Sunday, October 28, 2007

Israel shaken by troops' tales of brutality against Palestinians

Israel shaken by troops' tales of brutality against Palestinians

A psychologist blames assaults on civilians in the 1990s on soldiers' bad training, boredom and poor supervision.

I hope they are "shaken." Can't help but wonder, really, how is this brutality any different than brutality against Jewish people by the Nazis? Just wondering...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Ron Paul on Good Morning America

Ron Paul - University of Micigan Rally Speech

Ron Paul U of M Rally Michigan Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Ron Paul on why we're in Iraq

Ron Paul on congressional authorization to go to war

Ron Paul on Unions

Ron Paul on supporting the GOP nominee

Ron Paul on confidence in the economy

Ron Paul on Hardball w/ Chris Matthews (10/09/07)

Read the constitution? DOH! What a concept!

Paul vs. Huckabee on the surge.

Huckabee - a perfect example of the moronic convoluted thought process that got this country into the sick mess it is in! "We broke it - we bought it." What an idiot!

Ron Paul on the transfer of wealth

Ron Paul - the ONLY candidate who is telling THE TRUTH!