Friday, November 20, 2009


'This is a stern, yet humble, warning to all citizens of the globe. It is now proven that we are all being harmed by repeat vaccinations. This evidence must be circulated broadly in light of the imminent Fall, 2009 plan to turn North American schools into MASS vaccine centers to institute triple flu vaccine to us all. Children will be the first to be injected with experimental flu vaccines. The entire vaccine industry, as it turns out, has been experimental. We did not know that we were causing damages – for us all.

In case you are wondering what will happen, the answers are contained in this article. The same thing will happen as has been happening with all vaccines. Clinically silent ischemic brain and body damages will happen. The only difference is that you can now see these damages, with your own eyes, in the here and now, in real time, and in your family photos going back fifty or more years if you have to.'

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Side Effects Unknown for New Swine Flu Vaccine from GlaxoSmithKline - Package Insert Not Released

In order to meet the growing need for swine flu vaccination in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved another H1N1 vaccine for use in the U.S., distributed by GlaxoSmithKline. This vaccine is based on the seasonal flu vaccine called FLULAVAL.

Formaldehyde in the swine flu vaccine

The formulation used in FLULAVAL contains formaldehyde as a result of the vaccine manufacturing process. This is an inactivated virus, used for injection. Formaldehyde is used during vaccine processing in order to kill the virus.

Mercury in the new H1N1 vaccine

According to the package insert for FLULAVAL, there are 25 micrograms of mercury in each .5mL dose of the H1N1 vaccine distributed in multi-dose vials. There are no single-dose vials of this vaccine.

Virginia teen athlete in wheel chair after H1N1 vaccine shot

A teenage Virginia athlete is in a wheel chair now after suffering Guillain-Barre Syndrome within hours after receiving an H1N1 swine flu vaccine shot. 14-year-old Jordan McFarland developed severe headaches, muscle spasms and weakness in his legs after being injected. He will need "extensive physical therapy" to recovery, reports MSNBC. Plus, he'll need the help of a walker for four to six weeks.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Miscarriage and Vaccine - Read it and weep...

Shocking H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Miscarriage Stories From Pregnant Women – Tell Your Doctors That Vaccines And Pregnancy Do Not Mix!

What you are about to read below should shock and anger you. If they are telling us that the swine flu vaccine is not safe for children under 6 months of age, then why in the world would it be safe for pregnant women and their babies? That doesn't make an ounce of sense, does it?

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Shouldn't this be illegal?

clipped from

GPs to get bigger bonuses if they meet swine flu jab targets

Doctors are in line for huge bonuses if large numbers of their patients sign up for swine flu jabs.

Last night, critics expressed outrage that GPs were getting yet more money for effectively pushing drugs on to their patients.

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Monday, November 09, 2009

Why was he a Major?

And wow, just wow, how good he was with 2 handguns. Did he have three arms? How did he reload so fast?
clipped from

U.S. intelligence agencies were aware months ago that Army Major Nidal Hasan was attempting to make contact with people associated with al Qaeda, two American officials briefed on classified material in the case told ABC News.

It is not known whether the intelligence agencies informed the Army that one of its officers was seeking to connect with suspected al Qaeda figures, the officials said.

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Friday, November 06, 2009

Another uneducated "crazy" speaking about the pig vac..

Swine Flu Government Data Scam

What is happening in the Ukraine? And is that from the shot itself? And how does the Baxter Int'l contaminated vac's figure into that picture? And why are children and pregnant women being targeted? - why are pregnant women being targeted with an experimental vaccine? Why is the CDC not counting actual cases? Why did the president declare a nat'l emergency? Was it not to open the flow of experimental vaccine easier into the pipeline? And why do the manufacturers have complete immunity from product liability? And why aren't more people asking these questions and more? My 'swine flu' newspaper article archive file is overflowing - this being the biggest media blitz I have seen for a vaccine in my lifetime. When the articles are displayed across a table in a straight line it's a perfect example of Problem-Reaction-Solution -- classic Hegelian Dialectic at work.