case may be that you never even had one issued, as in the case of my son.)
3. You ask that I fill my name out in black ink and in CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. To do so would be creating a fiction of myself, known in law as a straw man. And if I were to "affirm" that the statements were true, I would be affirming that I am the fiction that I was just cunningly deceived into creating.
4. You ask that I place the name of the state I reside in within two blocks. I do not know how to put the place most folks call Arkansas in a space of two blocks. AR is not the state of Arkansas . And as for the zip code? That is a number the Post Office requests for the mailing of papers and packages. I cannot in good faith place a number that is a federal identifier on this card. I only use it for the Post Office, which is who it is intended to be used for, and I do so with them in protest.
5. And lastly, you request my signature. My signature is my personal property and I do not enter into any contracts using it unless I know all of the ramifications of the contract. I do not require or desire any benefits which you may wish to bestow upon me if I have entered into a contract with you. I have no desire to yoke myself together with people who avidly work against my beliefs.
Now, attach your letter which you make sure is notarized and send it return receipt requested. You will have then made a good faith effort to "register" with the Selective Service."
Ousted by Bush For Wearing This T-Shirt
Three Oregon teachers were kicked out of a Bush campaign rally late last week and threatened with arrest for wearing this T-shirt: "Protect Our Civil Liberties," reports The Associated Press. The teachers, all of whom were appropriately ticketed for the event and admitted to it, did not say or do anything other than wear the shirt.
Democratic National Chairman Terry McAuliffe called the action "beyond outrageous" and said there has never before been a presidential campaign that is so determined to "keep people away who have a different view. The president has stripped his events of anyone who might disagree with him, which is completely un-American," McAuliffe said in a conference call with reporters on Sunday. Meanwhile, Bush campaign spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt told AP that no one on the campaign staff "can remember the incident or understand why they would have been removed unless there was reason to believe that they were disruptive or were planning to be disruptive."
One of the teachers, Tonia Tong, 34, of Medford, Oregon, said the three had agreed to remain quiet during the event. Although they successfully passed three security checkpoints, a volunteer who was assisting with security stopped one of the teachers, Janet Voorhies, 48, when she tried to go to the bathroom. Voorhies was told at that time that she and her friends were no longer welcome. Police officers then escorted them out of the Central Point fairgrounds where the event was taking place. They were told they would be arrested if they did not comply. The Bush/Cheney campaign routinely screens the opinions of those who attend speeches made by the two candidates.
Democratic National Chairman Terry McAuliffe called the action "beyond outrageous" and said there has never before been a presidential campaign that is so determined to "keep people away who have a different view. The president has stripped his events of anyone who might disagree with him, which is completely un-American," McAuliffe said in a conference call with reporters on Sunday. Meanwhile, Bush campaign spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt told AP that no one on the campaign staff "can remember the incident or understand why they would have been removed unless there was reason to believe that they were disruptive or were planning to be disruptive."
One of the teachers, Tonia Tong, 34, of Medford, Oregon, said the three had agreed to remain quiet during the event. Although they successfully passed three security checkpoints, a volunteer who was assisting with security stopped one of the teachers, Janet Voorhies, 48, when she tried to go to the bathroom. Voorhies was told at that time that she and her friends were no longer welcome. Police officers then escorted them out of the Central Point fairgrounds where the event was taking place. They were told they would be arrested if they did not comply. The Bush/Cheney campaign routinely screens the opinions of those who attend speeches made by the two candidates.
Dumb and Dumber
"It has become a bad thing to think without being told how to think. I was chatting with someone in a chat room recently and she used the word intellectual as an insult, as she accused me of being one. I remember thinking how strange that was. The fact that someone would attempt to insult someone, by saying that they were capable of perceptive and creative thought really left me speechless."

Five Reasons Not to Vote
For the first time since 1980 I am seriously considering NOT to vote. The whole replublicrat-democan morph has really become very stale for me. It's a creation (the left-right paradigm) meant to keep us divided, defensive and not talking about the real issues that effect ALL of us. IF we ALL got together that would be too scary for the ruling class so they keep us all divided and then THEY pretend to be different, THEY pretend to offer an illusion of choice.
Monday, October 18, 2004
Read it and Weep
The "What Really Happened.com" vote fraud archive. Participate. Line up for your sticker. "I voted"
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Friday, October 08, 2004
The School Board Sickness
"Government schools are an atrocity. Not all government schoolteachers are evil, any more than all police officers are. But the system itself, funded through theft in the form of taxation, populated through kidnapping in the form of mandatory attendance, and serving the interests of state propaganda and social engineering, is an abomination constituting one of the very worst programs of American domestic policy."
Countdown to the Selection: Fear
School Warning:
School Plans, Security Information Gathered by Suspected Iraq Insurgent Focus Concern on Schools in Six States
Oct. 7, 2004 — Schools in six states in particular are being watched closely based on information uncovered by the U.S. military in Baghdad this summer, law enforcement and education officials told ABC News.
--Interesting timing on this story. I read where this was found in July, but we are just now hearing about it. Why?
School Plans, Security Information Gathered by Suspected Iraq Insurgent Focus Concern on Schools in Six States
Oct. 7, 2004 — Schools in six states in particular are being watched closely based on information uncovered by the U.S. military in Baghdad this summer, law enforcement and education officials told ABC News.
--Interesting timing on this story. I read where this was found in July, but we are just now hearing about it. Why?
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Police State Trend: Arresting Young Children for Fighting
When I was a kid if they arrested every kid for this type of thing there'd be none of us left out on the streets. But wait, that's just the point isn't it? No child left behind...out of the clutches of the judicial system?
DISASTER FOR BUSH: America Clearly Sees At Last That The Emperor Is Naked
Rambling, Incoherent... and It Was Bush Wiping The Sweat Away (and Drinking Heavily)
by Betsy R. Vasquez
--Good account of the first presidential "debate."
Rambling, Incoherent... and It Was Bush Wiping The Sweat Away (and Drinking Heavily)
by Betsy R. Vasquez
--Good account of the first presidential "debate."
Bush, Kerry, and the CFR, It's All In The Family
It's just amazing to me..my demo-friends who still believe, with all their heart, that John Kerry somehow represents THEM. The little guy. The working class. The downtrodden. He is one of the thickest blue-bloods that has been marketed to the masses since...hmmm, Bush! There's really not a dimes worth of difference between the two. It's war or war-lite.
Mary Schneider's (federal whistleblower) site. I found it interesting...but a good friend of mine said, "yawn." Yeah, "yawn" is where we're at with this stuff isn't it?
Monday, October 04, 2004
Mind Control
The topic of mind control is elaborate, multifaceted, and multilayered. For the casual reader, it can quickly become numbing, overwhelming the senses and creating a desire to exit the topic, but avoiding this subject is the most foolish thing you could possibly do since your only chance of surviving this hideous and insidious enslavement agenda, which today threatens virtualy all of humanity, is to understand how it functions and take steps to reduce your vulnerability.
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