Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Hundreds of video game fans endured chilly temperatures on both U.S. coasts to be among the first to get their hands on Microsoft Corp.'s new Xbox 360 video game console, which went on sale in North America on Tuesday.

Monday, November 21, 2005

...he began using a drug that altered his state of mind...

Post script. Move along. Nothing to see here!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Antiwar Sermon Brings IRS Warning

501c is nothing more than a whore for the state anyway...

Not Your Soldier

Counter Recruit!

War is Fun as Hell

The Games Recruiters Play

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

In Celebration of today - "VOTE" day!

My advice:

Vote Yes! That means vote no.

Vote No! That means vote yes.

Vote for me! That means vote for the other biped.

Better yet - screw it. Don't bother.

Bush Orders Ethics Course


What Aliens Know About Earth

To the alien outposts stationed just outside the Ionosphere, I imagine Earth resembles a fascinating but backward anthill. Maybe alien research teams have flocked to Earth for centuries to conduct post-graduate work in primitive anthropology, as our scientists flock to Borneo or the Amazon to study primitive societies there. Maybe Earth is a desirable listening post for aliens. They listen and, in moments of boredom, buzz the locals for thrills. But then again, maybe our fascinating little planet is so fascinating because it's composed of demented tribes of warlike bipeds.

Justices debate use of sacred tea

The Supreme Court debated Tuesday whether to let a small congregation in New Mexico worship with hallucinogenic tea, the first religious-freedom dispute under Chief Justice John Roberts.

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor seemed skeptical of the Bush administration's claim that the tea can be banned, but she may not be around to vote in the case.

Perhaps "The Bush Administration" would booze and cocaine instead?